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Abi had not slept well the past 2 weeks and is struggling to stay awake at Taylor's side. Chris had noticed this and been running his hand through her hair but, it wasn't helping, "Abi you can sleep you know? Everything will be okay, I'll watch over him for you." She nods in return. He smiles, knowing she only needs someone to tell her everything is ok. He glances down a couple of minutes later to see her deep asleep, so he stops stoking her hair.


Abi moves around and then hears footsteps running towards her, "ABI! WHERE ARE YOU!" Abi jolts up from where she is resting and scans around the room, she is lying across a sofa chair in the waiting room. She freaks out, trying to find where Taylor is. "Abi!" The voice yells out again. She tries to yell out too, but nothing happens. Soon enough though Kurt came running around the corner, "Oh my god, Abi." He runs straight to her and pulls her into a hug, "I've been waiting for you, I am so sorry about Taylor." Abi calms down in Kurt's arms and nestles into him. 

After a while, Kurt pulls away, "I've been waiting for you to have a dream like this." Abi looks at him in confusion. "This is a very advanced version of your normal dreams," Kurt explains, "Part of Taylor's subconscious is somehow here, it's like you have crossed halfway over to him. Probably due to your lack of sleep over the last 2 weeks." Abi pretends to understand most of it and Kurt puts out his hand, "Come on, I need to show you something." Abi takes it and he starts to lead her down a massive, long hallway. 

After what appeared to be like a lifetime of walking, Kurt stopped outside a hospital room. Abi walks towards the door and pushes it open. Inside is Taylor, pacing in the room.  As soon as he sees Abi his face lights up and he looks to Kurt, "Thank you so much." Kurt nods and leads Abi further inside. Abi looks to Taylor in confusion and back to Kurt with the same expression. Taylor breaks the silence first, "I believe everything about your dreams now B. I don't know how you understand how the fuck they work though." At this, Abi sprints into Taylor's arms, crying and saying she loves him. Kurt hangs back a bit before breaking the moment, "We have to leave here now if we are going to Taylor. 2 weeks is crazy enough but now Abi is also here, no one is safe." Abi and Taylor let go of each other and Taylor nods to Kurt. Abi looks between the two, not knowing what's going on. "We have to get Abi back awake and you out of the hospital," Kurt says as Taylor nods in agreement. Abi still looks confused, so Taylor clears things up, "We needed you here to change the surroundings, now you're here the hospital is unlocked." The three exchange a nod and exit the room. 

The three go unbothered the whole way down to ground level and Kurt doesn't trust it, "This isn't right." The three gaze around, knowing he is right, and something is wrong. They turn the final corner and see the exit a few hundred meters ahead. Kurt hesitates before continuing and as soon as he takes another step heaps of people come lurking around corners. "What the fuck!" Taylor says, creeped out about the rabid like humans. "They always look like that T," Abi starts, "You kind of get used to it." Taylor drops his head to look at the girl, he can't believe that this is what she sees in almost every dream. He looks over to Kurt, "Thank you," he whispers. Kurt gives Taylor a small smile and then looks to the ground. "Kurt? How do we get Taylor out?" Abi says and Kurt turns his head to her. "We have to fight them off and Taylor gets through. If one touches him, I don't think he will ever wake up." Abi gulps and Taylor takes a deep breath while gazing at the ground. He looks up and turns to Abi, "I love you Abi, remember that." Abi looks up to Taylor confused, "I love you do T..." Taylor looks up to Kurt and gives him a nod. Kurt sighs and knows what he is about to do. Kurt nods, "I've got your back." Taylor takes one last look at Abi before sprinting towards the door. Abi tries to run after him but gets tied to the pole by Kurt, "NO! T! PLEASE!" Kurt then sprints after Taylor helping him get through the people as Abi screams through tears. She can't bear to watch so she drops her head and cries. 


Abi wakes from her dream, breathing heavily, and the blanket that was under her head damp with tears. She looks around and sees Dave, Chris, and Nate outside the room. Dave is going off and screaming, "I CAN'T DO THIS! I can't sit here and see him like that any longer. I can't see Abi asleep next to him like that!" Chris and Nate try to calm him down, his arms flinging everywhere needing to punch or throw but can't. He falls his face to his hands and starts to cry again, dropping to a squat. "We need you, T, please come back," Abi says as she leans in and rests her head on his chest, both arms wrapped around him. An unstable hand reaches over her and strokes her hair, "Don't cry baby, I'm so sorry for leaving you." Abi bolts up and starts crying when she sees Taylor awake. "DAVE! DAVE! HE'S AWAKE!" All the boys come running in with nurses and doctors hot on their heels, "Dude it's going to be okay." Dave says as tears of joy swell in his eyes for the first time in forever. "Fuck off!" Taylor replies, clearly not okay. "Please never leave again!" Abi begs him, "I will never leave you again, I promise."

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