The Kiss

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Frodo was up in his bedroom, sitting on his bed and looking out the window. So many thoughts raced through his head. He thought about what had happened and wondered when you'd be ready to talk about it. He didn't know how you felt or what you were thinking or what would happen next. He was afraid that he had driven you away. He hadn't realized his feelings for you until recently, but he'd stayed quiet about it. He had suspicions that you had feelings for him too, but he wasn't quite sure. However, he was very sure now more than ever that he had been wrong this whole time concerning your feelings, or rather the lack thereof. He felt bad and he didn't know what to do. Meanwhile, you were at your house also thinking about what had happened and why you had reacted the way you did. It seemed all too sudden, all too overwhelming, but you certainly had feelings for him. There was no doubt in your mind about that, but you were sure you had driven Frodo away by rejecting his forwardness. You were confused as to why it had bothered you, you had feelings for him after all. Any girl would have gladly accepted any kind of romantic interest from Frodo, for you were not the only one who found him attractive. Although, you were the closest to him than all of the other girls. He paid no mind to them, but he certainly wasn't rude toward them. If they were to approach him, (which was rare) he would be his normal kind and friendly self. The way the two of you met was an amusing story. You had run into him accidentally, a little clumsy you were. You had been picking flowers in the field and were in a hurry to get home. He was gracious to help you up and ask if you were alright. When he had reached his hand out to you to help you up, you noticed his beautiful, big blue eyes that shown in the sunlight. There was a certain kindness in his eyes and in his voice. Right then and there was the moment you fell in love with him. You reminisced of that day and all of your moments together after that. You didn't see each other for the rest of the day, but you kept thinking you heard a knock on the door and thinking it was Frodo. You were afraid to face him and tell him how you felt, especially since you didn't really know how exactly you felt. You just needed time, and so did he. But you didn't know how much time it would be. You tried avoiding him all of the next morning. He would look at you and try to smile, but deep down you could tell he wasn't happy. That made your guilt all the more worse, which made you even more afraid to face him. You knew you couldn't go on like this forever, but you hoped Frodo would be understanding. Although he was hurt, even more than that, he was worried about you. Days went by, and still no contact between the two of you. One day, Frodo had an idea. While Bilbo was napping in his chair in another room, Frodo sneakily walked over to his uncle's desk and sat down in the chair in front of it. He picked up a blank piece of paper and set it in front of him. He slowly grabbed the quill pen that sat in a small bottle of black ink and began to write something. Once he was done, he examined his work, making sure there were no smears or grammatical errors or misspellings. The letter read, "Dear y/n, I don't know what exactly happened between us, but I take full responsibility for it. Though unintentional, I know it affected you in a way that I never imagined it would. I've been trying to be understanding and respectful of your request of distance for the time being and I will continue to be for as long as you need. Whenever you're ready, I'm here to listen to whatever it is you have to say. I won't pretend to know what you're feeling because I honestly don't know in the slightest. The truth is, I'm worried about you. Take all the time you need and know that I'm here for you no matter what. Love, Frodo" Satisfied with the letter he had written, he folded it up and slid it into a white envelope and sealed it with wax. On the other side, he wrote your name. He checked to see if his uncle was still asleep. He tossed and turned his head, but he was still sound asleep. Frodo snuck out the door and closed it as quietly as he could. He walked over to your mailbox, hoping no one was watching him. He slipped the letter in and walked on back home. He quietly entered and closed the door behind him. Bilbo was still asleep. Frodo figured it was nearly time for luncheon, so we woke him up. "Uncle," he said softly. "you don't want to miss luncheon, do you?" "Wha huh?!" Bilbo said with a startle. "Good gracious, boy! You want to give your old uncle a heart attack?" "Sorry uncle, but you know how you get when you miss a meal." Frodo said with a little laugh, his tooth-gap showing. "Well, why don't you help up this poor old man from his chair and to the table." Bilbo said, still a little annoyed at Frodo for interrupting his sleep. Frodo did as he requested and they ate. After the meal and cleanup, Frodo took a seat and looked concerned. "Uncle," he