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That night, you and Frodo climb into bed. You and Frodo are both lying on your backs, looking up at the ceiling. "I had a wonderful day today." he says. "Mm." you hum slightly, not having paid attention to what he had said. He looks over at you and notices how deep in thought you look. "You alright, love?" he asks. "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking." you say, looking over at him. "About what?" he asks. "Oh, nothing." you say, turning your head back to the ceiling. "Sweetheart, I know something's bothering you, now what is it?" he says, rolling onto his side. "It's just something Rosie told me." you say. "What was it?" he asks, keeping the conversation going. "I shouldn't say. It was something personal." You look back up at the ceiling. "Oh, alright." he says, a little disappointed. He rolls back onto his back. He wanted to help you feel better because you seemed a little down. He slowly interlocks his fingers with yours, which causes you to look at him again. "Whatever it was, I'm sure there's no need to worry." he says comfortingly. "But what if I should worry?" you say, tears starting to form in your eyes. He realizes this was about more than just Rosie, only he didn't understand what it could be. Suddenly, you burst out crying and start hugging him. "I don't want to lose this baby! I don't want to lose this baby!" you let out. "Why are you saying this?" he says concerned, hugging you back. You say nothing, only continue crying. "I don't understand." he says. "What is all of this about?" "I just don't want to lose this baby!" you say, tears streaming down your cheeks. You pulls you off of himself to look at you. "I don't understand! Did something happen?" He asks, worried, placing his hand on your cheek. "No, we were just talking and I'm afraid!" you say. "I don't want to lose this baby!" Suddenly, he understood, not fully, but he understood that you were expressing fear of the unknown. He didn't know what had caused this fear but he comforted you all the same. "Come here." he says pulling you close and bringing you back in for a hug, your head reaching his chest. You wrap your arms around his middle, accepting the warmth and comfort your closeness to him brought you. "It's going to be alright." he said, running his fingers through your hair and softly rubbing your back. He had never seen you like this before but he considered the fact that this was just a part of pregnancy neither of you had expected. After a little while of Frodo's sweet, gentle "Shhhh"s "It's alright." him continuing to run his fingers through your hair and rub your back, you finally stopped crying. These things - along with listening to the sound of his heartbeat - calmed you down and comforted you. After a while, he felt your grip on him loosen and relax and your breathing slow, indicating that you had fallen asleep. He wanted to be sure you were alright before he fell asleep, so when he knew you were and that you had fallen asleep, he kissed your head softly and closed his eyes. Soon, he too fell asleep.

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