The Visit

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"Why hello there, Rosie!" you say happily. "I hope I'm not intruding. I just wanted to check and see how you and the baby were doing." "Not at all. Please, come in! Frodo's in our bedroom with her." you say, letting her in. "You're looking well." she says. "I feel well." you reply. You walk into the bedroom and Rosie's eyes light up at the sight of the baby. "Let me have a good look at her!" she says excitedly. Frodo gets up and walks over to Rosie to show her off. "What's her name?" she asks. "Ivy." you reply. "A beautiful name for a beautiful baby." she says. "She is the most precious thing I have ever seen! She looks quite a bit like Frodo." she says noticing the resemblance right away. "She does." you say, looking at Frodo. "It is quite remarkable!" she says in awe. "In all my life I have never seen a more beautiful baby!" "Aw, you're too kind." you say. "Where is Sam?" Frodo asks, wondering why he hadn't come along with her. "Oh, he wasn't sure if you were up for company so I decided to come find out for myself." she says, ticking Ivy's little feet. "He's always been worried he'll show up at the wrong time. Bad experience, I think. I'll go get him. He'll be most delighted to meet her." She leaves and comes back with Sam. "My, what a beautiful baby." he says, looking at her in Frodo's arms. "Isn't she?" Rosie says, holding onto his arm. "Her name is Ivy." "Would either of you like to hold her?" you ask. They look at each other. "Would we!" Rosie exclaims. "Why don't we go to the living room and make a visit out of it?" Frodo suggests. "Good idea." you say. You all walk into the living room. Frodo carefully hands Ivy to Rosie once she takes a seat on the couch next to Sam. Ivy holds onto her finger and coos. "I think she likes her Aunt Rosie." you say, with slight laugh. "Aunt Rosie..." she says to herself. "I think I like that." Though you and Frodo were not in any relation to Sam and Rosie, you treat them as your siblings, for you were quite close with Rosie just as Frodo was with Sam. "She looks an awful lot like you, Mr. Frodo." Sam says, noticing the resemblance. "So I've been told." he says with his eyebrows raised and a chuckle. "Would you like to hold her?" Rosie asks Sam. "I would. Though, I don't rightly know how." he says. "It's easy, honey. You just have to make sure you support her head." Rosie carefully hands her to Sam. "There you go." she says. "She feels so light." he comments. After some time of talking, Ivy starts crying. "Oh, she probably needs a diaper change." you say, getting up from a chair and taking her from Sam. "She ate not too long ago." As you go to your bedroom to change Ivy, they continue talking. "Is that better?" you ask Ivy, once you put a clean diaper on her. You re-dress her and head to the living room. "We were just telling Frodo that we don't want to interfere with your bonding time with Ivy," Rosie says to you as you walk in. "so we won't stay much longer." "Oh, that's very kind of you but-" she cuts you off with, "Y/N, I know I would want to have bonding time with my baby, and company can interfere with that. We got to meet her and to hold her and it has been good for us." she looks at Sam. "And we wouldn't want to overstay our welcome." she adds. "Nonsense! You two will stay for tea." you say, not wanting them to leave so soon. She looks at Sam. "I suppose we could stay for tea. Then we really need to leave." "I'll go put the water on." Frodo says before kissing your forehead and getting up to leave. "Thank you." you say, looking up at him. "Are you two alright?" noticing how quiet Sam and Rosie were. "To be honest, meeting Ivy has reminded us of something... well... something very pleasant." Sam says, holding Rosie's hand to comfort her. You don't understand at first, then the realization hits you. "You must be referring to the miscarriage." you say. Before Sam could say anything, you add, "Rosie told me the day I gave her the news of my pregnancy." Sam looks at Rosie, then back at you. "We wanted to keep it to ourselves. We were hurting too much to speak of it." Rosie starts. "When I told you, Y/N, it was completely unintentional. When I heard you were pregnant, it reminded me of my experience and I was afraid for you." Frodo enters the room. Noticing it seemed to be filled now with a somber air, he asks, "Is something the matter?" "You haven't told him?" Rosie whispers to you. "Told me what?" Frodo asks, his eyebrows furrowed in both confusion and concern. "Have a seat." you say, gesturing for him to sit on the ottoman in front of your chair. He sits down with still a concerned expression on his face. "Not long after me and Sam were married, I got pregnant." Rosie starts slowly. "I miscarried nearly three weeks later." She tried to hold back the tears. "I am so sorry... for both of you." Frodo says in sorrow. