After lunch the group reached a mall and started searching for a cute shop to buy a toy from.
"Why don't we go there?" asked Mingi pointing to a giant toy store.
"Yeah, perfect" smiled Jongho, who was carrying little Joongie on his hip. The little had begun wiggling in the older's arms at the sight of the store, making him stop.
"Petal, I won't be able to hold you if you keep wiggling" said Jongho, laughing. The little just giggled, though he stopped moving too much.
"Okay Joongie, anything in mind?" asked Seonghwa once they got in.
"Paci! An' stuffie! Aww da stuffies!" smiled brightly Hongjoong, making the others coo and smile too.
"Okay, let's see what we can find" with that, Jongho carried the little to the plushies aisle, where he was allowed to pick out anything he wanted.
"Dat one!" Hongjoong pointed at a penguin squishmallow, making Mingi chuckle.
"Too small to reach there, huh baby?" teased Mingi before reaching the toy and placing it in the leader's small hands. In reality, Hongjoong was more than tall enough to reach the shelf too, but it seemed like he forgot.
"Is pwetty!" giggled the little.
"You want that, huh?" smiled gently Yunho, earning an eager nod.
"Throw it in the cart then" smiled Jongho. Hongjoong looked doubtful but placed the item gently in the cart, making sure to give him a little kiss on the forehead.
"Okay, wanna go see if the others found something for you? Maybe... a cute paci?" suggested San in a mischievous tone.
At the mention of his favorite comfort object the leader widened his eyes.
"Le's go, le's go!" urged Hongjoong taking Jongho's hand and dragging him through half of the store until he found Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Yeosang busy searching for little gear that the leader could like.
"Joongie! I found a cute paci for you!" it was all it took for Hongjoong to run towards Wooyoung, who laughed loudly before showing the object to him. It was amazing, it was red and black, his favorite colors. The little squealed and made grabby hands towards it, eager to see it closely. Wooyoung chuckled and handed the item to him, making little Joongie let out a quiet 'woah' in amazement.
The others in the meantime sneaked some letter beads and a hot glue gun in one of the carts, together with a pacifier with a white shield and a bunch of sticker packs. Seonghwa had seen a personalised pacifier on Pinterest and thought of recreating something similar, especially since the leader's birthday was just two months away. Two months is a lot of time, one would say, but for an idol with busy schedules, it's definitely not.
"Mama?" Seonghwa turned around to look at the boy who called him. Despite the many times Joongie had called him that, it was always heartwarming.
"What is it honey bee?" asked the oldest.
"Found stuffie" whispered Hongjoong shyly, a small smile decorating his pretty face.
"You did baby? Wanna show me?" Hongjoong led Seonghwa to the cart Mingi was pushing, the one that carried his precious stuffie.
"It's really cute, just like you. Amazing choice baby" smiled softly Seonghwa. The little lit up at the praise, clinging onto his caregiver's arm a bit more.
"Home now?" the little got closer to Jongho and whispered in his ear.
"Sure petal, let us pay for this and we'll head home" assured the maknae, caressing the leader's head and letting him place his cheek on his chest while Wooyoung and San bickered. Yeosang, who had noticed this, got closer to the duo.
"Woah, Jjong, are you okay? You usually hate skinship" pointed out the older light heartedly.
"He's tired, I'll let this pass. Besides, I don't hate skinship. I find it excessive from people like Wooyoung hyung or San hyung, that's why I usually avoid it" explained the maknae, making Yeosang agree.
Not even half an hour later, the boys were back to their dorm. Little Joongie had fallen asleep in the van, earning coos and fond looks from the others.
"Should we wake him up?" Seonghwa didn't wanna do it, the boy looked so peaceful and he obviously needed some rest, especially considering the morning's events.
"No, let him sleep. I'll carry him" Jongho offered while everyone got out of the van.
Only once the leader was tucked in his bed with his plushie by his side Jongho left the room, not forgetting to make sure the little was comfortable. The living room had a light and cheerful atmosphere, everyone was happy for Hongjoong.
"He is free now" said Yunho, a small smile on his lips.
"He is" everyone sighed in relief, mirroring the boy's smile.
"What are we gonna do now?" asked Yeosang.
"Whatever we want" shrugged Seonghwa, making everyone run off to do their own things.
idk if I should stop the book here or continue, honestly I love little Joong but I have no more ideas lmao
I'll probably write about Hongjoong's bday then try to get to like chapter 30? (i need a number ending with a 0 alright? Don't judge, my book = my rules)
Please have a snack/eat anything edible (no chewing gum or stuff like that, i mean real food) and drink please <3 it's really important
Love you all, see you in the next one!

Tiny captain
FanfictionHongjoong has been slipping unvoluntarily since that day. It's not a thing that he can control and it's not a thing that he plans on telling his members. Absolutely not. But telling them is not the only way they'll discover this part of him. Warning...