A New Life

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It has been 5 days since you and Frodo thought you were giving birth, but you knew it would be happening any day. Since that day, he was determined to not leave your side, as much as was possible. Today, you two took a walk through Hobbiton. As you approach the market, you remember you were running low on a few things, so you stopped there. Frodo got caught up in conversation with one of the hobbit men. You're talking to the ladies not too far off from Frodo. Suddenly, you feel something wet trickling down your leg. You look down. "What's happening?" one of the ladies asks. "Frodo," you say, softly, not wanting to make a scene. He doesn't hear you. "Frodo," you say louder. He hears you this time. "Yes?" he says, noticing the weird look on your face. "What is-" you interrupt him with, "I... I think water broke." His gaze now lies upon the wet puddle where you were standing and his eyes widen. "Oh, goodness gracious!" he exclaims running to you. "Let's get you home straight away! We'll have to come back another time." You then start feeling intense pain. You knew these had to be real contractions this time. You groan as you crouch down a little, holding your belly. Frodo's eyebrows furrow in worry and picks you up and takes you home and lies you in bed. More groans escape your mouth. On the way home, everyone he'd passed knew what was going on. Frodo had told Sam to get the midwife when he passed by and he did as he was told. The midwife arrived just in time. You'd be ready to push once the last contraction was over and you were nearly there. Frodo stayed by your side, holding your hand and letting you squeeze it during your contractions. Frodo was panicking on the inside but he kept it hidden. He tried to just focus on being there for you and letting you know it would be alright. Then it came time to push. You begin to push, squeezing Frodo's hand. You take a break to breathe. Out of breath, you look at Frodo and say, "I can't do this! I can't do this!" tears starting to form in your eyes with fear and pain. "Yes you can!" he says, encouraging you. "I know you're in a lot of pain and you're scared... I'm scared too, but I know you can do this. Just keep pushing, alright? You can do this!" The midwife tells you to push again and you do. "That's it!" Frodo exclaims. You take another break to breathe. "You're doing incredible." he says. You manage to smile at him. "Push!" the midwife says again. You push again and the baby's head comes out. "I can do this!" you say to yourself, determined, and you push again and yet again. You then hear the baby cry and lean back, breathing heavily. "Are you alright, love?" Frodo asks, his hand on your cheek. "I'm exhausted," you say in between breaths. "but I'm alright. It's over now." you both smile. "It's a girl." the midwife says, handing the baby to you in a blanket. "I have a daughter!" Frodo says, looking at her. His eyes begin to water as he looks at the baby girl in your arms. After a few minutes of looking at her and taking her in, you say, "Would you like to hold your daughter?" His eyebrows show gratitude and he starts breathing hard. He's at a loss for words. You hand her to him and tears start coming out of his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. She feels so small and fragile in his arms. He looks at you and sees tears coming down your cheeks too. "Have you decided on a name?" asks the midwife. "Mmhmm." you reply, looking at Frodo. "Ivy. Ivy Baggins." "A fine name indeed." the midwife says. After a few minutes, the midwife leaves and announces to the other hobbits that it's a girl and that you and the baby are alright. He also added that you both needed time before having any visitors. Frodo sits on his side of the bed, holding Ivy in his lap, studying her. You look at Frodo. "She has your nose." you say. "And your chin." "Mmm." Frodo hums in with a smile. "Why don't you try and get some rest." Frodo suggests, looking at you. "Alright, but she'll want to eat soon, I'm sure." you say. You close your eyes. You wake up to Frodo talking to Ivy, who is now awake and dressed because Frodo's a little sweetheart and dressed her for you while you were sleeping. He spoke softly and tenderly. It melted your heart. He looks over at you, now realizing you're awake. "How are you feeling?" he asks. "Better." you reply. "Are you hungry, Ivy?" you ask, noticing her fingers in her mouth. He hesitated before giving her over to you. He loved holding her. "That's it." you praise softly as she starts eating. "You're a natural." he says. "A natural at what?" you ask, looking at him. "Being a gentle, caring mother." he answers. "You seem to know just what she needs and when she needs it." "You're a natural at being a gentle, caring father." you say. "And I could tell you were reluctant to let her go." you add. "I love her so." he says, rubbing her head, noting how soft her hair was. "I can see that." you say, smiling at him. After a few minutes of watching her eat, you look at Frodo and say, "Would you mind getting me some water? I'm terribly thirsty." "Of course, sweetheart." he says, and brings you some. "Thank you." you say gratefully. Holding Ivy with one arm, you take the cup from Frodo and drink thirstily, then set it on the small table next to the bed. Frodo takes a seat next to you again. You have a short little conversation as she finishes eating. You burp her and then lay her down on your lap. Her eyes meet Frodo's and a smile forms on her face and she coos. "Awww!" you exclaim. "Hello, sweetie!" he says, a huge smile on his face. He lets her hold onto his pinky. He then looks at you, as if to ask permission to hold her. "You want to see Daddy?" you ask Ivy. You hand her to Frodo. "You two will have a wonderful bond, I know it." you say. "You'll go on adventures together in the woods, and you'll read stories to her... and even you and Bilbo's book, when she's old enough." "Sooner or later, she's bound to ask why you have nine fingers." you add seriously, looking at his nub of a finger on his left hand. Frodo moves his hand out of sight and looks as though he's remembering something terrible. He shuts his eyes tightly. "Oh, sweetheart," you say empathetically. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" he opens his eyes and interrupts with, "No, it's alright." You turn his face towards you and look into his eyes. "I love every part of you, Frodo Baggins. And I know she will too." you say. "And I know she'll be proud to call you her father, and not just because you're a hero, but also because of who you are. You have a good heart." you add. Frodo lets your words sink in for a moment. He then looks down at your lips, leans close and kisses them slowly. After he lets go, he says, "She'll be proud to call you her mother. She'll hear about how you've taken care of me all this time." a sweet and grateful smile appears on his face. You smile back. Then there's a knock on your door. You get up to see who it is.

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