"Where are the others? I sent Wooyoung to wake up Yeosang fifteen minutes ago!" Seonghwa sighed.
Everyone was getting impatient, especially Hongjoong. It was his birthday and he just wanted to celebrate with his hyungies, but half of them wasn't there.
"I'll go search Youngie and wake up Sannie and Sangie" decided Yunho, standing up.
"You can start eating, can't leave our birthday boy on an empty stomach, can we?" the boy smiled before leaving the kitchen slightly worried. Quickly he reached San and Yeosang's bedroom, hesitantly knocking on the closed door.
"It's Yunho. Can I come in?" Hearing a small sob, Yunho got even more worried.
"Shh, it's okay, he won't come in if I tell him not to" murmured San, helping Yeosang get comfortable on his laps and leading the older's head on his wide chest.
"Not right now hyung" Yunho frowned at the answer that came from the other side of the door, but decided to not push it. The tone San used wasn't harsh, it was quiet and concerned. Did something happen to Yeosang?
"Okay, uhm... have you seen Wooyoung? He was supposed to wake you up" said Yunho hesitantly.
"Wooyoung never came here" San was confused.
"Have you tried searching for him in his room?" Yunho felt stupid for not thinking about it earlier.
"No, I'll check now. Hongjoong is quite upset because you aren't in the kitchen to have breakfast with him. You know, since he's little and it's his birthday and everything. Can you go cheer him up a bit, maybe congratulate him...?" Yunho heard San's voice ask something in a low tone, and Yeosang mumbling something back, in a voice that wasn't his usual one. Yunho didn't know how to describe it, it sounded more... youthful, childish even.
"We'll be in the kitchen in a few minutes, you go search Wooyoung, alright?" Yunho nodded and walked to the two youngest members' shared room.
"Youngie? You in there?" Yunho tried to open the door, but it was locked. From outside, Yunho could hear faint cries, which increased his worry. First San and Yeosang being secretive, now Wooyoung crying? What was happening?
"It's Yunho, can I come in?" the boy tried again, after receiving no answer. Again, Wooyoung didn't answer. Instead, a small object tapped against Yunho's foot. The key to the room. Quickly unlocking the door the older dashed in, widening his eyes when he saw the second youngest curled in a ball on the floor.
"Youngie, Youngie. I'm here. You're safe. What happened?" Wooyoung just sobbed, tears flowing freely from his face.
"Youngie, please, calm down. Whatever it is, we can solve it. Please Youngie" Yunho was desperate, the younger's breathing was more and more irregular with each second that passed. Pulling the boy onto his laps, Yunho forced Wooyoung's ear onto his chest, allowing to hear his steady heartbeat and feel his rhythmic breathing.
"Youngie, breathe with me. Inhale. One, two, three, four. Hold. One, two, three. Exhale. One, two, three, four. Hold. One, two, three. You're doing great Young-ah, just keep on breathing for me" Yunho counted in a deliberate loud voice, knowing the younger probably wouldn't be able to hear anything over the ringing of his ears caused by the hyperventilation.
It took fifteen minutes, but finally Wooyoung's breathing was back to normal, though the panic attack left the boy exhausted.
"What happened Youngie?" asked Yunho quietly.
"Sangie... he's a little" revealed Wooyoung, tearing up again at the memory.
"And why did this bother you so much Youngie?" Yunho's voice was patient, trying to understand the situation.
"Because Sangie has been my best friend for years... I feel like he doesn't trust me anymore. We used to tell each other everything" another tear slipped out of Wooyoung's eye and Yunho couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him. It was no secret that Wooyoung and Yeosang's friendship was special. But something else caught Yunho's attention.
"Wait... did you say Yeosang is a little?" Yunho frowned receiving a nod.
"How did you find out?" Wooyoung sighed before admitting he had heard the conversation his two best friends had earlier.
"Then this is probably the consequence of a huge misunderstanding that needs to be cleared right away. I'm sure you missed some pieces. Let's get the full story, okay?" Wooyoung unwillingly nodded, allowing the older to drag him towards Yeosang and San's room. There, Yunho knocked gently, earning a shaky 'come in' from Yeosang.
"Hey Sang" greeted Yunho, trying to calm the anxious boy.
"Youngie here heard your conversation earlier and... I think there's a misunderstanding between him and you, Sangie" Yunho decided it was best to let the youngers speak and solve the matter themselves. However he stayed in the same room, just in case.
"Why didn't you tell me you regress too Sang? Don't you t- trust me?" Wooyoung felt his heart break while saying those words, even more when Yeosang tensed in San's hold and looked at him on the verge of tears.
"It's not true Wooyoung, I trust you with my whole heart and you know that" Yeosang's tone was desperate, knowing he had accidentally upset his best friend.
Wooyoung just looked at him betrayed.
"You're missing a piece Wooyoung. Last night was Yeosang's first time regressing" revealed San making the younger widen his eyes.
"I had pretty bad nightmares last night, guess it's why I involuntarily regressed" sighed Yeosang. Wooyoung was by his side in a split second.
"Oh Sangie, I'm so sorry for not believing you and doubting your trust in me" Wooyoung started to cry, feeling horrible. He had hurt Yeosang's feelings by doubting of him, he knew it.
"Youngie, I'm not mad at you. Look at me" hesitantly, the younger did as he was told to, meeting Yeosang's kind eyes.
"I'm not mad. Promise. I was a bit hurt, but it's not your fault. You didn't know the full story and went in protective mode. I don't blame you for that" Wooyoung nodded, asking himself how did he manage to get such a perfect best friend.
"Come on, let's lift our moods with Seonghwa hyung's waffles" smiled San. Everyone hurried to the kitchen table, where the others were almost done with their breakfast.
Yeosang and Wooyoung's friendship is like the best friendship ever (after matz obv)
Next chapter will be the last one, I'm bittersweet :/
✨Question of the day✨
A country/place you'd really like to visit? For me probably Seoul and Tokyo but lmk yours
See you tomorrow :) remember to eat and drink guys
Love you all

Tiny captain
FanfictionHongjoong has been slipping unvoluntarily since that day. It's not a thing that he can control and it's not a thing that he plans on telling his members. Absolutely not. But telling them is not the only way they'll discover this part of him. Warning...