Cp 14 fighting a stubborn Berserker

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The atmosphere was tense, most servants waiting for the first to strike. While y/n stood on top of the lamp post with his arms crossed, waiting for the first to make a move.

Sukuna: *glances at lancer and eyes widen a little* (Wait, hajime kashimo is lancer!?... Well, that's good. The original would have just been fodder for me...)

Berserker turned his gaze towards y/n only for him to immediately dodge an invisible slash going for his head. Backing up, Berserker took a defensive stance while taking a pole as a weapon.

Sukuna: *cups his chin* Interesting, for a mad dog, you sure have good reflexes... *grins* Then you are the first to die!

Jumping of the lamp post y/n rushed Berserker, catching him off guard which y/n took advantage of and sent a dismantle which cut through Berserkers armor, making him grunt in pain.

Once they reached each other, Berserker swung the pole at him, which y/n put his hand up to block, only to grunt while the ground below him cracked. Though that only makes him smile.

Sukuna: *blocking Berserkers attack* (How interesting! He is definitely a top-tier servant!)

While both were battling for dominance, Saber looked shocked at their speed, while Iskandar discussed with his master how impressive both the servants were. Though Lancer only frowned at the battle.

Kashimo: *frowns* (I already know sukuna will kill this Berserker, but I wanted to fight him tonight.... *sighs* Shame, but next time we meet, I definitely will be the first to fight him!)

Since being summoned in this grail war, kashimo wanted to fight sukuna with no interference. But now almost every servant was here besides caster, which made it tricky and almost impossible to get the fight he always wanted. So reluctantly, he just stands by ready to fight some of the weaklings if they try anything. While he also kept his eyes on the fight, y/n was having.

Back to the fight, y/n pushed Berserker back while smiling. He sent three dismantles at him, which destroyed the pole Berserker was using to block it. Though it didn't change anything since he created tendrils on his back, making y/n interested.

Sukuna: *dodges one of the tendrils and grabs his head, sending him into a cargo container* *grins* Cmon, try harder! I am getting bored waiting!

Berserker: *breaks through the cargo container and rushes him* RAGHHHH!!

Berserker grew angrier by the second. Though y/n only grew more excited with every attack Berserker tried on him. Dodging another punch from him and two tendrils which almost latched onto him, y/n grew even more excited, which made him start exchanging punches with Berserker instead of using his skills.

Sukuna: *blocks a punch and punches his admen, causing black lighting to form distorting space* BLACK FLASH!

Berserker got thrown back 50 feet away, with half of his armor cracked just from that one punch.

Sukuna: *grins* (Even though my black flashes are weakened since having this human form. I still can make top-tier servants feel pain!)

Berserker shakily got back up, injured from that last attack, which made him force his master to heal him, which reluctantly happened. Berserker stood up fully healed, and his armor fixed. Y/N just grinned further, having fun toying with such a weak servant!

While y/n and Berserker stared each other down, Saber and irisviel were talking.

Irisviel: *looks worriedly at saber* How is your arm?

Saber: *moves it and sees it's fine* It's much better now, thank you for asking, irisviel.

Irisviel: *nods and smiles* I am glad...
Do you think you could beat those two servants?

Saber: *thinks for a moment and then looks towards irisviel* The Berserker I can handle, though the Archer will be a problem.

Irisviel nodded, knowing now that even though they had the renowned king of knights on their side, it didn't even help that much for this grail war. While irisviel was thinking this, kiritsugu looked concerned about his chances. After a minute, he stopped looking and started trying to find lancers master so he could get rid of Lancer from the holy grail war.

Berserker rushed him again, grabbing another pole, making it his noble phantasm while sukuna stood there waiting for the berserker to strike. Once the berserker arrived in front of him, he went for a leg sweep only for sukuna to blitz behind him and place his hand on berserkers' back, saying.

Sukuna: *hand on Berserkers back* Cleave!

Before Berserker could realize, a massive cut landed on his back, cutting a gaping hole on his back, pushing him back a little. Berserker looked unfazed and still kept swinging at y/n.

Sukuna: *dodging berserkers attacks* (He still keeps the same knight sword styles he is renowned for... though I assume tokiomi is getting impatient. Also, I am getting bored, so I will just finish this.)

Berserker tried to swing for y/ns head, though, once it got to y/ns neck, a mouth appeared where his neck would be and bit down on the pole destroying it, leaving everyone dumbfounded. While berserker looked confused, y/n took this as a moment to strike.

Sukuna: *points his hand at Berserker and does a swiping motion, sending a 50% dismantle at him* Die!!

Berserker couldn't even dodge as the dismantle, destroyed 50% of his armor, and made him bleed very badly. Before y/n could deliver the final strike, Berserkers master used a command seal, making berserker retreat before he got killed by y/n. Which only made y/n frown and be slightly pissed at karyia.

After a moment, he turns around, faces the other servants, and says.

Sukuna: *turns to the other servants leaving most on guard* So all of you are the servants I will have to fight.... I am disappointed by the quality...

Saber and Iskandar took offense, while kashimo looked excited to prove him wrong, though he held himself back. Before sukuna could comment further, he got a message from tokiomi saying.

Tokiomi: [My lord, retreat for now. We need to talk about the servants in this war and figure out the best strategy.]

Sukuna: *sighs disappointedly* [Fine.] You are lucky vermin! I will be leaving for now, the next time we meet. I hope you don't disappoint me, *chuckles darkly* for your sake....

After saying that, he retreated turning into particles with the rest of the servants doing so as well, not wanting to continue fighting after such a hectic night. While most masters were disappointed by tonight, kashimo, on the other hand, considered it a win since he now knows sukuna is here.


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