Come Back

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(Play Meet You at the Graveyard by Cleffy while reading, trust me)

In 2001 while the band is on tour in London, the boys go out to a bar across the street from their hotel. Abi must stay in the hotel because she can't go with them since they are not performing. Taylor was partying hard one night and was messing around with Heroin. Taylor decided to go back to the hotel early and ended up falling into a coma. Abi hears something crash and slowly walks out from where she is trying to sleep and sees Taylor collapsed on the ground. She runs over to him shakes him and yells out his name. She's seen this before. This is how she found her mother. She looks at Taylor's arm and rolls it over, seeing the needle marks all over his veins, "T, wake up please!" Taylor's chest slowly becomes covered in tears, and Abi struggles to say each of her words, "You promised you wouldn't leave me!"

About 2 minutes passed and Taylor still wasn't responding, his chest soaked in Abi's tears. Abi pulls herself away from Taylor and sprints out of the hotel room, running straight to Dave's room. She bashes her fists on Dave's door rapidly, trying to yell for him but can't stop crying. She screams out for Dave as loud as she can, her words shaking with tears streaming down her face. Dave slams the door open panicked, "Abi? What the fuck?" He rubs his eyes and sees Abi shaking and bawling her eyes out. He knows that when she panics like this, hugs can make it 10x better or 10x worse, so he doesn't hug her and takes the chance to make it better without physical affection. He enters the hall and closes the door behind him, "What is it B?" The girl looks up at him, her words not loud enough to comprehend. "Just show me B," he says, trying not to raise his voice. Abi grabs Dave's hand and pulls him towards where Taylor is. Her hand hesitates over the door handle before she slams it open. Dave investigates the room and is met with Taylor's still body. He gently pushes Abi to the side and runs over to Taylor, dropping to his knees at his side. He tries to shake Taylor awake, yelling out his name. He fails to answer, and Dave jumps back up, sprinting to the phone, and tries to call an ambulance, but his mind is blank. He drops the phone and runs out of the room, leaving Abi in tears and confusion. Dave bashes Chris and Nate's doors and they both tumble out of their rooms. "Quick! I think Taylor has overdosed!" The two snap out of their tired states and run into the room after Dave. She is on the floor next to Taylor, begging him to wake up. Nate and Dave go over to the phone to call an ambulance while Chris goes to help Abi. "Abi, you have to give him space," Chris says while placing a hand on her shoulder. She wiggles out of his grip, continuing to shake Taylor. " Chris pulls Abi into a hug and she fights back a bit, "It's okay, you're okay." she relaxes a bit more, crying into Chris's shoulder, "He promised! He promised he wouldn't leave me like she did." Chris squeezes her tighter and he knows what she means, it's her mother all over again.

When the ambulance arrives, they try to separate the band from Taylor. Dave, Chris, and Nate back up when asked but Abi refuses to leave his side. She pushes back away from everyone and starts begging on her knees again, "TAYLOR! DAD! DAD, PLEASE GET UP! Please..." Paramedics try to grab Abi but Nate and Dave stop them, and Chris heads over to her. He kneels beside her, "You have to move so they can help him." She looks at him, her eyes bright red, "Please!" Chris picks her up and swings her legs around him and she almost instantly drowns his shoulder in tears, only slightly trying to get away. The paramedics get Taylor out of the hotel without being seen by the paparazzi. Dave and Abi go in the ambulance with him and plan to meet Chris and Nate there.

"Please God, please let him live" Dave prays while sitting with Taylor and Abi waiting for Chris and Nate to turn up. Chris and Nate however are standing at the door of Taylor's room, giving them a bit of privacy before entering. "Please T, I can't do this without you. Please Dad," Abi cries into Taylor's chest. "They are so hurt," Nate says no louder than a whisper, "I can't even imagine what they are going through. Dave lost Kurt and now he might lose Taylor." Chris breathes out and Nate notices the shakiness. "Nate, Abi is only a child, and she has already lost her mother, and now she might lose Taylor," Chris says as he chokes on tears. "It might not even be a might at this point," Chris starts, "They don't think he'll make it." Chris and Nate exchange a worried glance before they head into the room.

The two boys leave the room to talk and get food. "Do you reckon they'll get through this?" Chris asks Nate, "If he does, they will," Nate says nodding his head toward Taylor from the vending machine outside the door. "And if he doesn't?" Nate doesn't reply and Chris knows what that means, he is their life, and if he doesn't make it no one knows what will happen. Dave might finally give up, and if that happens, it's almost certain that once Abi gets older, she'll be gone too. "They haven't ever believed in God till now, have they?" Chris asks, "No," Nate says as he coughs back the tears showing in his voice, "No they haven't." Nate and Chris walk back towards Taylor's room. Chris sits back next to Abi, and Nate next to Dave, "Hey Abi, what are you writing?" Abi doesn't respond to Chris and does not glance up from the notebook leaning against Taylor's side. One of her hands is in his and the other is firmly gripped to a pen, scribbling continuously on the page still wet from her tears. Nate and Chris exchange another worried glance between each other. Dave is passed out while holding Taylor's other hand with both of his, and the girl who has already been through so much is clinging on to Taylor like if she is to let go, she will never hold him again.

For the whole time that Taylor was in a coma, Dave and Abi would sit by his bed until they would go back to the hotel at night. Every time they left Taylor's side they would cry and pray to God. Every time Chris and Nate came to the hospital, Chris would sit with Abi and Nate with Dave, both worried for the two who live on for the drummer.

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