Cp 19 Invitation to a kings banquet

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As the sun was shining, people all across Fyukui were out doing their own things. Though one pair was walking around, that caught everyone's notice.

One was a man who had the height of a giant to the people. While the other was a scrawny little kid that accompanied the giant looking man. Holding a barrel full of wine, the man spoke to the scrawny kid and said.

Iskandar: *Holding the barrel over his shoulders* Now that we have procured the best wine we could find, we need to find the other kings and invite them to tonight's banquet!

Waver: *Scared a little* H-Hey Rider, isn't it bad to have so many strong servants in one place? (Especially that 'servant'!)

The kid now known as Waver Velvet remembers feeling the pressure he emitted, making Waver want to hide in the darkness and never come out. What the aura felt like was a combination of pure evil and untold caos!

Waver: *trying to hide his scared look from Rider* (That 'servant' was something that should have never been unleashed... I hate to think how anyone could even beat him...)

Before Waver could think further on the matter, Iskandar spoke up and said in an invigorated tone.

Iskandar: *Smiles while looking at Waver* Don't worry over such a thing! A king who battles before the dialogue is nothing more than a fake who is pretending to be one!

Waver: *Stutters* R-Right! (HE IS GOING TO GET US KILLED!!)

While Waver continued to think cowardly thoughts, Iskandar remembered the fight at the docks. Making him ball up his fist in slight anger while thinking.

Iskandar: *Clutches his fist tightly* (Archers without a doubt stronger than me... Though, the glory of conquest is always expecting an unsurpassable wall being broken!)

Iskandar knew this well since he tried his very best to get to the ocean. With all of his men and his grand charisma, he fell short. Now, back in the world with more power than he had before, Iskandar was excited to fight Archer. Even knowing that he most likely would lose, Iskandar felt like it was his mission to prove fate wrong!

Iskandar: *Looks up at the sky* (Even if fate is against me, I will show fate that you can not stop Iskandars conquest!)

Before either could continue with their thoughts, they spotted up ahead the very one Waver was scared of and Riders eagerness to fight.

Seeing him sit on a bench in a park, Iskandar walked up to him with Waver behind him, fearful of what may transpire. With y/n sensing them easily, he glanced at them slightly and said in a bored voice.

Sukuna: *Senses them and glances at Iskandar* Very surprising to see you here, King of Conquers. (I didn't think I would be seeing him today...)

Iskandar: *Sits next to y/n laughing* Hahahaha! Are you not happy to see Iskandar, the King of Conquers?!

Sukuna: *glances away from him and looks at the scenery* No... I know you wouldn't come here unless you have something to say, so spit it out. The king has given you permission to speak!

Iskandar looked at him with an unreadable expression for a moment, only to laugh again and say.

Iskandar: *Laughs* Hahahaha! As expected of someone like you!... Tonight, I will be holding a banquet at Sabers Castle since the Thunder God fellow already agreed. Will you be coming?

Sukuna: *Slient for a moment* Yes... You have piqued my interest, King of Conquers. Don't disappoint me...

Iskandar: *Nods* That's good to hear!... I will be taking my leave to go prepare! Have a safe journey, King of Curses!

As Iskandar walked off to go prepare with Waver quickly following him to, y/n could only be left to ponder something.

Sukuna: *cups his chin* (Should I summon my wife now?)

The main reason y/n didn't summon her after he was summoned was for one reason... His plan would be ruined.

Sukuna: (If I revealed my cards too early, people may start questioning certain things I don't want them to question yet... Which I don't need Tokiomi finding out yet.) *Sighs* What a pain! There are so many choices and outcomes, but I still can't decide.

Seeing as he was getting nowhere, y/n got up and started walking out of the park and headed back to Tokiomis' place since he had nothing to do until tonight. Though along the way, y/n spotted a couple walking with their kid, happy and content with life. This action made y/n think.

Sukuna: *Continues walking on* (When I was the old me, I would have only dreamed for that life... But now, I feel truly alive! I do what I want when I want!)

Y/N noticed when he first killed his father and mother that he had no remorse or care for their deaths. All he felt was nothing.

At the time, y/n never questioned it, but when he met Tamamo, he felt like a part of him was truly found. That's why, out of everyone who he has met, he only cares for her survival and happiness.

Sukuna: *Smiles slightly* (After this banquet, I will summon her so I can finally feel whole again...)

The only real reason y/n even decided to become a heroic spirit was because of two reasons. The first meant that Tamamo could not die unless someone could enter the throne and kill her actual body. The second reason was mainly because he didn't want to travel the world for centuries just to find above average people. Since the grail wars were really the only place that had worthy opponents in his eyes.

Sukuna: (If I'm going to summon her, I am going to need to fast forward my plan as well....) *Sighs* It doesn't matter, I will let future me figure it out instead of present me...

After saying that, y/n continued in silence as he walked back to Tokiomis' place. All he knew for sure was that this banquet would be one that no one would forget!


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