In the van, Yeosang opened the app of his favourite fried chicken restaurant and scanned the pictures, trying to find his favourite dish. When he found it, he smiled a little before adding it to the order.
"Hongjoong hyung?" called Yeosang, making the mentioned boy turn to face him.
"What would you like for lunch?" asked the younger, making Hongjoong think for a second before answering.
"Chicken strips with bbq sauce please" requested the leader, making Yeosang nod.
"And what should I get for the others?" continued the younger while adding Hongjoong's food to the order.
"Mmmh... maybe some chicken nuggets and drumsticks for everyone? Plus a lot of fries and soft drinks, they deserve it. It's been ages since we last ate takeout" smiled the older making Yeosang nod.
Once he was done ordering, he hugged Hongjoong's chest, making the leader smile surprised.
"Hey there Sangie" said softly Hongjoong, kissing Yeosang's hair. The younger closed his eyes and hid his face in the leader's chest, enjoying the affection.
"Thank you captain" muffled Yeosang.
"Listen Sangie, we're happy to help you whenever you need a hand, but we may not notice it so we need you to speak up if you feel like before again, alright?" asked Hongjoong, making Yeosang nod against his chest.
Soon, the two boys were back to their dorm, making everyone happy. Almost everyone was relieved to not have to dance during the afternoon, except for Yeosang that again felt like a burden.
"Come on Sang, let's just relax for today. We can practice harder tomorrow" offered Wooyoung, practically dragging the older towards the dining table where the hyung line was arranging the food.
"Seonghwa hyung?" called Wooyoung.
"Yes Woo?"
"Can Yeosangie sit next to me?" Seonghwa nodded and placed Wooyoung's food next to Yeosang's usual place.
"Why couldn't you place Yeo's plate next to me? I wanted to sit between both Yeosang and Sannie" pouted Wooyoung, to which Seonghwa sighed, trying to contain his annoyance.
"You know how Yeosang hates changes. So you can choose, staying next to him or sitting with San" said sternly Seonghwa, making Wooyoung look down.
"You're right hyung, sorry. Sorry Sangie, I'll sit next to you" Yeosang wanted to protest, point out that table places weren't the changes he was afraid of, but San spoke up before he could.
"Hyung, what if I sit next to Woo? That way both Youngie and Sangie will have what they want, I don't mind switching places. Of course, if it's not a bother" smiled the boy making the oldest smile fondly.
"Of course Sannie, there's no problem" the oldest rearranged the plates and looked at Wooyoung, who smiled gratefully to his hyung.
"Thanks hyungie" beamed Wooyoung, sitting down next to his two best friends.
Yeosang smiled and sat down too, followed by the others.
"Thanks for the food hyungs" thanked politely Jongho.
"No problem Jong. Come on everyone, time to eat!"
After lunch, it was movie time.
"Come on Sang, it's your turn to pick a movie" smiled Mingi.
"I don't know, I'm not in a movie mood, I was thinking- no nevermind" Yeosang cut himself off, making everyone frown.
"Oh come on Sang, what did you want to say?" encouraged Wooyoung.
"No... it's embarassing" whined the older, hiding his face with his hands.
"We don't care Sangie, we can watch whatever you want" assured Hongjoong, making Yeosang nod hesitantly.
"I wanted to watch Molang" Yeosang blushed as he voiced his desire.
"Oh yeah we can watch that" agreed Seonghwa opening Netflix.
"See hyung? We're okay with that" smiled Jongho.
The show started and Yeosang felt at peace. This was how he usually coped with stress, watching random cartoons and following their storyline to not focus on everything that was happening around him or in his head. But while everyone was just lazily looking at the TV screen, Hongjoong was a lot more invested in the adventures playing in front of him. Afraid that he would slip completely, he excused himself and ran to his room, trying to get in his normal headspace again. Unfortunately he couldn't and frustratedly started to cry, unable to stay big any longer.
When Seonghwa heard the cries, he ran to the leader's room, just to see him bawling his eyes out clutching on a plushie, gasping for air as he became more and more worked up.
"Joong, can you hear me?" tried uncertainly Seonghwa, receiving no answer. Stepping into action he pulled the younger on his laps, trying to make him feel that he was there.
"Joong?" called again the older, this time succeeding in making the leader look at him.
"You're panicking right now, I don't know why but I'll help you through it. Take a deep breath in" instructed Seonghwa, making Hongjoong repeat the action. The younger's breath was shaky and irregular but that didn't stop his friend who stayed with him until he was fully calm again.
"Wanna tell me what happened?" asked sweetly the older, making Hongjoong pout.
"Nuh can 'tay big" sobbed the younger, burying his face in his hands.
Author's note
Well uhm hello everyone! Hope you're doing well :D
This wasn't planned but I love Molang so it's alright!
(Pls dont read the rest of this a/n if you dont want spoilers)So, Seonghwa knows now, and the next chapters will be a bit of seongjoong bonding and Joong will open up about his trauma, so if you're sensitive to this topic pls dont read (obv there will be specific tw before the chapters, reminder: excessive swearing can be triggering too so i put it in the tw)
Please stay safe y'all! See you in the next one!

Tiny captain
FanfictionHongjoong has been slipping unvoluntarily since that day. It's not a thing that he can control and it's not a thing that he plans on telling his members. Absolutely not. But telling them is not the only way they'll discover this part of him. Warning...