Cp 6 Y/N vs 80,000

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During this week, nothing noteworthy happened besides Tamamo and y/n growing closer with the followers of his also accepting her as his wife

All throughout the week, Tamamo hasn't been happier, which has been making her grow a deep love for him that grows each day

Right now, y/n and his queen were in the throne room, with kiren on his right, while Tamamo on his left, watching as y/n gets news about his territory and the outside world

(Sukuna follower= SF)

SF 1: *bowing while reading the report* My lord, nothing besides a acuasional beasts have been entering your territory, but have been swiftly killed!

Sukuna: *not paying any attention to him* (I did get some of the people that made my outfit, which sukuna wore, to make Tamamo outfits to her liking but maybe I should take her on a date...)

Before he could continue his thought, someone rushed into the room panting but quickly took a bow in front of y/n

SF 2: M-my lord permission to speak!

Sukuna: *Still not paying attention* What is it?

SF 2: My lord, 80,000 troops are approaching from the north, and it seems they are here to kill lady Tamamo.

When y/n heard that, he released his blood lust, furious for thinking they could touch his wife

Sukuna: *glares at SF 2* What did you say.

Everyone besides Tamamo and kiren could feel like they were staring at death, which made all of them look at the ground, afraid they might also be a target for his anger

SF 2: I-i-it i-is as i-i said m-my lord!

He bowed the lowest he could so his lord would not kill him

Sukuna: (I WILL KILL THESE BASTARDS!!..... Wait, I can use this! YES! This can be my introduction to the entirety of Japan showing them my might as well as going down in history for this!)

Tamamo: *looks down sadden* (W-why does everyone want me dead! Just because of false claims, I never can have a peaceful life with the one I love!?)

She wanted to cry, but she knew it wouldn't solve anything, so she held it in and looked towards her love and saw him furious for her, which made her heart skip a beat while also having a red tint on her cheeks

After a moment of silence waiting for their lords response, they heard him say

Sukuna: I see, then I will take them on myself.

This made everyone in the room shocked and wanted to protest, but kiren stopped them

Kiren: Are you questioning our lord and his magic!?

This made them all shut up and wait for kiren, the head priest, to continue

Kiren: Our lord has shown us the true power of magecraft while also protecting us as his loyal followers it is our duty to follow his word as law, for he is our God! NOW I ASK OF YOU ARE YOU QUESTIONING OUR LORD!?

All: NOOO!

Kiren: Then you will not protest understood?

They all nodded, knowing if their lord was confident, then that meant his magecraft was strong enough for this

Sukuna: Good job, kiren.

Kiren: *bows* It is my honor, my lord.

Sukuna: *nods* Right, now then! I will have a crystal ball in the middle where you can watch my fight and learn the way of true magecraft!

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