"Sang I need you to breathe" panicked Hongjoong. Yeosang lowered himself on the floor and curled up there, the feeling of being a failure submerging him. Hongjoong crouched next to him, trying to calm him down.
"Sangie, is it okay if I hug you?" Yeosang didn't give any signs of understanding what his hyung was saying, so Hongjoong didn't dare to move closer.
"Can you at least tell me what's wrong?" pleaded the leader, making the younger cry harder.
"I- change... plans... can't do it" sobbed Yeosang, trying to get some air in between the words.
"Did the change of plans scare you Sang?" tried to understand Hongjoong, making Yeosang nod.
"Failure... 'cause... hold back" continued the younger, making Hongjoong gasp.
"No Sangie, you could never be a failure. We all understand, everyone can have bad days. Can I hug you?" asked again Hongjoong. Yeosang hesitated but nodded, making the leader open his arms and engulf the younger in a hug, making sure that Yeosang wouldn't feel suffocated, but also holding him tight enough to hopefully remind him that he wasn't alone.
"I hate changes of plans... it makes me feel like I'm not in control and- and I hate it, I feel like I'm falling behind whenever it happens and today I wasn't feeling great so things just added up and- I'm sorry hyung, I shouldn't bother you with my problems" Yeosang interrupted his own rant and looked at the leader, trying to find some sign of disappointment on his expression, however he found nothing but understanding and concern on it.
"Sang, don't worry, everything's fine. You're definitely not bothering me, I'm the leader and I should be aware of all of my members' problems, so I can help them to the best of my abilities. If you ever feel like this again, please tell me. It's not just my duty to look after you all, it's my happiness. I love taking care of all of you. But why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling good this morning? I could've made you stay home" said the leader, in a worried tone.
"I couldn't tell exactly what it was, and it would've probably just made me look lazy. Besides, I'm not sick so why should I skip practice for nothing?" shrugged Yeosang, making Hongjoong frown.
"It's not nothing Sang, it's your mental health we're talking about" pointed out Hongjoong, however the younger shook his head.
"No hyung, it's just a bad day, like you said, it happens to everyone. When you have a headache, you just tell everyone to tone it down, you don't skip work. Why should it be different for me?"
"Well, for first I am the leader so I have to be there, who knows what could happen when I'm not with the boys. Second, my headaches are mainly caused by sleepless nights in the studio, so it's my fault. In your case, there's nothing you could've done to prevent your thoughts, the plan changes weren't your fault either so you aren't responsible for anything in this case. And lastly, there's nothing wrong with taking a break Sangie, we all have the right to rest when everything gets too much" Hongjoong looked at Yeosang who had tears in his eyes again.
"But... but if I rest I will fall behind. And I can't afford that hyung" whispered the younger, making Hongjoong shake his head firmly.
"No, you're not going to fall behind. Do you think spending the rest of the day relaxing would make you feel better?" asked the leader, making Yeosang bite his lip.
"I mean, it would be great but I can't miss practice" admitted the younger hesitantly.
"It's alright, some hours of practice missed won't be a catastrophe. Can you stand up?" asked Hongjoong. Yeosang nodded, standing up.
"Can you go sit on the couch for a second please? I need to make a call, I'll be quick I promise" assured the leader taking out his phone and dialling a number before placing the device next to his ear. Maybe some rest would not be that bad, thought Yeosang sitting down as Hongjoong instructed.
"Hwa? Is the meeting over?" asked Hongjoong to the phone, making Yeosang widen his eyes. He had completely forgotten about the meeting and now he was holding the group back more.
"Good. Dance practice is cancelled. Go back to the dorm with the kids, me and Sangie will buy takeout for lunch and we'll spend the rest of the day relaxing" ordered Hongjoong.
"Yes, he's a bit better now but that doesn't mean I'll let him dance for hours. I bet whatever you want he's totally drained" Yeosang blushed lightly at the leader's words. Was he really so easy to read? It was true, he was exhausted, but he thought Hongjoong didn't notice. Damn leader skills.
"Yeah, tell the boys to tone it down when we come home, please" Yeosang sighed. He didn't want everyone to go out their way for him.
"Bye Hwa" Hongjoong smiled to himself before cutting the call. However that smile faded as he saw Yeosang's regretful face.
"I don't want everyone going out of their way for me hyung" admitted the younger before Hongjoong could even get to ask him what was wrong.
"Sang, everyone's more than happy to help you, no matter what it takes to do so. Besides, do you really think they're gonna be mad about missing practice?" smiled the leader making Yeosang smile too while shaking his head no.
"Come on, I bet you're hungry. We're gonna stop by the fried chicken place you love to get lunch, do you wanna order for eveyone in the van?" Yeosang nodded and stood up. Hesitating, he looked at the leader one more time.
"But are you sure I'm not wasting the group's time?" asked Yeosang worriedly. Hongjoong just smiled and shook his head no.
"No Sang, with you, it could never be a waste of time. You're our precious member, we wouldn't be ATEEZ without you" assured Hongjoong before taking the younger's hand.
"Come on, I bet the others are starving too" Yeosang smiled before following the leader.
Author's note
Am I the only one who has like this plan changes hate? Like omg it's so scary to fall behind... 😣 anyways how are you all? Hope you're doing well :)
Pls vote and comment so this story gets more noticed (also book cover for this coming soon hehe)
Oky bye! See you in the next one!~Nabi

Tiny captain
FanfictionHongjoong has been slipping unvoluntarily since that day. It's not a thing that he can control and it's not a thing that he plans on telling his members. Absolutely not. But telling them is not the only way they'll discover this part of him. Warning...