Eventually, Hongjoong reached the baby section of the supermarket, his eyes widening when he realized. Just his wandering proved that he wasn't 100% big, but seeing all those objects his little side forced itself out, making the boy tear up. He knew he couldn't take them all home, no matter how much he pleaded. Seonghwa would never let him. Speaking of which, where was he? As soon as the little realized he had made a mistake by walking away on his own a tear slipped from his eye. Pouting the boy tried to think of what to do. He had to find his mama, but how? After walking a few aisles he realized it was pointless. The store was too big, Seonghwa could be anywhere. Wobbling on his unstable feet he reached the checkout area, where a young lady had just finished serving a customer. Before he could speak up, the cashier widened her eyes.
"Kim Hongjoong? From ATEEZ?" whispered the girl, unable to stop herself. Being a big fan of the group, she was able to recognize the boys despite the face masks.
Hongjoong just nodded, feeling uneasy. He knew he should've come out of his headspace to avoid embarrassing himself or saying something that would make the ATINY uncomfortable, but he just wasn't able to. Feeling increasingly anxious the boy tried to run away, but was stopped by a rushed voice.
"Wait! I'm not trying to snap a picture with you or get an autograph! I was just making sure I was seeing right" chuckled a bit embarrassed the girl, making the little even more anxious. He couldn't bring himself to speak. However he knew he had to tell the cashier what was going on if he wanted her to help him. During all this, the girl had remained silent, waiting for Hongjoong to speak up.
Gathering up all his courage the little gestured for the girl to come closer to whisper something in her ear. The ATINY felt like she was about to faint from happiness, but just complied.
"Need... find... ma- Hwa" whispered Hongjoong once the cashier was near enough. This made the girl widen her eyes. She knew what age regression was, she attended their last concert and witnessed the boy panicking on stage, knew he had regressed that day and probably now too, or else he would've never approached a cashier to ask them to help him.
"Ok. Are you little right now?" the girl ignored the excitement she felt in talking to the idol, instead trying to connect the dots. When she received a nod she smiled.
"It's okay. You said you're here with Seonghwa?" asked quietly the cashier. Another nod. Luckily no one else was around.
"Do you think Seonghwa remembers your outfit? I'm gonna say it in the loudspeaker and Seonghwa's gonna arrive in no time, promise" assured the girl. Hongjoong pointed at his hat, sure that his mama would remember it. He was the one to put it on after all.
The ATINY nodded and pressed a button before getting closer to the mic next to her.
"Searching for the mama of a little kid wearing a black fisherman hat and a white t-shirt, checkout 2" announced the cashier in a professional tone.
Not even one minute and Seonghwa was already rushing through the aisles to get to his baby. As soon as he arrived, he hugged tightly the little, still panting heavily from running.
"You worried mama baby" whispered Seonghwa.
"Sowwy mama" apologized the younger quietly.
After reassuring him that everything was okay, the oldest started talking to the cashier.
"Thank you so much" thanked gratefully the idol, making the girl almost faint.
"I- It's no big deal!" tried to say the cashier.
"Mama, she 'TINY!" whisper-shouted the leader, making Seonghwa smile fondly behind his mask and the girl cover her face with her hands in embarrassment.
"Is that so baby? Then we should give her something to thank her, hm?" hummed the oldest, making Hongjoong nod excitedly.
"Do you have anything we can autograph? Unfortunately Hongjoong doesn't really feel comfortable with taking selfies" said Seonghwa. Hongjoong timidly shook his head no from behind his caregiver, eyes filled with sorrow.
"Oh no, it's totally okay. I don't feel comfortable with photos either, it's fine" smiled the girl.
"I do have a photocard though" admitted hesitantly the ATINY, wanting so bad to have the idols' signature on it but scared the request may come out rude or invadent.
"Oh sure, we can sign that" nodded Seonghwa, encouraging.
With shaking hands, the girl took out her phone and removed the phone case, which held a group photocard from the 'LIMITLESS' album, before handing the idol the photocard. Seonghwa smiled again.
"Do you have a sharpie? We didn't bring any" the girl nodded quickly and passed him a sharpie.
Seonghwa quickly signed the photocard, before passing it to Hongjoong.
"Here, write your name on it" encouraged Seonghwa, handing the little the sharpie.
Hongjoong wrote his name in wobbly characters before turning around the photocard. He began drawing on it, and soon the whole paper was covered in doodles, hearts and stars surrounding a small drawing of Jjoongrami. Satisfied he gave back the photocard to the ATINY who was beyond excited.
"Thank chu" smiled Hongjoong making the girl practically faint as she reached for her phone again, to keep her precious photocard safe.
Seonghwa gestured to the two overflowing carts next to him.
"Do you mind...?" the cashier quickly nodded, starting to scan the items one by one before putting them in big plastic bags. Once she was done she read the total out loud.
"It's gonna be 450.000 won" nodded the girl. Seonghwa sighed, though he wasn't impressed by the high total. His kids were high maintenance.
After paying, Seonghwa texted the groupchat and asked everyone if they were ready to leave, before putting his phone away and leading Hongjoong to a nearby bench, sitting down with the younger while they waited for the others to answer the text.
Fyi 450.000 won is 331$ or 303€ lmao
I need a Jjoongrami pls i'm crying ㅠ all the online kpop stores i visited either didn't have Jjoongrami or they were like 100€ and i was like no thanxx this is too much
Now to the big news! I officially finished writing Tiny Captain so from now on you'll have an update a day until the end of this book! I'm finishing the A/N's now so yeah, I'm so happy this book will be complete! (There's 6 chapters left, then a Q&A for both characters and authorrr ✨✨✨ i just love q&as i swear it's so fun
At chapter 30 there will also be a list of new books ideas so pls look at that when the chapter is out ^^
Ok enough chatting, remember to drink, eat and have fun!
Love you all, see you in the next one!
~ Nabi

Tiny captain
FanfictionHongjoong has been slipping unvoluntarily since that day. It's not a thing that he can control and it's not a thing that he plans on telling his members. Absolutely not. But telling them is not the only way they'll discover this part of him. Warning...