Celebration Luncheon

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You and Frodo are getting things ready for your celebration luncheon. Frodo has the picnic basket with your meal all ready, and a blanket to sit on. You'll bring your music box and the poetry book Frodo had given you a while back ago. You'll also bring your notebook to write down possible names for the baby. You go to your bedroom to check yourself in the mirror to make sure you look prefect before you go out the door. You see the bottle of perfume Frodo had bought you as a wedding present. You hadn't worn it much because you wanted to save it for special occasions. Today was definitely a special occasion, so you spritzed a little on and sniffed delightfully at the wonderful aroma. Frodo enters your bedroom and sees you looking in the mirror. Your hands are over your stomach. You close your eyes in contentment for a brief moment as he hugs you from behind, his hands on top of yours. "You smell wonderful." he says. "You're wearing that perfume I bought you." "Mmhm." you hum. He kisses your cheek. "You ready to go?" he asks. "In a minute." you say, not ready for this tender moment to end. "Alright." he says, smiling. He knows that you enjoy being wrapped in his arms, especially after the touch deprivation you had gone through. Frodo had been trying his absolute best to make up for his mistake of neglecting you and had made a vow to himself to never let it happen again. In the process, he too realized just how much he enjoyed both giving and receiving physical affection. "Alright, let's get going." you finally say. He slowly lets go of you and you both grab the stuff from the living room and you leave out the door. You head to your special place in the woods. Once you're there, Frodo spreads the blanket on the ground and puts the basket in the middle. You both out the plates, cups, and food on the blanket and get ready to eat. You both take a seat on the blanket and begin eating. "This was a wonderful idea, Frodo." you say in between bites of your food. You were stuffing your face a little. You hadn't eaten breakfast due to nausea, so you were famished. Frodo noticing, said, "Slow down!" and laughed at the sight of you. "I'm sorry." you say, blushing a little in embarrassment. "I must look ridiculous. I'm just so hungry." "You don't look ridiculous, I just think you should slow down." he says. "Just enjoy it." "Sorry." you say covering your mouth as you chew. "You never cease to amuse me." he says lightheartedly. "At least I'm not boring." you say after swallowing. "Not in the least." he says, raising his eyebrows. One of the many things you had always noticed and loved about Frodo was how expressive he was. You couldn't help but laugh at it sometimes. When you did, he'd ask what was so funny and you'd always tell him that it was because of his cute facial expressions. He was glad he was amusing to you. Wanting to make the conversation more interesting you ask, "What was the first thing you noticed about me?" "The first thing I noticed about you... well, I noticed how innocent and childlike you were... I mean that in the best way. I also soon noticed how observant you were. You took in everything around you. I also noticed later on what a good listener you were, the few times we had talked." you smile. "The first thing I noticed about you was a mixture of your eyes and your kindness. I saw such kindness in your eyes and I also heard it in your voice. Later on, I noticed your joviality. Every time I'd see you - even from a distance - you were having a great time. I saw such life in you." your face turned solemn. "I suppose that's the thing I had missed the most about you when you had changed - it seemed all of your happiness was gone. A part of you had left and I didn't know if it would ever return. I'm very glad it did." you said the last part as you took his hand and squeezed it slightly. "It wouldn't have without you." he stated humbly. "You were always my constant. You never gave up on me, even after I had hurt you." "Of course I didn't. I love you with all my heart. I'd do anything for you." you say lovingly. "I feel the same way about you." he says. After eating, you try to come up with some baby names. You write them down. After some of this, Frodo reads you some poetry as he leans up against a tree nearby, your head in his lap, listening intently. After a while, you're silent, just enjoying the sounds of nature. "Frodo," you say, breaking the silence. "Yes?" he says, looking down at you. "Can you promise me something?" you ask. "Yes, anything." he says lovingly, running his fingers through your hair gently. "Can you promise me that if something happens to me, you'll try to find another to care for you?" you ask. Not expecting your request to be of that nature, his eyes widen. "Y/N, are you alright?" he asks, slightly concerned. "Yes, I've just been thinking." you say. "I don't want you to be alone for the rest of your life if I should-should..." you couldn't seem to finish your sentence. "Sweetheart, I do not wish to think of such things... or for you to either." he says. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin our picnic." you say, feeling bad. You get up and sit next to him. "Look at me." he says, looking into your eyes. You look at him. "You didn't ruin anything. I just don't believe there's a reason to think of such things. And if I'm honest, I don't believe I'd find anyone else. You're the only one for me." He cups your cheek in his hand and leans in and kisses you.

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