Cp 1 Childhood

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(Credit to novatroop for the video. Also, this would be the intro each chapter)

Y/N: *yawns and gets up from bed* (Another interesting day)

it's been five years since I was reincarnated as ryomen sukuna. At first, I thought I was in jjk, but I quickly found out I am in the worst anime when it comes to timeliness, so with that knowledge, that came a week ago from my time working on a singularity anime scene for fate

Y/N: *walks through the hallway after being dressed and waves at the servants* (I have been training my body since I won't gain my technique until six as how it was explained in jjk. Everyone around me calls me a prodigy at a young age, which helps with my plans!)

After a little more walking, he arrived at the dining room and saw his mother and father waiting for him, and once they saw him, they waved and said

Mother: How was your morning, son?

(NOTE I will be using sukuna instead of y/n for now)

Sukuna: *Shrugs* It was fine, mom

After responding, he sits down on his legs in a traditional sitting style the Japanese of this age used with his father asking

Father: So, how has your studies been going, son?

Sukuna: (Ah, right, I forgot to mention when I turned three and my father saw my genious intelligence he made me study with the best of scolars, swords man, and other people to make me the best emperor) Its going well father.

While halfway through the meal, a person comes to my father and whispers something I couldn't quite catch, which makes my father get up and leave

Mother: *sighs* That father of yours always works! He needs to spend time with his family more.

Sukuna: Well, he is ruling a empire Mother so it is to be expected.

My mother looks at me with eyes of betrayal but just sighs. After 30 more minutes, we finished eating with me going to my studies and my mother to her own things

Once I arrive, I have to spend one hour learning the most advance of things and after that I have to train with the sword for five hours

After that long afternoon of studying and training, I head to my room and lay on the bed thinking

Sukuna: (It's so boring right now!! I just want to destroy this kingdom and leave!)

Ever since y/n reincarnated here, he wanted to be almost like sukuna besides eating children, but since he was in fate, he wanted his history to be both loved and feared by the normal people and by the people who practice magecraft which means his mother and father were something that threatened his goals

Sukuna: (I just have to keep playing the genious prodigy for 13 more years, and then I will start my journey through the history books as the strongest and most feared in history)

He smiled, and if you looked close, the smile looked sinister


After just training by himself for three hours, a servant came and brought him to the dining room for dinner with his "family."

Once he arrived, he bowed as a greeting to his "family" and sat down how he did in the morning and started eating his dinner

Father: Son, what do you think of this empire?

Y/N paused and appeared to be in deep thought, but actually, he didn't care

Sukuna: (I truly hate this empire, but I have to keep up the act) I think this empire is the greatest I have ever seen, father.

My father nodded, pleased with what I said, and then told me

Father: Good, tomorrow I will take you with me so you can observe the way things are done since one day you will be ruling this empire

Sukuna: Of course, father. (Well, I guess something interesting will happen tomorrow)

The dinner continued with nothing else happening, which after everyone finished went there sperate ways to sleep for the night

Once he got to his bed and got bathed and dressed by the servants, he lay down on the bed and looked at the night sky, thinking about how much fun it would be in 13 years


The sun shined, indicating another day had arrived, which awoke y/n and made him get up and get dressed so he could eat breakfast and spend the whole day with his "father"

Once he arrived in the dining room, he sat down again and started eating his breakfast with his parents

After he and his father finished, he walked with his father to the throneroom and stood beside him while his father sat on the throne, listening to the court about the daily problems

Father: So what seems to be the problem today?

Court memeber 1: It seems like there is a plague to the east destroying the cattle, and we can't seem to find a way to stop. It's spreading your majesty!

The other court members nodded, awaiting to hear their majesty help solve their problem

Father: I see. Well, is there any other empire to the east having the same problem?

They shook their heads, which left the king confused only for y/n to speak

Sukuna: Father, may I speak?

Father: *raises his head and looks at his son* Hmm, permission granted, son.

Sukuna: *nods and looks at the court* How are the live stock kept?

Court member 2: W-well they get their waist thrown out every week you see rats here and there while also-

Sukuna: I will stop you there. The reason for the cows' sickness is clear. They are getting sick from the conditions, from this moment on having the cows pens cleaned every day, making sure there are no rats, and making sure the pens are always clean!

Everyone was stunned by this but then thought about it and felt foolish for not thinking of this

Father: Son, good job with finding the solution so quickly! From this moment on, what my son said should be followed by every farmer in the empire understood!

Court members: YES YOUR MAJESTY!

Thus, I continued the day with everyone, thinking that I would be the best emperor they have ever seen.

Oh, how wrong they are


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