Cp 7 A day with his wife

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Sorry it's a day late but the power went off because of a tornado so sorry for those who waited

Y/N woke up looking to his right after he yawned. He saw his wife sleeping, which he found cute

Sukuna: *sits up* ( After getting so many compliments yesterday, I fell asleep since I was so mentally exhausted... though the way she sleeps makes her look very cute)

Suddenly, he remembered what he wanted to ask, so he got up and headed to get ready while she slept in


After an hour, Tamamo woke up

Tamamo: *opens eyes and sees y/n waiting for her* Morning my love.

Sukuna: Morning, get ready. I need to talk to you about something.

Seeing y/n so serious, she nodded and got ready quickly

After 30 minutes, she was sitting down next to y/n with him starting the conversation

Sukuna: I wanted to ask...... if you wanted to go on a date with me....

Tamamo looked at him, shocked and blushing at hearing that

Tamamo: OF COURSE! *cough* I mean, I would love to!

Sukuna: Good, meet me outside of the shrine at 3. I will be finished with work by then.

Tamamo: Alright, my love!

Y/N gets up and heads off to do his routine only to steal a kiss before he leaves the room

After he left, Tamamo thought

Tamamo: (My love is so caring!....*realizes* WAIT! I need to find the perfect outfit for my first date!)

After that, last thought, she got up and rushed to find the perfect outfit for their date


It's 1 hour till he could leave to go on his date with his wife, which made him happy but also bored since he had to stay here and listen to reports till then

Sukuna: *sitting on his throne* (Since that attack, I think no one will try anything for a while, but the only note worthy thing is beasts attacking here and there)

Since everyone who trained under sukuna was first-rate mages, beasts were nothing compared to them

While also thinking about what he is going to do for the date, he came to the conclusion that he would do a picnic for it

Sukuna: *looks over to kiren* kiren, I will be busy in an hour. If anything happens, you're in charge.

Kiren: Y-yes, my lord!

Sukuna: Good *looks back to his followers* (Having the tohaska for a grail war will be great, unlike the einzberns, which are pathetic or the old man of the matou there really aren't that many good choices.)

Truthfully, his plan for the grail war is underway, and all that's left is to make himself remembered for years to come


(AUTHOR NOTE: Sorry if it isn't that great. I don't know how to make date scenes that well)

It's been an hour since then, and now Tamamo was waiting with the outfit she wears as caster as the one she chose for the date

Tamamo: *waiting* (I hope he likes what I chose!)

After another minute, she saw him coming out in his human form, and with his outfit, he wore first seeing her, which brought back memories to her

Sukuna: *arrives next to her* You look great, darling~!

Tamamo blushed a lot hearing that but smiled, happy that he loved the outfit

Tamamo: T-thanks! Where are we going?

Sukuna: *grabs her hand* It's a surprise! Let's start heading there.

Tamamo nods, happy that she can hold his hand


After an hour of walking there, Tamamo was amazed as she saw a beautiful landscape on top of the hill they were on

Tamamo: *amazed* I-its beautiful!

Sukuna: *smirks* Not as beautiful as you~ (Damn, that was cheesy!)

Tamamo: *blushed and pecked his lip smiling* Thank you for showing me this!

After another moment, they both sat down and brought out a picnic basket from his shadow while Tamamo asked

Tamamo: Did you always know this was here?

Sukuna: Of course I did! When I was looking for the perfect territory, this one was the best I had ever seen. So I decided to claim it as mine!

Tamamo: *giggles* That sounds like you. *grabs a piece of food and takes a bite* How did you take this out of your shadow, though?

Y/N thought on if he should tell her, but after a second, he decided to tell her that since a marriage involved trust... though most humans never told the truth

Sukuna: *sighs* The way I use magic is different from others... My way is I can use the negative emotions humans have and take it and use it to do the magic you see me do, I call it cursed energy!

Tamamo was shocked a little, but after a couple of seconds of thinking about it, it made sense most mages she knew never would have been able to do anything remotely her love could do

Tamamo: *smiles and kisses his cheek* I see thanks for telling me!

Y/N smiled happy with the time he could spend with his wife

Sukuna: (So this is what love feels like, huh.... maybe it isn't as bad as I thought it was)

After that, last thought, he wrapped his arm around her, with her leaning in his embrace, looking at the beautiful scenery


After 3 hours of enjoying their date, they came back to the shrine content with the date they had today

Once they arrived, they headed back to their bed, which, when they arrived at their room with no one else awake, Tamamo pushed him on the bed and said

Tamamo: *blushing* Since everyone is asleep, let's have some fun~

She gets on top of him with y/n, grabbing her waist and saying

Sukuna: Yes, lets~



Sorry, but there is no lemon scene since I don't want to be reported, and I don't have a clue on how to do one so sorry again hope you liked the chapter since I have no plans on stopping anytime soon

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