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Anwars pov

I woke up with the bed empty. I got off the bed stretching making my bones crack.

What the hell are you even human? I heard Amani say as I look to the door and I found her coming in with a mug in her hand.

Why you up so early I asked walking lazily to the bathroom.

Early? Dude it's 11:29 she said and I gave her a raised eyebrow

Yeah it's early on a normal day you will be sleeping by now I said and she chuckled.

I got to the bathroom and decided to just take my bath cuz what the hell.

I came out in less than 10 minutes and got dressed in a faded blue tee and a black trouser.

I walked out of the closet drying my hair with a towel as I found Amani walking around.

You alright? I asked and she looked up at me.

Yeah I'm ohk she said with a smile but I wasn't gonna buy that.

Come on we are going to the hospital I said as I took my keys from the bedside drawer and unplugged her phone.

We walked out of the room and she took her vail from the living room and we headed out.

It was a 20 minute drive but it felt like I wasn't driving fast enough.

I parked and I basically carried her in because she was too in pain to walk.

She was taken to a doctors office and ofcourse I had to be there literally! 

Luckily it's a woman I would have been all up in this place.

She made Amani lay on a bed and started asking her questions.

Lift your shirt the doctor said and she did.

She gently placed her hand on Amani's abdomen putting pressure asking her if she could feel the pain.

She wasn't feeling pain until she was pressing directly under her stomach.

We have to go for a scan Mr Abubakar the doctor said and I nodded Ohk.

You can wait here it won't take long she said as they both walked out.


She came back after a while and I just had to ask because she was alone.

Where is she I asked and she smiled. I gave her a bed with some prescription's so the pain could stop she said as she took a seat behind the desk.

Is she ohk tho I asked restless.

Well Me Abubakar your wife had a miscarriage that's why she keeps having the pains and hence the bleeding she said

Miscarriage? I asked and she nodded yes. Don't worry she's fine it was just the timing wasn't right Hence she got a miscarriage and her period made it worse.

She's Ohk! She's a very strong woman. Some women wouldn't have been able to walk if they were in the pain she's in she said and I smiled knowing just how much she endured.

I'm keeping her under observation until she stops feeling the pains. I'm sure in the evening or tomorrow morning she will be ready to go home because of the medications I gave her she said and I nodded Ohk.

Could you direct me to her room please I asked and she nodded standing up gesturing for me to follow her.

She pointed me to a room and she walked away going to attend to Paitence.

I walked in and I met with Amani sleeping peacefully on the bed with her hand on her stomach.

I sat on the chair beside the bed just admiring her as she sleeps soundly.

I got interrupted by my phone ringing and it was sadiya

Me; hello Assalamu Alaikum

Sadi: waalaikumussalam Anwar how you doingg

Me; oh I'm good thank you for asking(chuckling)

Sadi: where's Amani

Me; oh she's sleeping( whispering)

Sadi; bro why are you whispering?

Me; oh I don't want to wake her up I bought her to the hospital and they gave her a bed

Sadi: oh no is he Ohk (worried)

Me; she's Ohk she's just under observation till she stops feeling pains

Sadi; ohh what did they say is wrong with her?

Me; well uh........miscarriage

Sadi; gasp! I knew something was fishy.

Me; Yeahh but she's Ohk tho

Sadi; we will come see her!

Me; no no don't worry please we will be home highest after isha she's not spending the night hopefully

Sadi; Ohk but if she is you better tell me Anwar!!

Me; Ohk I will in sha Allah.

Sadi; Ohk take care Ohk. Bye

Me; bye!

I ended the call and I met with Amani's two big eyes looking at me

Did I wake you up I asked feeling guilty. Well kinda she said and gave me her billion dollar smile.

So you ohk? I asked taking her hand in mine.

Yeah I'm ohk the pain is subsiding lil by lil she said and I kissed her hand in response.

I'm hungry tho she said rubbing her tummy.

What would you want to eat I asked taking out my phone to order.

Uhmm pizza she said with a toothy grin and I nodded ordering what my love wants.

She kept rubbing her tummy looking into blank space.

Is it the hunger making you do that or what I asked and she smiled. Nah it's something else she said and I knew what she ment.

Hey alls good.....another one will come the doctor said it was wrong timing I side and she smirked.

Well now I will have to be keeping you in schedule She said pinching my cheek and I laughed.

Yeah you know that schedule is just gonna be a waste of time I said smirking and she hit my hand.

Do you want another wrong timing she asked and I immediately nodded no.

Oh come on I'm hoping before we go back you have one out and one in you I said with a toothy grin and she gasped.

What the hell do you think I am a machine! She asked and we bursted out laughing

God I love you I blurted out and her face lit up.

I love you too baby she said pinching my nose.

The doctor came in and she met Amani with a smile making herself smile too.

Well Mrs abubakar looks like you are doing well she said and Amani nodded.

Don't worry just a few more hours then you can leave she said.

Thank you we both said as the doctor walked out.

Let me go get the pizza Ohk I said standing up. I pecked her lips and I walked out to the parking lot finding a pizza guy.

I tipped him and he left.

I walked back in and her face lit up the moment she saw it.

I kept it on the bed and we both ate to out heart extent.



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