24 Reunited

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Currently, walking up the steps of Ryuudou temple was none other than y/n himself. With a smile accompanying his face, y/n couldn't help but think.

Sukuna: *Walking up the steps* (Finally! I will finally see her again! After all this time, I can finally end this waste of a war!)

Even though y/n had enough power to kill every servant in under a night, he didn't. For one specific reason, y/n was bored.

And as any king would do when they are bored, y/n decided to amuse himself and see how these servants would act. To say he was disappointed was an understatement.

Y/N thought that maybe they had some small value, and he grew further disappointed by most of the servants being bland.

Reaching the top of the steps, y/n couldn't help but think further about why he even let the grail war continue for more than one night.

Sukuna: *Reaches the top step* (What was I even thinking... What was I looking for? Their ideals? Or maybe was it a way for me to grow stronger?... It doesn't matter. All that matters now is seeing my wife again!)

Coming to no answers, y/n decided to bury the question and start drawing the summoning circle for summoning his wife.


1 hour it took for y/n to finally finish making the summoning circle with a child's blood he obtained when he killed a child at the park earlier that

Now that y/n finally finished, he started to chant a special way instead of using the ordinary grail incantation.

Sukuna: As the blood moon appears and makes everyone know of its beauty. As the shrine is covered in her favorite flowers. As her husband waits for his goddess to return. I summon the fox goddess, Tamamo No Mae!

As y/n chanted, the moon turned a bloody red color as he continued the incantation. Once finished, a blinding light erupted from the ground as y/n covered his eyes with a smile appearing on his face.

Once the light faded, he saw his wife in all her glory, looking around, confused. Y/N, deciding that he didn't want to beat around the bush, spoke up.

Sukuna: *Smiles while walking up to her* Been a while, hasn't it, darling~?

Tamamos ears perked up hearing his voice, which caused her to turn around with her eyes widening at seeing her love as the one who summoned her. Tamamo couldn't help but smile and hug him as soon as y/m was close enough.

Y/N didn't resist as his wife enjoyed the embrace. But after a couple of minutes, y/n backed away and spoke.

Sukuna: *Stops hugging her* I see you missed me a lot.

Tamamo: *Pouts* How can I not miss my husband when he is off facing the unknown!

Y/N nodded since he already guessed that was the reason. However, he still felt happy that she was worried about him. After all, what husband wouldn't be happy about such a thing?

Breaking out of his thoughts, y/n decided to give her the information she needed about what's happened so far.

Sukuna: *Smiles* I'm glad you felt that way... Though that can wait for later since I need to tell you what's been going on in this holy grail war.

However, before he could do so, Tamamo shocked him with what she said next.

Tamamo: *Smiles* You don't need to, my love! When you summoned me, I was most of the things that happened during this war!

Y/N was surprised but quickly composed himself and decided to ask Tamamo if she had any questions.

Sukuna: *Nods* I see, and do you have any questions for me?

Tamamo stayed silent for a moment before she spoke.

Tamamo: *Nods* Yes. Is it true that Hajime Kashimo is actually in this war?

Even though they came from two different periods. Tamamo still knew about this thunder god, which confused her since Hajime shouldn't be able to be summoned... Though she and y/n weren't supposed to be either. But here they are, servants in their homeland.

With a sigh, y/n confirmed that what Tamamo was given is correct.

Sukuna: *Nods* Yes, what you were given is correct. And he has challenged me to a battle!

Tamamo was slightly surprised but quickly brushed it off since she knew her husband wouldn't lose to someone much weaker than himself.

With an exasperated sigh, Tamamo speaks up.

Tamamo: *Sighs* I see, I didn't expect anything less from you, my love.

Y/N hummed as he started walking off with his wife following close behind.


As y/n and Tamamo are walking down an empty street, Tamamo can't help but be amazed at seeing what humans have done in a thousand years.

Seeing Tamamos' excitement, y/n decided to ask.

Sukuna: *Raises an eyebrow* Doesn't the grail tell you what has happened since your last time in the world?

Tamamo shook her head as she explained her excitement.

Tamamo: *Shakes her head* It does, but you can't truly see how beautiful something is until you see it for yourselves!

Sukuna: *Smiles slightly* I see; *Frowns* I hate to interrupt your excitement, but I still need to meet with someone.

Tamamo: *Curious* Who?

Y/N stopped moving and stared in the direction of the church, which confused Tamamo until she heard y/n answer.

Sukuna: *Smiles slyly* I will be visiting a church to see a priest!

Tamamo almost thought y/n was joking since the number of things y/n has done would make it impossible for him to ever want to go to a church.

Though thinking on it further, she guessed that y/n has a plan for that priest he is interested in. She couldn't help but think as she looked at him.

Tamamo: *Curious* ( Just what are you planning, my love...)


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