Der Monster Klub

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Your POV:

"Attention students! The moment you've all lined up for is about to happen!" the principal announces on his megaphone. I stood at the back of the queue patiently waiting, not really that fussed like everyone else is. "As you all know last month the cafeteria was destroyed by a certain mutated student that shall remain nameless" the principal says. "He's got a name, it's Bucky! Says so right here on his undies" Bash exclaims while pulling Bucky out of the crowd by his underwear. I glare at Bash but then smirk as the principal gave him a detention for wedgies.

"Now while the Ninja and Spirit Ninja were able to protect our students, they were unable to protect the tables, chairs floors and ceiling" I cringe as the memory of the completely destroyed cafeteria flashes in my mind. "But only four short weeks and one year's twirl team budget later we are now ready to open our new cafeteria!" everyone cheers as he announces that.
After the principal said a few more words and then officially opened the cafeteria everyone ran inside to grab their favourite tables. I then see Randy and Howard racing against Bash to get to this certain table. To my surprise they made it to the table before Bash did. "Nice try Bash" I smirk as I walk up to them and Bash sulks and glares at me.

"Hey (y/n), wanna come and sit with me and Howard?!" Randy asks me happily. "I would love to" I smirk at Bash one last time before sitting next to Randy. "Shan'ga lunch, oh it's ours" Randy sighs as he hugs the table. "This is the beginning of something big Howard, and now with (y/n) sitting with us things are about to change for us I can feel it" Randy states happily but then the principal came along and gave them both a detention for sprinting in the cafeteria. We glare at Stevens as he made the sad trombone noise as he walked past.

Suddenly Bash grabs all three of us and pulls us away from the table. "Thanks for saving my table for me" he grins. "What! No Bash! You saw them get here before you fair and square!" I argue. "Fair and square is for losers!" Bash scoff before throwing us across the cafeteria. Stevens then makes the sad trombone sound again.
"Bash..." Howard growls. "It a jerk..." Randy adds. "Try living with him..." I groan. "Also we now have strict no soaring policy" the principal glares down at us. "What! How is that our fault, Bash is the one who threw us!?" I exclaim. "Talking back to your principal, I'll see you in detention too" he then hands me a detention slip.

While Stevens started playing the sad trombone noise again I grab onto it making his stop. "You play that sound again and I will shove that trombone down your throat!" I threaten. Stevens then nervously runs away. "Aggressive behaviour, that's another detention!" the principal throws another detention slip at me. I glare at the principal as he walks off. "What I wouldn't give to shove that trombone down his throat" I spat.

"Maybe you can; all you have to do is roll" a goth boy whose name is Julian says as he holds out a dice to me. Me and Randy then stood up and looked at the dice in his hand. "What the juice!" Randy mumbles in confusion. Howard then grabs me and Randy by the arm. "Cunningham, McFist jr, don't talk to them or we'll end up... sitting at their table". The next thing we knew we were sitting down at their table.

"Welcome to der monster klub" Julian tells us. "Klub? What a klub?" Howard asks unimpressed. "It's the better more European way of saying club. I am your klub master, your roll accordion David" Julian then passes the dice to David.

David rolls the dice on the table and it lands on a four. "Yes a four! I give Bash a wedgie" David then grabs a mini figure of Bash and pulls its underwear up. "Is this one of those in your head games cause I'm so not down for that" Howard states. "Every day at lunch we play as monsters pretending to strike in the hearts of jerks everywhere!" Theresa explains. "Like Stevens, he sad trombones me every time I drop a juggling pin, every time!" Juggo complains. "And Bash, he resents me for my great skill on the accordion" David adds. "And Slimervits, this is for cancelling twirl club!" Theresa cries as she hits the Slimervits figure with her twirling bat.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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