The Surprise

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A few days go by without you and Frodo having one-on-one time, but you do see and smile at each other and talk some. One day, while you're out picking up some food from the market, Frodo quietly approaches you from behind. He places his hand on your shoulder to get your attention. You flinch at his touch and turn around. "Frodo!" you say breathing a sigh of relief. "Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." "It's alright." you say. "You just startled me. No harm done. Did you... want something?" "I just wanted to tell you about the surprise I have for you." he said. The thought of him surprising you made you excited. "What kind of surprise?" you ask. "Meet me at our special place in an hour and you'll find out." he says. You smile and brightly and say, "I'll see you in an hour then." and kiss his cheek. He smiles at your kiss and as he starts to walk on, says, "At our special place in an hour, don't forget!" "I won't forget!" you say. You're anxious to find out what Frodo has planned for you, time can't seem to pass by quick enough! Finally an hour passes by and you walk over to your special spot and see Frodo sitting on a blanket with so much food! All you can do is stand there and cover your mouth with both hands in surprise and disbelief. He gets up and walks up to you. You remove your hands from your face. "Frodo, this is very sweet!" you say, still in shock. He smiles and grabs your hand and brings you over to the blanket and food. You both sit down. "I can't believe you did this for me!" you say. "I knew you'd love it." he says with a smile. "I do! I truly do!" you reply. After eating, you just sit and talk. Frodo sees a patch of daisies at the base of the tree and picks some. He starts slitting each of their stems with his thumbs. "What are you doing?" you ask, curiously. "You'll see." he says, intently carrying on. You watch in amazement as he turns the daisies into a crown for you. He carefully puts it on your head. "A beautiful crown for my... beautiful princess." he says, looking into your eyes in awe. He leans in and kisses you. It was a shorter kiss this time, but still just as sweet. Once he breaks away from the kiss, a smile forms on your face. "Oh, I've almost forgotten!" he says. "I have something for you." "Something else??" you say in delight. "You've already given me so much!" "Don't worry, it's nothing big." he says. He pulls out a small dark blue-colored book from the bottom of the picnic basket and hands it to you. The title read, "The Heart of Poetry" You ran your hand over the front, studying the beautiful cover. "Frodo..." you say, almost in a whisper. Looking up, you could see his eyes sparkle and he smiled, delighted at your pleasant reaction. You look back at the book in your hands. "This is the most beautiful gift anyone has ever given me! Wherever did you find it??" you ask, still admiring it. "It's not new." he says chuckling. "I found it in my uncle's things of all places." he says. "It's a long story." "Won't your uncle miss it?" you ask, a little concerned. "My uncle has never liked poetry. Trust me, he won't miss it. I only wonder why he had it to begin with... but I suppose it shall remain a mystery." "Should I start reading some now?" you ask, excitedly. "I was hoping you would." he says, smiling. You lean up against the base of the tree and start reading aloud. Frodo lays down next to you, listening, with his hands behind his head. Every once in a while, he looks up at you as you read. Tired of lying down, he sits up. And as you're reading, he slowly starts taking one of your hands off the book - which makes you stop - and he interlocks his fingers with yours. (This gives you butterflies.) You look at him and see that he was looking at you too. His blue eyes shone in the sunlight. You let the book rest in your lap. He looks at your lips and leans in and kisses you. After the kiss is broken, he smiles and moves a strand of hair away from your face with his hand after letting go of yours. (It gave you butterflies.) You look down and blush. You turn your body towards him. "I never told you what made me fall in love with you the day we met..." you recall the memory as you fidget with the buttons on his maroon vest. "And what was that?" Frodo asks. "Your kindness..." you say looking up at him. "and if I'm being perfectly honest, it was your eyes as well." He smiles. "I've never met anyone with eyes like yours. Whenever I look into them... it's as if everything just... stops." you admit. Feeling a little embarrassed at what you said, you look down. "I've never met anyone with a soul like yours: so beautiful and kind..." he starts. You look back up into his eyes. "I suppose that's what made me fall in love with you." you smile. "Frodo," you say. "Yes?" he says gently. (His response gave you butterflies a little but you aren't really sure why.) "I... I don't think I could live without you." you say sadly. Frodo's eyes show concern. "Why are you saying this?" he asks. "No real reason. I was just thinking about it." you say. "I don't think I could live without you either, but we mustn't think that way... alright?" he says, taking your hands in his. "Alright." you reply. "Come here." he says, inviting you for an embrace. You