Cp 8 creating curses

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Sukuna: *opens eyes and remembers what happened last night, which made him blush a little* (I can't believe I had my first time with the girl of my dreams....)

Y/N looked to his side and saw Tamamo sleeping peacefully, which made him smile genuinely

Sukuna: (I will make sure that she is safe no matter what! After all, that's what a husband should do for his beautiful wife!)

After a little longer of looking at her, he sighs and gets up since today's the day, when he will unveil his new creation to his followers

After 30 minutes of getting ready, he goes over to Tamamo and shakes her awake, which after a moment stirs her awake

Tamamo: Mmmh... * opens eyes and sees y/n* Good morning, my love!

Y/N smiled hearing that and said

Sukuna: Morning darling, get dressed today's the day I show the world the fruits of my new experiment!

She nods , and after a moment, she realizes what they did last night, which makes her blush but smiles, happy that she shared her first time with her husband,

After a moment, she gets up, albeit a little wobbly, she gets dressed and heads to her husband's throne room to see what this experiment is


Currently, everyone in the throne room was murmuring, to themselves curious about what their Lord was going to show them

While kiren was standing on the right of his lords throne waiting for his lords orders

Sukuna: *sitting on his throne* (This may be the biggest thing I have done so far being here...)

After a couple more minutes, Tamamo entered and stood beside y/n while he started

Sukuna: Now that everyone is here, let me explain the project! Ever since thinking on the idea of creating life, I spent these last years making it reality, and finally, it is!

When he finished, everyone grew shocked because out of his shadow came four beings that had extraordinary magic circuits

SF 1: *amazed* Amazing!

SF 2: *Surprised* Our god can even create life!?

This is what most said, shocked and amazed at these creatures, but after a couple minutes, they stopped talking and waited for their lord to continue

Sukuna: Now their names are hanami, Dagon, jogo, and mahito! Their race will be known as curses, which give the advantage of never aging, more powerful mage craft, and a special technique each curse could do!

This shocked everyone this time since they didn't think a being could ever be so perfect while Tamamo looked at y/n shocked but also lovingly

Tamamo: *standing beside sukuna* ( My love is so powerful! I think he may be the strongest being I have ever seen!)

While Tamamo thought that kiren looked at y/n in reverence, since when he first met him to now, y/n has always shown that magecraft is so flexible that it just needs imagination to be used

Sukuna: *stands up* Now to show them off, we are going to the training room and watching as all of them fight me!

Everyone nodded since they always loved watching their lord fight, though Tamamo looked worried she knew that he could handle them


Once everyone gathered and sat down, y/n stood on one side while the other four stood on the other side, waiting for an order

Sukuna: *gets into position* ( Though it will take them years to grow a soul, they should still he powerful.... Also, after this, I will release them onto the world)

Combining his cursed energy and magecraft, he can make 1 every hour just by him existing with his magecraft and cursed energy flaring

Sukuna: Alright, let's begin!

After hearing that, jogo rushed in while the others spread out. Y/N dodged a fire ball and a water ball with him sending a dismantle at jogo

Jogo dodged the dismantle and appeared in front of him with a fist of cursed energy getting sent at him

Sukuna: *dodges* (They are learning..... good!)

Just before sukuna could dodge another fist of cursed energy mahito and hanami came from behind him and hit him in the back with cursed energy, which sent him back a bit but did not damage him

Sukuna: *stood up* (This is getting interesting. Let's see what else they learned!)

Before the four could react, hanami got punched into a wall knocked out while the other three were surprised by that

Sukuna: *gets into a fighting stance* Come now, we aren't done yet!

Jogo was the first one that rushed and appeared in front of him. He sent a wave of fire at him, which sukuna effortlessly dispelled and scoffed at

While mahito ran up to him with Dagon covering him so he wouldn't get hit, which left Y/N intrigued, so he didn't dodge the attack, though once it hit he felt his soul getting attacked only for y/n to punch mshito in a wall knocking him out making sure he targeted the soul

Sukuna: (That was strong. It almost hurt.)

Jogo and Dagon tried one last final attack at y/n, which they combined their fire and water, and sent it at y/n, which he blocked at last second though it created smoke screen once it landed

After a minute, the smoke disappeared, and everyone saw jogo and Dagon on the ground knocked out with only a damaged kimono on y/n

Everyone erupted into cheers, seeing their lord showing them his power while Tamamo sighed in relief that he didn't get hurt


Once everything was cleaned up, everyone went on their way to go back to their dutys, while Tamamo took y/n with her on a walk around the shrine, observing nature

Sukuna: *walking with her* Like the show I put on?

Tamamo: Yes, it was quite fun.

Sukuna: Glad to hear it.... Also, I hope you liked what we did last night?

She blushed hearing that, but she nodded and kissed him, happy that she found the one she would spend eternity with while y/n thought the same, though fate had plans for them


(Sorry if you like the curses, but their personality will change a little, but don't be surprised if you see them acting differently)

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