Cp 22 Kings Banquet Finale

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Looking around frantically while the rest sat and watched what the assassins' next move was none other than Waver. With a frantic tone in his voice, he asked Iskandar.

Waver: *Shaking* This isn't fair! Why are there so many assassins surrounding us!?

Before Rider could tell the obvious fact to Waver, Assassin spoke up in Rider's steed.

Assassin 1: We are one divided into many.!

Assassin 2: An army but also one!

Assassin 3: A servant with many shadows and one!

This shocked Waver as now he understood the magnitude of Assassins noble phantasm. With a shaking voice, he asks his servant.

Waver: R-Rider um I-

Iskandar: *turns his head towards his master* Oh calm yourself, nothing to worry about, boy. Even those rude enough to interrupt our banquet may yet show us the greatest king!

This didn't surprise y/n since he already knew he would ask such a stupid thing, but Kashimo looked at him like he was stupid. Though with a sigh, he decided to ask the King of Conquers as to why he would invite the enemy to their banquet.

Kashimo: *looks towards Rider* So you're going to invite our enemy to the banquet as well, King of Conquers?

With a joyful laugh, Iskandar responded to God of Thunder.

Iskandar:  *Looks towards Kashimo* But of course! A king's words are for all to hear and absorb! If they came here to listen, then it doesn't matter if they are friend or foe!

After finishing, he grabbed some of the wine he brought, raised the wooden cup full of wine, and said to all the Assassins, currently observing the King of Conquers.

Iskandar: Now then, don't hold back! Any who wish to speak to us, come forward and take a cup! This drink is as your blood!

Instead of taking the cup, Iskandar offered, the Assassins sent a knife at Iskandar, which broke the cup he held in the air.

Iskandar lowered the cup with his eyes darkening. He spoke to all the Assassins in a firm tone.

Iskandar: I see, *Stands up* as I said, this drink is as your blood... *turns towards them* If you insist on spilling it here tonight, then so be it!

Just as he said this, Iskandar took on his servant outfit. As he did so, he had one final question for the trio of kings he invited tonight.

Iskandar: *wind blows around him* Saber, Archer, and Lancer! I have one final question for you all! Does a king have to stand alone!!?

Before Saber could respond, Kashimo beat her to it and answered Rider's question.

Kashimo: *looks at the back of Rider* Yes, as the king and strongest, you are meant to be alone.

Rider smiled and said.

Rider: It seems you don't understand! I will show you three right now, exactly what a real king is all about!

As he finished, a massive amount of mana circulated and formed a reality marble. Taking the Assassins, y/n, Saber, and Lancer into said reality marble.

Though y/n seemed unfazed while the other two were on guard. Y/N only had one thought about such a turn of events.

Sukuna: *Crosses his arms while he is still sitting* (I wonder what would win, my domain or Rider's reality marble?)

However, before he could dive further into his thoughts, he was interrupted by Rider as he showed what his reality marble could do.

Iskandar: Hmph! My glorious armies used to travel through this desert sand. A place where all the heroes stood with me through joy and sorrow would never forget!

As he said this, an army started marching behind him, which startled Saber and Irisviel. Though Kashimo only watched with a battle-hungry smirk on his face.

Though he just observed as Rider continued to explain.

Iskandar: *Stretches his arm out* I can make this world as real as it can ever be! Because it still exists deep within our hearts!

As the army moved closer to Rider, he continued to explain.

Iskandar: Behold my endless army! Their bodies were utterly destroyed, and their souls offered up to the grail as heroic spirits of old! And still, these legendary heroes pledge their loyalty to me! My bond with them is my greatest treasure! My path to kingship! The ultimate noble phantasm I possess!

As he finished, the army behind him cheered, which made most shocked while y/n only smirked as Rider mounted his horse.

Iskandar: *Mounts on his horse and looks towards his army* Hear me! A king must live a grand life and embody the image of admiration!

Army: *Shouts* I!

Iskandar: He who is worthy of all hero's envy and he who leads their way is a king! That way, the king is not alone! For his will is equal to all who would follow him to his ultimate glory combined!

Army: *Shouts* I!

Seeing as all of them agreed, Rider turned his attention to the Assassins, which were backing up.

With a smile, Rider asks.

Iskandar: *Smiles at them* Now, shall we begin our battle Assassin?

As Rider charged at the given-up Assassin, y/n was thinking.

Sukuna: *Cups his chin* (Some may see this noble phantasm as pathetic, but I see so much potential! I wonder just what abilities these servants have! Maybe they could even serve as entertainment!)

Even though he knew he could win hands down against Rider, he still wanted to watch as Rider would give up hope! Since y/n loves to see the sight of those who have succumbed to despair!

Sukuna: *Laughs a little* (After all, the first who I had done this to was none other than my family and my kingdom! And ever since then, I can't get enough!)

After a couple of minutes, Rider's army cheered as they defeated Assassin. Which made y/n stop thinking and stare at those vermin who would yell in his ear.


Back in the garden, Rider took a sip from the wine he brought and said in a dejected voice.

Iskandar: That ending wasn't as much fun as I thought... We have said all that needs to be said. I suppose this concludes our banquet. *Stands up and starts to walk away*

However, before Rider could summon his chariot and leave, Saber stood up and shouted.

Saber: Wait, Rider! I haven't finished yet!

Iskandar: *Stops* You may keep silent! Tonight was a banquet for kings, *turns towards Saber* but I no longer see you as a king, Saber.

Not saying anything else, Rider leaves as Kashimo vanishes alongside Rider in the night. Leaving only y/n and Saber left.

With a sigh, y/n speaks up.

Sukuna: *Sighs* Throughout this entire banquet, I have only seen a girl who is playing pretend... *Stands up and looks at Saber* If I see you again, you will die and join that trash dream of yours back to the throne of heroes, Artoria Pendragon... (It's a shame she would never be more heartless. Maybe then I could find some reason to love her...)

After that thought, y/n disappeared. Leaving Saber to dwell on what just occurred.


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