Cp 10 meeting ????

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It's been 8 years since the fight with Ushiwakamaru. During that time, y/n grew stronger, reaching his peak of power. Though y/n was bored, he couldn't find anyone strong enough to challenge him

Currently, in the throne room, y/n sat in his throne with Tamamo next to him

Sukuna: *bored* (I wonder if I will be able to ever find a worthy opponent in this world....)

Looking back at his life so far, he knows for a fact that he will go down in history as the strongest, though he wanted more,

Sukuna: *looks up at the ceiling* (I wonder how I can become a heroic spirit if I can't even find a worthy person to battle me....)

Looking over, Tamamo sensed her husband was conflicted, so she asked

Tamamo: Is everything okay, my love?

Y/N broke out of his thoughts, to which he looked at her concerned face and responded, saying

Sukuna: *smiles* Yea, everything is fine. It's just that I want to fight someone as strong or stronger than me to get stronger...

Tamamo nodded and tried thinking of a way for his wish to come true, but after a couple minutes, she couldn't find a solution to her husband's problem

Tamamo: *sad* Sorry I can't be of help, my love...

Sukuna: *pats her head* No worries. I would have been shocked if you did actually know someone.

After saying that, Tamamo smiled, happy that he wasn't mad at her

Sukuna: *stops patting her head* (I will think about this latter on... right now, I have more important things to do.)

Y/N remembered that today was his last day ruling his people since they have become strong enough not to need him while also y/n was secretly tired of dealing with being king all the time

Sukuna: *stands up* Alright, let's head to where they will be leaving.

Tamamo nodded, remembering her husband telling her and everyone that it was time for them to go into the world and establish themselves while he will leave them tablets on how to be the best magus possible for there descendents

She also remembered about all the times she spent with her love, going to the beach, sharing food, going on dates, sleeping together, and much more which made her smile fond of all those memories that brought her the utmost joy in her life

While walking, y/n looked over to his wife and saw her smiling, which made him curious, so he asked

Sukuna: *walking beside her* Something on your mind?

Tamamo: *looks at him and smiles* I am just remembering the times we spent together. It brings back very fond memories.

Y/N smiled, also remembering those memories, cherishing them above all else as they were irreplaceable for him and his wife

Sukuna: *smiles* I see, I, too, remember the time you got lost in the shrine, even with directions being provided.

Tamamo looked at him offended that he still brought it up

Tamamo: I will have you know, that was 6 years ago! Also, I now know this place like it was the back of my hand!

She puffed her chest out, which made her, in his opinion, look even more cute

Sukuna: *chuckles* Gomen, gomen. It's just fun to tease you.

She sighed, but she was smiling that she was the only one he showed his trueself to

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