Moments of Love

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You're curled up on the end, reading a book. He looks at the cover, curiously. He sits close beside you and puts his arm around your body, his hand reaching your thigh. You look up from your book and smile, acknowledging his presence, then back at your book. He just sat in the comfortable silence as you continued reading. It was raining outside and he stared at the raindrops rolling down the window. Once you had finished the chapter, you inserted your bookmark and laid the book on the small table beside where you were sitting. You sat upright, your feet nearly touching the floor. Frodo removed his arm from around you, laid his head on your lap, and looked up at you with a sweet smile. You return his gaze and find yourself smiling back. You start running your fingers through his hair. He closes his eyes at the pleasurable feeling of your gentle, loving fingers in his hair. You then stare off into space, thinking. He opens his eyes to see that you seem to be in another world. "What're you thinking about?" he asks quietly. You suddenly snap out of your thoughts and return to reality. "Oh, nothing." you say, though it wasn't convincing. When he said nothing you confessed. "Just about the baby, is all." "Like what?" he asks, sitting up and taking seat next to you. "Well, what the next few months'll be like, what the baby will look like, who will be the Godparents if something happens to us..." you say the last part a little shyly. "You thought about all those things within a few seconds?" he asks with a slight chuckle. "You're amazing!" "Haven't you been thinking about those things?" you ask. "No. I haven't gotten that far with my worrying just yet. I'm still stuck thinking about how I'll be able to cope with you being in so much pain during labour," he gently grabs your hand. "but I know I mustn't worry... and neither should you." "Oh Frodo..." you say. "you're very sweet." He raises your hand to his lips and kisses it. You smile. "Though I hadn't really thought about it, I know who I want our baby's Godparents to be." he says. "Sam and Rosie." you say together. "It's alright to think about it, but I don't think anything will happen." he says assuringly. "I know, and I would hope not." you place your hand on his cheek. "I would want our baby to know their hero of a father." your eyes get a little teary. "I'm not a hero." he says humbly, looking down. "You are, Frodo Baggins." you say. "And it's time you accept that." Frodo blinks and a tear escapes his eye and rolls down his cheek. "I am so proud of you." you say, tears now escaping your eyes. "We wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you. You risked your own life to spare many others'. That, Frodo Baggins, is a hero. And that is exactly what you are. I am proud to call you my husband, and the father of this baby." you say, taking your hand off his cheek and placing it on your stomach. By now, both your faces are wet from all the tears. You both smile, thinking about what the future may hold for you and your little one. He leans in and gives you a quick but sweet kiss on the lips. "I'm the luckiest hobbit in all the Shire." he says, gazing into your eyes. "I just love you so." his eyebrows raised, adding to the love and admiration that was already showing in his eyes. It had been a while since he had made you feel so special and loved, and a big smile appeared on your face. "I should get dressed." you say after a few more seconds of silence. "Wear that blue dress I got you. It looks really nice on you." he says, not taking his eyes off of yours. Though he was not aware of it, he had a way of putting you under a "spell" with his eyes. You got lost in them. They were a vibrant blue, and he could go longer than most without blinking, which made the 'spell' all the more strong. "Alright." you reply, getting up off the couch. Before you can walk off, he grabs your hand as he keeps his eyes on you. He slowly lets go as you walk off to your bedroom to get dressed. When you come out, you're wearing the dress he had requested. You spin around in it happily. "It's too bad I won't be able to fit into this for much longer." you say. "I've barely even worn it." Frodo just stared at the beautiful sight of you and didn't have words. It had been a while since he had seen you wear it and he had forgotten just how nice it looked on you, more than that, you looked like a princess. He looked at you from toe-to-head, taking in every bit of you. You set the music box you brought from your bedroom on the table after twisting the key and music starts playing. You walk over to him. "Sweetheart..." you say, taking his hands. "Yes?" he answers, looking up at you. "dance with me." you say, swinging your arms in opposite directions playfully. Gripping your hands, he stands up and smiles. "Frodo, you look as though you've seen an angel." you say, pulling him to the middle of the living room floor so you have enough room. "I have." he says sweetly, raising his eyebrows. You smile. He gives you a quick kiss on the lips. Your heart flutters in your chest as the two of you begin to dance. The music box was very special to you, for it was the very one Frodo had given you, back when you had just started your relationship. Frodo hadn't outright asked you to court him, but you had confessed your feelings for each other previously. After that, you had private meetings as often as you could. Slowly, you got to know each other more and more, and it was obvious early on that you would get married one day. Those days seemed so far away now. You had come far in your relationship since then. You had gotten engaged some time before Frodo was even aware of his uncle's ring, let alone that he must destroy it. He had asked you to wait for him and promised to marry you as soon as he had, and you had both kept your promises. The music brought back some memories for the two of you. "Do you remember the day I gave you that music box?" he says. "I do. I thought it was the sweetest thing, it being so special to you." you reply, reminiscing. "I gave it to you because you were special to me. I thought it was only right you have it." he says. "I have always treasured it because you gave it with your heart. And with it, a part of your heart." you say. "That sounded very poetic." he praises. "Did it?" you ask. "It did." he answers. The music slows down and so do you. You eventually stop completely. "Thank you for sharing this dance with me, Frodo Baggins." you say. "It was an honor, Y/N Baggins." he says back. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I promised Sam I'd drop off some tea leaves he's been wanting. I should probably go before I forget." he says. "I'll come with you. You can catch up while you're there and I can see if Rosie wants take a stroll. I want to tell her about... well... you know." you say, putting both hands on your stomach and looking down at it briefly. "Sounds like a fine idea." he says, taking your hand.

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