Good Grief

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Abi hasn't had a dream for a few days and is worried about Kurt, while Taylor and Dave are both scared that something is wrong with Abi. While the three were getting ready for bed, it was all they could think about. They all stayed quiet until they were tucking Abi in when Taylor sat down at the end of her bed. "Abi sweetie," He starts, "Has something been bothering you recently?" Abi's eyes tear up and she turns to Dave, the two guys exchange a confused glance. Abi takes a shaky breath before speaking, "It's Kurt." Dave's eyes nearly pop out of his head, and he steps back, "What?" She takes another breath before explaining, "You know his nightmares? The very vivid ones?" Dave says nothing and only nods, "I get them too. Except mine are every night nearly and I can communicate with Kurt like it's real." Abi looks to Taylor who has the most confused expression on his face, and when she looks back at Dave, he appears like he's seen a ghost. "You don't believe me, do you?" Dave starts stuttering before being able to speak, "No, no, no. I do believe you, I used to help Kurt with his." Abi smiles before Dave continues, "Is he alive?" Abi looks to the ground. She doesn't know for sure. "I think so. I think his subconscious is." Taylor looks more confused now and speaks up, "Subconscious? how do you know that word?" Abi giggles and looks up to Taylor with a massive smile, "That's what Kurt said, he said his subconscious had been reincarnated into me. He also said I will be compared to him because I act like him." Dave nods, knowing that everything Abi is saying is true. he turns to Taylor and sees he is still just as confused, "Come on T, I'll explain. Goodnight Abi" Abi smiles at Dave and Taylor, "Goodnight!"


Abi rolls over and her eyes flicker open. She sits up and looks around the room smiling before realizing everything looks normal. "Why can't I see him again!" She yells out, smacking her arms on the bed. "Can't see who Abs?" Kurt says while entering the room. Abi jumps out of bed and straight into his arms, "I THOUGHT I'D NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!" Kurt is taken aback, and it takes him a second to hug her back, missing the physical affection. "You have only known me for a couple of hours?" Abi giggles into him, "You said it yourself, your subconscious is part of me." Kurt chuckles and they hug for what seems like forever.

Abi finally breaks the hug and backs up, "What happened to you?" Kurt sighs and looks down at Abi, "Turns out, since my subconscious reincarnated into you, I can go wherever you go." Abi tilts her head at him, "Does that mean you can come back to life?" She says, a smile appearing on her face. Kurt swallows and glances down to the floor, "No Abs, I'm sorry. It just means that I can live a normal-ish life here" Abi smiles and pulls him back into a hug, "I told Dave about you." Kurt's eyes light up and his heart rate speeds up, "You did?" Abi nods into him again, "He loves you." Kurt smiles bigger than he ever has and pulls her closer, tears nearly falling from his eyes. "Don't tell my wife, kid, or the media." Abi mutters into his chest, "Why?" Kurt sighs, he wishes they could know but it would ruin her, "You would be called mental, just keep it between you, Dave, and Taylor, okay?" Abi smiles, "Anything for you Kurt."


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