said, "People have begun to wonder about you." "Whatever about?" his uncle replied, genuinely confused. "You seem odd lately... more than usual. Even... unsociable." Frodo said evenly. "Bah, they don't know what they're talking about!" Bilbo said, hoping Frodo was convinced. He wasn't buying it at all, but he knew he needed to let it rest, at least for now. "Why don't we go for a walk?" Frodo suggested cheerfully, changing the subject. He wanted to clear his head. "No, no... I think I'll stay here, thank you." Bilbo said. "But by all means, my lad, go!" Frodo went outside and off to the woods to you and his special place where you and him spent the afternoon just a few days earlier. When he arrived at the tree, he saw you sitting at the base of it, holding the letter he had written you. He wanted to leave for fear that you'd think he was spying on you, but it was too late. "Frodo?" you said looking up and seeing him. He panicked. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here. I can leave." he said. He turned and started to walk the other way. "No... wait..." you say, standing up. He turned around to face you. "We need to talk." Frodo was still nervous. "Honestly y/n, I didn't know you were here. I should go." he said. "I believe you." you say calmly, hoping he'd notice your tone of voice and not feel threatened. Frodo just stood there. You slowly walked over to him. You looked into his eyes and slowly the fear faded from them. "I wanted to apologize-" he started, but you cut him off by putting your finger to his lips. "Please... just listen..." you say calmly. "Firstly, I'm the one who needs to apologize..." Frodo was confused since he never blamed you at all, not for one minute. "I don't underst-" you cut him off once more with a, "Please Frodo, allow me a chance to speak." You say, a little more firmly. He said nothing, only communicated with his eyes to go ahead. "As I said, I'm the one who needs to apologize. I know I hurt you." Frodo looked down, confirming the hurt you knew he had been feeling. "I'm sorry for that." He looked back up, ready to hear everything else you had to say, no matter what it was. He thought you would break the news that you didn't share his feelings. "I can't say why exactly I reacted the way I did since I don't understand it myself, but I want you to know that you did nothing wrong." Frodo's eyes softened at your words. It made him feel a little better to hear you say that, but it didn't completely change his guilt over it. "The truth is, I would've loved to have accepted your affection..." Frodo looked down again, preparing to be crushed. "I just... wasn't ready. I was... overwhelmed." you said, trying to help him understand. He looked back up, his eyebrows showing confusion. "If you'd like to say something now, you can." you say assuringly. "I'm not sure I understand." he said. "Alright. What exactly do you not understand?" you ask. "What do you mean you weren't ready and that you were overwhelmed?" "You really don't know?" you say, looking deeply into his eyes. "You mean..." he started. "You mean... you have feelings for me?" "Yes." you say, not taking your eyes off of his. "I had my suspicions, but after what happened, I thought that maybe..." he started. "That maybe I didn't share your feelings after all?" you ask, knowing full well that was what he was going to say. "Yes." he said evenly. He inched closer. "Is this alright?" he asked politely. "Yes." you reply with a smile. He smiled too, and gently grabbed both of your hands. You stare into each other's eyes for a moment. He looks down at his lips then back up at your eyes, as if to ask permission to kiss you. He slowly looks down at your lips and inches even closer. He hesitates, then softly presses his lips to yours. You both close your eyes, for the two of you are experiencing an overwhelming feeling of fireworks going off inside and you wanted to savor every moment of it. After a few seconds, he breaks away from the kiss and you both open your eyes. A huge smile sweeps across your face. He seemed to have read your mind, for he leaned in to kiss you again. This time, he placed his hands around your waist and pulled you closer. Your hands went around his neck and you let your fingers get tangled up in his soft curls. You both had no perception of time, but when he broke away from the kiss, both of you were out of breath and panting for air. With his hands still around your waist and your arms still around his neck, he pressed his forehead to yours. Both of you were still breathing heavily as you stared into each other's eyes, smiling. "I think I'm in love with you." he admits in a daze, still breathing hard. (His words gave you butterflies.) "Oh Frodo..." you say before putting your hands on his face and quickly planting a quick kiss on his lips. "I fell in love with you the day we met, Frodo Baggins." you say lovingly, your hands still on his face. He smiles and goes in to kiss you again, but he's interrupted by the sound of a stick cracking.

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