25 Advising a priest

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Currently, opening his living quarters he lived in the past couple of days was none other than Kirei Kotomine. However, once he peered inside, he saw his teacher's servant.

With a sigh escaping his lips, Kirei walked inside and asked the smiling servant a question.

Kirei: *Slightly curious* You're in a rather cheerful mood today. Is there any reason why, Archer?

After picking up the Archer piece and observing it for a moment. Y/N decided to ignore his question and ask his own.

Sukuna: *Looks towards Kirei* That's not the reason why I came here... I wanted to know if you have completed what I asked for.

Even though Kirei saw no point in the matter. He still did as instructed. Which Assassin finished the task given last night before he/she died last night from Rider. Though Kirei could only furrow his brow since he thought he told Assassin to deliver it to him last night.

Kirei: *Confused* I thought I told Assassin to deliver it to you last night?

Y/N only smiled as he answered yet anothrt of Kirei's questions.

Sukuna: *Lies down on the couch* I sent that walking shadow away... Kirei, I don't want to hear it from a different person. The only reason I gave you this task was so I could hear the report come from you.

Kirei: *Confused* Me?

Sukuna: *Smiles widens slightly* Since the start of this grail war, you have been the most interesting I have seen thus far!

Seeing as he couldn't understand what Archer meant, Kirei simply leaned against a wall and started the report.

Kirei: *Leans against a wall* With Lancer and Rider's master, they seem to have no wish for the grail. It only seems they want to win glory as mages. Now, Caster's master seems to have no understanding of what the grail is. He seems to only want to participate so he can continue his interest in killing.

Seeing no sign of interruption, Kirei continues his report.

Kirei: *Looks towards y/n* As for Berserkers master, I couldn't find anything since he died from Caster very early on in this war...

Seeing Kirei pause, y/n glanced towards him and said.

Sukuna: *Glances at Kirei* What's wrong? Continue.

With a sigh, Kirei continued.

Kirei: *Looks down* It's Sabers master. He is nothing more than a hired mercenary. Called upon by the Einzberns to achieve their goal of obtaining the grail... *Sighs disappointedly* I was a fool to expect more from him.

Sukuna: *Looks towards the ceiling* I have seen his type before. They are nothing more than broken people who couldn't bear the pain they have caused.

Seeing as that was the only response, Kirei looked towards Archer and said.

Kirei: *Slightly agitated* Is that all you have to say? Think about those whose time has been wasted.

Sukuna: *Raises and eyebrow* Wasted time? But with this "Wasted time," we found your cure!

Confused, Kirei stopped laying against the wall and asked.

Kirei: *Confused* Cure? Cure for what?

Sukuna: *Glances his way* You have found your cure for joy!

Kirei looked at him in utter confusion since he didn't feel the slightest bit of joy.

Kirei: Joy? What did I say to have "joy"?

Sukuna: *Gets off the couch* It's simple really. Your soul is different from others. Most souls always look for joy in their lives, but yours seems to not understand joy. Out of all the masters you just spoke of, you had the most emotion when you spoke about Caster's master... *Smirks* Which makes me believe that your soul finds most enjoyment in killing!

Kirei could only glare as he yelled at y/n for even insulating such a thing.

Kirei: *Shaking with rage* ENOUGH! I would never feel joy for such a thing! A sicken monster such as yourself will never understand that joy leads to corruption!... I have chosen the way of faith; any form of joy is a godless sin that must be punished!

Y/N only continued to smile as he walked around Kirei.

Sukuna: *Smirks* I have seen all sorts of joy throughout the world. And I can say with experience that joy can be both good and evil in the eyes of a human. There truly is no right kind of joy. Beings that live above or are not human have different views on "joy." Even your own god has different views on joy.

Seeing Kirei glare even more, he decided to get to the point.

Sukuna: *Sighs* It's funny you have defined joy as a sin. Joy for another's life, for what you ate, and even seeing your son. Is that really a sin? Tell me, Kirei, why do you classify joy as a sin?

However, before Kirei could respond. He suddenly felt excruciating pain come from his hand. Clutching his hand, Kirei speaks in a pain tone.

Kirei: *Clutches his hand* T-This pain!

Sukuna: *Smiles* Well, would you look at that! I guess my guess was correct!

With the pain fading, Kirei looked at his hand and grew shocked by what he saw.

Kirei: *Sees command spells on his hand* H-How.

Sukuna: *Sits back down* It seems the grail still expects much more from you, Kirei Kotomine!

Crouching down on the ground, Kirei stared at his hand and said.

Kirei: * Looks towards y/n* D-Does that mean I still have some hidden desire?

Sukuna: *Grabs the Caster piece* If the grail is truly omnipotent. Then it can even give your joyless soul the answer to which you seek!

Kirei: *Looks back down* Then that would mean if I were to join this war, I would have to betray everything I know.

Sukuna: * Looks towards Kirei* Not to mention you will need a powerful servant to win!

Kirei continued to look down as he contemplated for a moment before y/n decided to speak up once he put down the Caster piece.

Sukuna: *Walks towards Kirei* How about you listen to a proposal I have for you, Kirei Kotomine!

Kirei looked up, confused about what Archer wanted to propose. However, what Kirei didn't know was that this was the start of a partnership for years to come. And also the way he found joy in his joyless life.


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