Something Unexpected

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You knock on Bilbo and Frodo's door and Frodo opens it and smiles at your presence. "Hello." He says cheerfully. "Hello." You say back with a little smile. "I was just wondering if you'd like to go into the woods with me... if you have time that is." Frodo checked to see if his Uncle Bilbo was in earshot, then replied, "Yes, I'd love to." quietly, then looked down at the floor. "Is everything alright?" you ask. "Well..." he said, hesitant to tell you what was on his mind. "Frodo..." you say, slightly concerned. He looks you in the eyes (which gives you butterflies) "Don't worry about it," he says. "let's just go and enjoy our time together." He steps outside and closes the door behind him and the both of you walk slowly side by side down the path of the house. Frodo has his hands in his pockets. There are birds chirping, which made the silence between you less awkward; even so, you break the silence. "Wait, stop..." You say. Frodo stops at your request and looks at you in the eyes. (You can't help but get butterflies again. His eyes are just the bluest and most beautiful you've ever seen.) "What's wrong?" he asks. You have to look down before you can remember why you stopped him. "I... I'm a little worried." you say, before looking back up at him. He grabs your arms gently, (which also gives you butterflies) and says gently, "Really, you needn't worry." "But-" you begin to protest, but he cuts you off with a "Shhh..." as he puts his finger to your lips to keep you silent. There was a cute and silly little smirk on his face and you couldn't help but be enamored by it, which put a little smile on your face. You pull his hand away playfully and walk on ahead of him, hoping he'll try to catch up and walk by your side again. "I was going to tell you what happened last night, but I don't think I will now." You say teasingly. He runs to catch up to you so that you're walking side by side again. "Why ever not?" he says looking at you and with a slight laugh. "Because... you won't tell me your secret." you say, not even bothering to look back at him. "I don't have a secret." he says, still looking at you. "Yes you do." you say, still looking ahead. "I don't." he says. "And why are you avoiding looking at me?" You didn't answer, only continued walking on. He stopped you in your tracks by grabbing your arms again, this time a little less gentle, though he had no intention nor nature of violence. "Come on, what's going on?" You don't answer still, but a look of slight fear made him slowly let go of your arms. "I... I'm sorry." he said looking at the ground. "I didn't mean to be rough. I just wanted to know what was wrong." You tip his chin up with your finger so he looks at you, and you say, "Now you know how I feel." with slight hurt. "It's not like you to keep things from me." Frodo sighs and looks at you with his beautiful, big blue eyes with sadness in them. "My uncle has been acting odd lately... well, more than usual." he says. "I think he plans to leave the Shire soon. He's talked for so long about it." "I know you're worried, but everything will be alright." you say assuringly. He looks down again and says, "I hope you're right." You tip his chin up to look at you again. "Don't lose hope, Frodo." you say with a slight smile. "I'm sure if he was planning on leaving, he'd have told you." Frodo still looked sad. "I wish I could be as sure as you are." he said. "It'll all work out, one way or another." you say. Frodo managed to smile a little. "You always know how to make me feel better." he said. You smiled back at his response. You started walking on further. Frodo seemed a little more cheerful. Soon, you reached the woods. There were trees shading the green grass and a flowing stream not far away. There was also a tree that was perfect for sitting on. Frodo climbed up onto the tree, and reached his hand out to you to help you up. "Come on." he said with a smile. You gave him your hand and he pulled you up. (You noted how strong he seemed, being able to pull you up so easily despite his thin arms.) You both sit quietly on the tree, listening to the chirping of the birds and the sounds of the trickling water of the stream. This was your favorite place to be and it was especially beautiful now since it was springtime. All kinds of flowers were in full bloom. A cool, gentle breeze made the grass and flowers sway. Just at the base of the tree was a patch of daisies. Frodo noticed them and hopped down to pick one. He climbed back up and fiddled with it. "I never thanked you for whisking me away." he said, looking down at the daisy. He traced the petals with his fingers then looked over at you. "I needed to get away from my worries." You looked at him with a smile. "I was more than happy to help," you say. "even though I didn't know you needed it." you added with a slight laugh. That made him smile. Just then, a gentle breeze passed by again. Frodo looked back at the scenery. "You were right... I needn't worry about my uncle..." he started. "I only wish I knew what I could do in the meantime. I know there must be something going on." You placed your hand on top of his. Your touch made him turn his head and look back at you. "Just be there for him." you say. "Be willing to listen whenever he does want to talk about it." "Just like you did for me." he said. You smile at his words. Just then, he gently placed the daisy in your hair by your ear and adjusted it. (This gave you butterflies and made you blush and look down.) He could tell that you were shy about receiving such a gesture. "Do you remember the day we met?" he asked, not taking his eyes off of you. (More butterflies filled your stomach at his question and intense eye contact.) "Yes." you say, smiling. "How could I forget? I was in a hurry to get home and had bumped into you - which was a little embarrassing - but you asked if I was alright, offered me your hand, and helped me up." "You had been collecting flowers in the field." he said grinning. "I remember seeing your basket full of flowers... lots of which were daisies." "You have a good memory." you say, slightly impressed. "Or maybe it was just a day worth remembering." he revealed. You didn't know what to say after his response. All you could do was smile. You saw his eyes look down at your lips then back up at your eyes as if he was trying to communicate something without using words. He inched closer, but you backed away without really knowing why. Something in you just didn't feel ready for what would've happened next. Frodo's smile disappeared and he felt slightly embarrassed, though he tried his best to hide it. You both looked at the ground in confusion at what had just happened, for even Frodo himself was perplexed at his being so forward. So many emotions filled your body and you felt paralyzed somehow. Frodo was feeling something quite similar. Finally the silence was broken by you who said, "We should be getting back now." Frodo almost protested, for it was still the afternoon, but he felt it was too awkward to stay any longer. "Alright." he said. He hopped off the tree and held his hand out to you to help you down. You hesitated for a moment, then took his hand. He helped you down and you both started walking back home. You felt a little bad about making him feel the way you did, but you also knew that in time, you'd sort everything out. For now, you both needed to sort out your feelings. It was a quiet walk back to The Shire. Once you both came to the fence in front of your house, Frodo stopped. You started walking through the door of the gate when he said, "I'm sorry." You turned around to face him. "I don't really know what there is to say right now." you say. "I hope you understand." "I do." he said. You could tell that he meant it. "Thank you." you say, waiting to see if he'd say anything else. "When can we talk things out?" he asked. "I... I don't know." you say, unsure. "Alright." he said, looking at the ground. He looked back up and said, "Whenever you're ready, you know where to find me." You nodded, then turned to enter the door of the gate and into your house. Frodo watched you as you did so and as you closed the big round door after entering the house. He walked on to his house, entered, and closed the door behind him. Bilbo greeted him, for he was in the living room, smoking his pipe. "Where have you been, laddie?" he said. "I've been asking around about you." Frodo hung his head in sadness. "Sorry, uncle." he said. "Well... where were you?" Bilbo asked. "I went for a walk in the woods." replied Frodo, hoping he wouldn't ask anything else. "Well alright." Bilbo said, satisfied with his response. Thinking the conversation was over, Frodo headed up the stairs to his bedroom. "You might consider running your whereabouts by me first next time!" Bilbo called out. "What to do with that boy." he said to himself quietly, holding his pipe. "Never know where he's off to nor how long he'll be gone."

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