Weinerman up

38 4 1

2nd POV:

Today you finally agreed to hang out with Randy and Howard at the arcade. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late" you say as you walk up to them. "(Y/n)!" Randy greets you. "You just missed Howard fail to try and beat my high score" he chuckles and Howard glares at him angrily. "Better luck next time Howard" you pat him on the back. "Er actually (y/n), he will not have better luck next time for you see, Howard has tried to beat my high score on every game but has never been successful" Randy informs you.

"Okay slow down, there's no way you have the high score on every game here" you roll your eyes. "Walk with me my friend" Randy places a hand on your back and leads you around the arcade. "Gaze upon my many high scoring accomplishments here at the game hole" he points at all the different score boards above the games.
To your amazement you see that he does in fact have the high scores on every game here. "Stupid hall of fame" Howard growls. "Howard poor sportsmanship is not a good colour on you" Randy tells him. "I demand a rematch!" Howard exclaims. "What's the point, there are no games left to beat me at" Randy shakes his head.

Just then the arcade owner Greg walks up to you guys. "Sounds like you kids could use yourselves a fresh game, we just plugged in a new title" Greg then points at this new game called Jack Hammer that had just been plugged in. The three of you all look the game in amazement. "You, me, that game, now!" Howard turns to Randy. "You sure Howard, that's a lot of losing in one day, plus we eventually need to give (y/n) a turn" Randy tells him. "We're doing this! (Y/n) can have her turn afterwards!" Howard exclaims.

The three of you run up to the game to check it out and Randy reads the instructions out loud. "So basically you win by destroying every building in town" you conclude. "Ooh I call school!" Howard cheers excitedly. "Hey look free nachos!" Randy suddenly points out. Howard looks in the said direction and Randy quickly jumps in front of the game and grabs the game controller. "Ah that it! You mess with my head, you jump the queue and now you bring nachos into your trickery! YOU HAVE GONE TOO FAR!" Howard yells angrily.

You watch as Randy plays the game and Howard throws annoying complaints at him. Suddenly Bucky runs into the game hole looking panicked. He runs over to Greg who then makes an announcement through the speakers. "Attention holers there is a rampaging robot in the city, for your safety we ask that you remain at Greg's Game Hole!".

This immediately catches your attention as everyone runs to the window the witness the giant destructive robot. "Hey er guys; I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" you excuse yourself before running off. You of course were not going to the bathroom though. You sneak out the back and pull out your mask and transform into the Spirit Ninja.
Meanwhile Randy was still playing the game while Howard warns him about the robot. "Howard even if I quit right now you'll still never beat me" Randy tells me. "But just in case" he quickly turns back to the game.

Suddenly on the screen in front of Jackhammer the Spirit Ninja appears. "Huh, I didn't know the Spirit Ninja was in this game?!" Randy says surprised. "Well what are you waiting for, smash her and finish the game so you can go and defeat the giant robot!" Howard tells him. Randy hesitates for a moment. "I can't smash my own partner" he sighs in defeat. "But I can do this" he then turns the controller into hammer mode and starts destroys a very large building.

Meanwhile back with you, when you had appeared in front of the robot you immediately recognised it. "What! Jackhammer's real!" you gasp in shock. The robot looks down at you before turning to a large building and starts hitting it with his hammer. You then jump on top of the building next to him and wrap your scarf around his hammer and pull it back.

Back with Randy, he try's to continue to destroy the building but with the Spirit Ninja holding back the hammer that was difficult. Randy was now getting frustrated as he needed to get this game over with quickly. "Sorry partner" he mumbles under his breath before turning Jackhammer around and hits you with the hammer. Once you flew off the screen Randy went back to destroying the building which earns him a lot more points. "837000!" he cheers. "Good luck beating that homie!" he smirks as he hands the controller over to Howard. "Oh you have out shoobed yourself my arrogant friend, and you will pay!" Howard growls as he ran off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25 ⏰

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