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asks you, wishing he could've been there for them during the grief. "Rosie told me in confidence, or so I had thought. I didn't think it was my place to speak of it." Frodo's eyes widen in realization. "So that's what your panic attack was about that night." he says. You look down in shame. "Panic attack?" Rosie asks, concerned. "What panic attack?" "One night she seemed bothered by something but she wouldn't tell me what it was." Frodo starts. "She told me that she was thinking about a conversation she had with you, Rosie, though she felt she couldn't say what it was. Then in tears, she kept repeating over and over again that she didn't want to lose our baby. She was quite distressed. I didn't understand then, but I do now." he looks at you with compassion. Your head is still hanging in shame and now also embarrassment. Frodo lifts your chin up with his finger. "You needn't be ashamed, love." he says. "Your fears were valid. I only wish I'd have known sooner what was happening so that I could have better known how to help you." "Y/N, I am so sorry that this happened. I didn't know my grief would cause that." "It's not your fault." you reply. "I'm sure there were many other things that contributed to cause my panic. It was all so new to me, for one." "Still, you were afraid you'd lose your baby because of me. And worst of all, you felt you couldn't tell your own husband." Rosie says. "I didn't think it was my place." you say. "That was very thoughtful of you, Y/N, but I wouldn't have been upset if you'd have told him, especially if you were having a difficult time because of it." You look at Frodo, compassion still in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry you went through that and I couldn't help you." he says, taking one of your hands off of Ivy and into his own. "But you did help me. Even though you didn't know why I was in a panic, you found a way to soothe me." you say. "I suppose I did." he says. "But next time, I'd like you to tell me what's bothering you. You should never go through anything alone." You knew exactly what he meant by that. He was referring to when he had pushed you away when he was going through a difficult time. "I'm sorry. I did what I thought was right." you say. "I didn't mean for-" Frodo interrupts. "I know. It's alright." he says, gently caressing your hand with his thumb. "I suppose I should go get the tea." he says, changing the subject. "I'll get the cups and saucers." Sam says, getting up. "You don't have to do that, Sam." Frodo says. "But I'd appreciate it." They head for the kitchen. "I'm very sorry about what happened, Y/N." Rosie says empathetically. "It's alright. It's in the past." you say. You set Ivy in your lap and begin playing with her little toes. "I have this little one to bring me joy." Ivy lets out a coo. You smile, then look back at Rosie. "You and Sam are welcome to come visit any time." you add. Rosie smiles. "Thank you." she says gratefully. After a few minutes. Frodo and Sam enter the room with a tray with cups, saucers and the tea kettle. Sam sets the tray down on a small end table and Frodo begins pouring tea for all of you. He gives you your cup of tea and then passes around the rest. You all have a seat and chat as you sip your tea. At some point, you lay Ivy down for a nap. After you were all filled to the brim with tea - and out of things to talk about - Rosie checks the clock. "We should be getting back. I'll need to start dinner." she says. "We've enjoyed our time, and meeting little Ivy." You all stand up. Frodo hugs Sam and you hug Rosie. "Thank you both for coming." Frodo says gratefully. "Thank you for having us." Sam says. "We don't do this nearly enough." "No, we don't." Frodo agrees. You and Frodo wave at the door as they leave. As you watch them walk on, you hug Frodo from the side, your hand on his chest. He smiles and puts his arm around you. Once they are out of sight, he closes the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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