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Just a little backstory before we get into the story: It has been a month since Frodo's return from his quest of destroying of One Ring. Frodo had asked you to marry him long before the quest, and he asked you to wait for him. When he came back, you were so happy to see him! You got married right away just like he had promised you. Over time, you started noticing how different Frodo seemed. He also had a hard time sleeping at night, you noticed. He'd toss and turn all throughout the night. Some nights, he'd wake up sweating and be afraid to go back to sleep. Every night, you tried to soothe him, and bring him hot tea or milk to help him sleep, but nothing seemed to work.

This night in particular, he tossed and turned even more than usual and eventually sat up. "Frodo?" you said, your eyes and turning over in bed to face him. He didn't look at you. "I'm worried about you. This has been a seemingly never-ending cycle. You've barely been sleeping." "It hasn't been easy." he said. "I know." you say, with a look of sympathy in your eyes. "At least lie down and try." you say, trying to be helpful. "You won't get any sleep sitting up." "I'm afraid I won't get any sleep no matter what I do." he says hopelessly. "Don't say that." you comfort. "You've gotten some sleep." "Not much." he says. You weren't sure how to respond at first. "At least lie down with me." you finally suggest. "Alright." he agrees reluctantly after thinking for a second. He lays back down and puts the covers on. You were facing each other. "I know things have been difficult for you." you say, looking into his eyes. "It's been hard for me, seeing you like this." "I know." he says. "I'm sorry." "Don't apologize. It's not your fault." you assure. "I just am worried about you." "You needn't worry." he says, faking a slight smile, trying to make you feel better, but it didn't help. You knew it was all a façade. "I care about you, so of course I worry." you say. "I want to help you. Maybe if you talk about it-" he cut you off with a, "No." he said, backing away a little, looking slightly afraid. "But Frodo-" you started, putting your hands on his shoulders. "Talking won't change anything." he stated. "Perhaps not... but it could help you feel better." you say, sliding your hands down to his chest. Another change in Frodo was that he had been distancing himself, not only emotionally, but also physically; if you ever were to touch or even try to touch him, he would either flinch or completely reject it. You tried your best not to take it personally, but you couldn't help but be hurt by it. You were surprised he had not had a negative reaction to your touch this time. He only looked down at your hands, but he did not back away as usual. This gave you more hope that he'd be back to his old self in no time. How much time, you didn't know, but that was not your main focus at this moment. When he said nothing, you scooted closer to him, "Please Frodo, talk to me." you pleaded, looking into his eyes. "I can't." he said backing away and averting his gaze from your eyes. "Please, just try... for me?" you say, desperately. "I can't." he said again. "You can, I know you can." you encouraged. "Just leave me alone!" he snapped, rolling over. Tears started entering your eyes, but you didn't let them fall down your cheeks. After a few seconds, you leaned your body against his back and put your head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry." you say, hugging him from behind, your arms around his middle and your head on his shoulder. You felt him tense up for a second then relax. "I shouldn't have pushed you." you continued. "I just... wanted to help." you say, hoping he'd understand. He let out a breath. "I know." he says, putting his hand over one of your hands still around his stomach. You were surprised at his touch, though you didn't flinch. "I'm sorry I snapped at you." he said. "I don't know why I did." "It's alright." you soothed, though you were still a little hurt. There was silence for a few seconds. You move back a little and place your hands on his shoulders. "I want to know why you've been pushing me away." you finally say, making up your mind that it was time to be completely honest with him about how you'd been feeling. "You haven't kissed me in weeks," you hold back your tears. His eyes looked guilty in realization of what he had been doing. "and just a moment ago was the first time in weeks that you've touched me!" His eyebrows furrow in hurt over hurting you. He was too afraid to turn over and look you in the eyes. "And I can't help but wonder... do you still love me??" when he heard the crying in your voice, it was too much for him to bear. He finally rolled over to face you. "I'm sorry..." he says genuinely. "I hadn't realized I was neglecting you." he said, his eyes showing sincerity. You continue to cry. "No, I didn't say neglecting-" you start. "You didn't, but I have been. I've been selfish." he interrupts, hanging his head in sorrow. "I was so focused on my own pain, I hadn't realized I had been hurting you." he said slowly. He gently took your hands in his own. "Would you forgive me?" he asks. "Of course I do." you say, smiling a little and placing your hand on his face. "And to answer your question, yes, of course I still love you." he says. "I could never stop loving you." He puts his hand on yours still on his face and leans in to your warm