"Kim Hongjoong, please move forward" the judge's voice echoed in the silent room.
The boy's hands trembled as he walked towards the judge, yet he took a deep breath and faced him.
"You accused Kim Sunghyuk of sexual assault. When did the crime happen?" asked the judge.
"18th April 2008" answered Hongjoong, trying to control his trembling voice.
"Why did you wait 16 years to report him?" another question was thrown at the poor boy in a cold tone.
"I never saw him again after that night. I thought he was gone. I thought he wouldn't come back. I thought... I thought I was safe" Hongjoong swallowed the lump in his throat.
"Did he force you not to take action?" asked the judge glancing at Sunghyuk. Hongjoong shook his head.
"No, he didn't. I just couldn't bring myself to tell anyone about it, and in the following years I slowly got better. But something happened with my group which forced me to remember that night, and from there I never really recovered. I guess my memories came back from where they were buried in my mind and didn't wanna go back. And then, about a month ago, I saw him again on the streets of Seoul and panicked. That's what convinced my members to take action. They talked with me about it, and I agreed with them" explained the leader, trying to keep his emotions in check. He couldn't cry yet.
Finally, after what seemed like days, the eight members got out of the room, Hongjoong's hand still shaking to the point that Mingi had trouble holding it.
"Come on hyung, you're free now. He can't come back" assured Mingi in his deep voice.
Sunghyuk had admitted his crimes and had been declared guilty of sexual assault on a minor, which earned him a good 50 years in a jail on the other side of the world. He also had to be followed everywhere by policemen, once he got out.
"I- I know. I just..." Hongjoong tried to find the words that best expressed his feelings, but he couldn't find any. He himself didn't know what he felt. Happiness? Relief? Guilt? Regret?
"It's okay hyung. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. You can even... not talk at all, if that makes you feel better" Yeosang, always the observant one, had noticed how the leader sometimes got nonverbal when he felt too many emotions at the same time.
Hongjoong looked at him with widened eyes as if the younger had promised him the best thing in the world. He wanted so badly to just let go, but he was scared of being rude. Hesitantly nodding he allowed himself to relax, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, all the members could see the change in them. They had a small spark, the one which usually appeared if the boy was in his headspace.
"Are you small petal?" whispered Yunho. Hongjoong just nodded, looking down.
"It's okay, we'll keep you safe" assured the mentally older boy, still keeping his voice low.
"Wanna go to McDonald's? Bet the others would love it too" hummed Mingi, chuckling softly once he received an eager nod.
"McDonald's" mouthed Mingi to Seonghwa, making the oldest shake his head with a smile. Of course the leader, in his littlespace, didn't take in consideration that fast food wasn't healthy and just thought of it as a yummy food. But who was he to stop his precious baby from having the food he wanted? He definitely deserved it.
The eight boys made their way to the van that was waiting for them, Hongjoong wobbling between San and Wooyoung while the two watched him, fond smiles on their faces as they both held one of the little's hand to make sure he didn't fall.
Once everyone was on the vehicle Seonghwa put on the little's seatbelt, making him hum.
"You're welcome little one" smiled Seonghwa, knowing the leader probably wasn't gonna speak anytime soon.
"To McDonald's!" cheered Wooyoung, San and Mingi, making the others laugh.
Once they got there, they searched for a table far from the middle of the restaurant, luckily finding one after only a few minutes. Helping Hongjoong sit down, Seonghwa asked him what he wanted for lunch.
"You wan't chicken nuggets don't you baby?" Seonghwa laughed when he saw the little cheer at the mention of his favorite little food.
"With the nice toy, don't you?" asked Seonghwa sweetly. Hongjoong nodded excitedly.
"Okay then, a Happy Meal for this baby!" everyone smiled at Seonghwa's comment, finding it endearing.
After about ten minutes, all the food they had ordered arrived at their table.
"Say 'ahh' baby" smiled San picking up a chicken nugget.
"Ahh" mimicked Hongjoong, making everyone's heart melt.
"Nom" giggled softly the little, chomping on his food. Everyone melted at the cuteness.
"I think this baby earned a new toy, didn't he?" asked Jongho to the others, making them all agree. At the mention of toys the little perked up, making the others laugh.
"After lunch, baby, first eat your food" promised Yeosang.
WOOOO! Joongie is free! :D
This chapter may also be inaccurate as hey, I've never been in court and I have no idea how it works so I kept that part as short as possible
I'll keep this A/N short as I have to pack orders BUT I promise the next one will have more chatting!
quick question of the day: your most listened song atm? Mine is Forever by Baemon when i'm relaxing and love wins all by IU when I'm studying
Ok remember to eat, drink, have fun and relax!
Love you all, see you in the next one,

Tiny captain
FanfictionHongjoong has been slipping unvoluntarily since that day. It's not a thing that he can control and it's not a thing that he plans on telling his members. Absolutely not. But telling them is not the only way they'll discover this part of him. Warning...