hug him and notice just how comforting it is, for you had never done so before. After several seconds, you let go of the hug and pick the book back up. "Shall I read more?" you ask, waving it in the air. "Yes." he replies with a smile. You begin reading again. He interlocks his fingers with yours again as you read. (Butterflies flutter in your stomach again.) After finishing a few more poems, you sigh. "I'm getting tired of reading. Would you like to take a turn?" you say, putting the book in front of him. "I love listening to you read them, but I can take a turn if you really want me to." he says, gently taking the book out of your hand. You lay your head on his shoulder and snuggle up close to him, holding on to his arm with your free hand. He starts reading. The sound of his sweet, gentle voice is enough to make you smile and feel safe, but that with being so close to him made it that much better. As you listen, a thought occurs to you: he has the perfect voice for reading poetry; although, it's hard for you to explain. All you knew was that he had the sweetest voice you had ever heard and you could listen to it all day. Every word slipped off his tongue with such ease and his facial expressions put so much more meaning into them. You decided to rest your eyes a bit as you listen, but before you knew it, you were fast asleep. Frodo - not knowing you were asleep - kept on reading. He takes a break from reading and notices that your eyes are closed. He then knew you were asleep. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of you sweetly sleeping with your head on his shoulder. He decides to wake you up. After all, he didn't know how long it would he before you'd wake up on your own. "Y/n?" he says, gently stroking his thumb against your cheek to wake you. You move your head around a little but still don't open your eyes. He leans close and gives you a sweet, gentle kiss on the lips. He slowly lets go of the kiss and moves his head back. You smile with your eyes still closed, for you are not fully awake yet. He leans in and kisses you again, only this time a little harder. You move your hand up to his face and kiss back, for you are fully awake now. Once he lets go of the second kiss, you open your eyes. "That's the first time I've been woken up by a kiss." you say, sounding tired but happy. You lift your head from his shoulder. "Although, I have a feeling it won't be the last." you add with a smile. "Surely not." he says, raising his eyebrows and smiling. You smile at his cute facial expression. "What?" he says in a slight laugh. "Nothing. I just love you so." you say. "And I love you." he says, interlocking his fingers with yours. He kisses your forehead. (It gives you butterflies.) "Why don't you read some more since I fell asleep." you suggest. "How much did you hear before falling asleep?" he asked with a slight laugh. "I'm don't know." you answer. "But I'll make sure not to this time." "Alright." he says, and picks the book up and starts reading. You both can't help but smile, for you truly understood the words of the poems. One in particular, he recited while looking into your eyes, every now and then, quickly looking back at the words so he could recite them to you. You could feel the romantic tension building as he recited the poem to you. When he got near the end of this particular poem, he slowed down his speech. After it was finished, he stares into your eyes. He then looks and your lips and leans in and kisses you. Once he lets go, he says, "Dance with me." He takes your hands and helps you to stand. "I'm not sure I know how." you say with a little laugh. "Neither do I, but we can figure it out together." he says, his eyes sparkling in the sun. "How hard could it be?" he added. "But there's no music." you say. Just then, he pulls out a small music box from the bottom of the picnic basket. "As you were saying..." he says, smiling. Then the smile disappeared. "It was my mother's." he said, fiddling with it in his hands. "It's the only thing I have left of her." "Oh Frodo..." you say with compassion, placing your hand on his cheek. "It's alright." he says. He twists the handle and music starts playing. You hold hands and you put your other hand on his shoulder and he puts his other hand on your waist. You move to the music, while looking down, but it doesn't take long before you both have the hang of it, and once you are, you keep your heads up and look at each other. Smiles are on both your faces. Then, unexpectedly, he spins you around. Surprisingly, it didn't make your daisy crown fall off. The music starts to slow down, so you slow down. You stare into each other's eyes as you dance. A certain magic seems to be in the air. Once the music stops, you stop dancing and just look at each other. "I just danced with the prettiest girl in all the Shire." he says, smiling. You smile back. He places a loose strand of hair behind your ear. (It gave you butterflies.) You blush and look down. After a few seconds, you look back up at him. He leans in and kisses you. A few seconds later, he pulls away. "Thank you for making this the best surprise ever." you say in gratitude. He smiles at your appreciation. "You're very welcome, love." he replies, gazing into your eyes.

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