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 Tsuki's POV

I look at the teacup in front of me remembering what Hinako and Chizuru were asking me. My heart was beating so fast, and I was scared that the others came with them. They reassured me that no; it was just them.

"Why did you move Tsuki?" I looked at Hinako who was holding a cup of warm tea in her hands. Chizuru looks at the pastries on her plate; several macaroons and some mini fruit cakes.

"I-I.. don't really want to answer that." I see the hurt in Hinako's eyes while Chizuru nods.

"Is it because of Mion? Look, I don't really like her and the way she is with Beni. Honestly," I feel myself starting to leave my body. I really wanted to leave when they mentioned Beni; my heart was starting to hurt. I feel a finger wipe the bottom of my eyes; only to see Chizuru close to my face. Hinako looked hurt and kept apologizing to me. I didn't really care anymore for the reason that she couldn't do anything anymore. Benibara, Mion and Sakura are for the past; it doesn't matter to me.

"Sorry to pry but.. What really happened between you guys?" I see Chizuru and Hinako; maybe it's time for them to know.

"I-I liked Mion; remember that." They nod and wait for me to continue.

"Mion and I were best friends when I came to Lobelia. I treated her like a friend; that's when I met you all. She started to act even nicer to me till I realized what happened. Benibara and Sakura were acting weird towards me, and Beni's club was starting to be mean to me. You guys treated me normal; so I didn't think anything of it. I didn't know; and finally Mion was being mean and I couldn't t-take it.. I-I le-" I feel tears pour out. My vision was getting blurry and I felt a warm embrace.

I look at the necklace Mion gave me. Tears spill and I feel my heart break. My beautiful star; it was a lie and I played into it. It hurts me but what can I do? Benibara and Sakura looked happy with Mion; and it's all in the past. I went into the kitchen and started to make some desserts to calm myself. There was a knock at the door and I saw Haruhi alongside the club members.

"Hi Tsu-chan." I smile and continue to make my cookies. I notice her getting the hot water for tea. I feel her warm embrace, and she wipes my tears.

"Hey you okay?" I nod and she wants to ask but she doesn't push it. I looked at the s'more cookie, and took it out. I added a dash of sea salt, and felt eyes on my body. I turned around to see Honey looking.

"Oh, sorry Honey; do you want one?" He looks at me, and hugs me. I cry softly, and he sways with me. All the sadness I contained; left my body as he held me. He soon leans into my ear, making me shiver.

"It's okay; let it out..So pretty; you're so pretty and strong." He wipes my tears, and I let go of him. I show him the cookies, and he helps me bring them to the table. I noticed the gazes from the other members but I did my best to avoid it. Soon I was able to eat and enjoy the tea the twins brought. I grab a cookie; taking a bite of it. In front of me was the strawberry from Haruhi's  piece of cake. She smiled and fed me the strawberry with a piece of cookie in my mouth. I hum at the balance of sweet and sour strawberry with gooey cookie.

I see Haruhi open her mouth and I offer a piece of the cookie. She eats a piece, and I cling to her as the other members talk. From the corner of my eye, I see Tamaki staring at Haruhi alongside Hikaru. I continue to eat my cookie in peace; smiling. My eyes meet Honey's eyes and he smiles. I wish I can go back to the past.. maybe I would have changed my mind on going to Lobelia and go to Ouran; maybe I wouldn't have as many scars on me.

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