Seonghwa picked the little up and after checking he was comfortable on his hip he carried him to the living room, where Yunho and Yeosang were sitting on the couch while looking at their phones. When they heard a giggle they raised their heads and were met with a giggling Hongjoong, who was making grabby hands towards them.
"Hyungies!" squealed Hongjoong once Seonghwa put him down next to the two.
"Hey Joong! What are you up to?" smiled kindly Yeosang with his sweet eyes watching the little's frame.
"Movie" giggled the leader, pointing at the big screen in the living room.
"Ohh, I see. Can we join too?" asked Yunho, to which Hongjoong nodded proudly.
"We're back!" a shout could be heard from the entrance. Hongjoong scrambled to go meet Wooyoung as soon as he heard the boy's voice.
"Woah, hey buddy! Had a good sleep?" Seonghwa could hear from the living room.
"It's okay. I bought lots and lots of snacks for you mister, why don't you go to Seonghwa hyung while I get them out of the bag for you?" Seonghwa heard more running and suddenly a small Hongjoong was by his side again.
"Mama, mama! Woo hyungie hab 'nacks!" exclaimed Hongjoong happily, jumping on the older's laps and cuddling to him.
"Oh does he now? Let's see what he has bought, he should be here in a few minutes to join us for the movie" said Seonghwa, trying to calm down the excited boy.
"Oky mama" Hongjoong tried his best to stay stay calm but he couldn't avoid kicking his legs in anticipation, making the older smile.
"Here we are! Let's look what hyungs bought for you" Jongho entered the living room, followed by the rest of the maknae line. Seonghwa noticed that they all had their hands full of objects.
"We got lots and lots of chocolate milk for you buddy" smiled San, and it was true. Him and Wooyoung had bought almost the whole stock, to make Hongjoong happy. Which he definitely was, especially when Wooyoung placed a small carton of it in his hands.
"And what would you like to drink your milk from?" asked Mingi, who had a sippy cup in one hand and a baby bottle in the other. A bottle! Hongjoong never had one before, and he was so happy about it, making grabby hands towards it with sparkly eyes.
Mingi chuckled and gently took the carton of milk from the little's hands to pour the content in the bottle carefully before heading towards the kitchen to heat it up.
"And we got Peperos too!" smiled Wooyoung showing a pack to Hongjoong. The leader smiled widely. All his hyungs were treating him so nicely! It was amazing.
"What movie do you wanna watch Joong?" asked Yeosang with the remote in his hand. Hongjoong thought for a moment before answering.
"Petew Pan" Yeosang nodded, getting the movie ready.
"Oh, so you like Peter Pan little one?" smiled Jongho.
"Yes! Dat's da best movie evew!" smiled widely Hongjoong, making everyone smile too.
"Okay then, let's watch Peter Pan" and with that, everyone started looking at the TV screen. However, Hongjoong's mind was somewhere else. Having seen the movie many times before, the little knew the scenes by heart, so instead of watching it again, he started imagining what it would be like playing Peter Pan with his hyungs, the background sounds in the movie helping him imagine the game better. He would be Peter Pan and Mingi would be Wendy, cause he was a princess. Jongho would be Captain Hook because he was big and strong. The others would either be the kids in Neverland or pirates. Yes, that was it. The best game ever. Just as Hongjoong was about to tell all his hyungs about it, Seonghwa started to feed him his milk from the baby bottle Yunho had washed up.
"Thankies mama" mouthed Hongjoong around the bottle nipple, accepting the warm liquid.
"You're welcome baby. After you finish this we're going to bed though" said Seonghwa, making the little whine. No, he didn't want to go to sleep! He wanted to finish the movie and then play Peter Pan with his hyungies!
"Come on Joong, I bet you're really sleepy, and if you don't sleep now you will be tired tomorrow and you won't be able to play with the others" reasoned the oldest with a smile.
"Okay. Buh... can mama help Joongie?" Hongjoong pleaded with puppy eyes, that melted the older's heart.
"Of course baby. Mama will help you" promised Seonghwa taking the little's hand and guiding him towards the bathroom, where the older washed his teeth as well as Hongjoong's ones, before walking with him towards their shared bedroom.
"Mingi bought a really cute onesie for you baby, wanna try it on?" asked Seonghwa, making Hongjoong nod excitedly. Quickly Seonghwa slipped the clothing item over the little's tiny frame.
"Mama wook I minion" giggled Hongjoong, jumping around.
"And is this cute little minion sleepy?" smiled Seonghwa when the younger yawned cutely. Receiving a nod the oldest settled Hongjoong down in his bed before kissing him goodnight.
"Goodnight baby minion. Mama loves you" said the older caressing Hongjoong's cheek.
"Wuv mama too" came the muffled answer. Seonghwa smiled before leaving the room. His baby was just too precious.
Author's note
Double update woo! I'm just too impatient (at least, i think i updated this morning i don't remember lmao 😭)
From the next chapter onwards there will be occasional swearing, so if you're sensitive to that I'm so sorry, the chapters are already written and rewriting them would take a bit more time, which i don't have at the moment. So please forgive me for that. Please also remember to vote and comment, and even share or add to (sfw) reading lists if you can, that way this story can get more recognition. Thanks a lot!Love ya all

Tiny captain
FanfictionHongjoong has been slipping unvoluntarily since that day. It's not a thing that he can control and it's not a thing that he plans on telling his members. Absolutely not. But telling them is not the only way they'll discover this part of him. Warning...