touch. "Really??" you ask. "Yes, really." he says, smiling. You smile back. "That's the first real smile I've seen in a long time." you say, still smiling. His eyes and eyebrows showed confusion. "I know you, Frodo Baggins. I know a forced smile when I see one and that's all I've gotten from you for weeks. It's wonderful to see your real smile again!" you say, smiling even bigger. "I can't promise to never hurt you again, but I'll be more aware from now on." he says, switching his gaze from one of your eyes to the other. "That's all I ask." you say. "And if you still don't want to talk about it just now, that's alright. I'm ready to listen whenever you do want to talk." "Thank you." he cooed. You kiss his cheek. Suddenly, he felt lighter somehow. He leans in and kisses you. (Your heart skipped and butterflies fluttered in your stomach. You had missed that feeling.) After pulling away, he smiles and pulls you close. Your arms around his back, you could hear and feel his breathing. It was slow and steady. Your head on his chest, you could hear and feel his heartbeat. It was beating fast because of the displays of affection you had just shared. It was comforting. You both closed your eyes and smiled. After a while, you heard and felt Frodo's heartbeat slow to a normal pace, indicating that he had finally fallen asleep. You slowly open your eyes and look up to see that Frodo's eyes are shut. He looked so peaceful lying there so soundly asleep. You smile and lay your head back on his chest. Before long, you too were asleep. You awoke the next morning to Frodo still holding on to you in his sleep. Although you had shifted a little during the night, Frodo didn't; he hadn't tossed or turned at all during the night. He still looked so peaceful lying there. You move closer to him and start running your fingers through his curls very gently, for you didn't want to wake him from his much-deserved and much-needed rest. He moved slightly. Whether or not it was from your touch, you didn't know, but you stopped just in case it had disturbed his sleep. He was still for a moment, then moved slightly again. He slowly opened his eyes to see you smiling at him. A smile came to his face. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" you ask. "No." he said. "But even if you had, it's alright." he assured. "I take it you've finally gotten your long-needed rest." you say. "That I have." he replies with a smile. (He even had the bedsheet markings on his arms and face to prove it.) He pulls you closer, his arms slightly squishing your sides. (Butterflies fluttered in your stomach at his touch and gesture.) "You have been my constant." he says, admiringly, his gaze switching from one of your eyes to the other. "I only wish I had realized it sooner." he says. "It's alright." you say, assuringly. He smiles. You notice the warmth of his body and start feeling giddy. Your hands are rested on his chest, but you slowly move them up around his neck. You gaze into each others' eyes. He then looks down at your lips and slowly leans in to kiss you. After a few seconds, he pulls away from the kiss and presses his forehead against yours. "I love you." he says. You're silent for a second, for he hadn't told you he loved you in quite a while and it was nice to hear. "I love you too." you say back, smiling. He then kisses you all over your face. You giggle at the sweet gesture. It tickled a little. After he stopped, you lay on your back and stare up at the ceiling. "Are things back to normal now?" you ask. "I'm afraid not." he replies evenly. "That's what I was afraid of." you say sadly. You roll the other way so your back is facing him. "We have each other, and we'll figure it all out together." he says, trying to comfort you. "I know. But somehow that isn't enough." you say, not feeling much better. "I realize now how much worse off I'd be if I didn't have you." he said. "I was wrong to think I could handle everything myself. I pushed you away, trying to avoid spreading my hurt to you... only I ended up hurting you by shutting you out." There was silence. "And I know you're still hurting." he says. "I forgave you." you say, trying to deny it. "You said you did, but I can tell you're still hurting. Forgiveness can be a process and that's alright." he says. "I know I can't make up for lost time or past mistakes, but I'm trying my best to make a change, and I'm hoping that's enough." There was no reply. "Y/N?" he says. You let out the tears you had been holding back. "What's wrong, love?" he says lovingly. He puts his hand on your shoulder. "I don't know." you respond. "You've been through a lot and have been hiding your feelings for a long time, and now they're coming out. Is that it?" he asks. "Maybe." you say, considering it. "It's alright. Just let it all out." he says, wrapping you in his arms. You were shocked at this gesture. He hadn't done it in a long time and you missed it. You could feel the warmth of his body and it was comforting and familiar. After you finish crying, you place your hand on his arms around your middle. "There's something I need to tell you." you say, changing the subject. You turn to face him. "Yes?" he says, unsure of what you'll say. "I don't know how you'll take this. I know you've been through a lot already and I don't know if you're ready... or if I'm even ready, for that matter-" you ranted on. He interrupted. "Just... tell me what it is."

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