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Author's POV

Deep in Lobelia, the girls were getting ready. Benibara notices Hinako and Chizuru clinging to each other, happily babbling. It was the first time the pair were happy after she had left them. Her emerald green eyes glared at their joy but didn't utter a word. She instead finished getting ready and waited for them. There was a knock at the door, and she opened it to see Sakura and Mion.

"Where are you going?"

"Ouran, the horrid school, can you believe it? I would rather die than go to perform there. But maybe I could help some of the girls open their eyes." The girls giggled and Hinako silently mocked Mion's laugh while Chizuru smacked her arm but was mentally snickering. Mion rolls her eyes but continues to make conversation with Benibara and Sakura. They all walk to the limo, with Sakura and Mion waving bye. Hinako and Chizuru were still talking and Beni, annoyed, cleared her throat.

"What is making you two so happy?" The other two looked at her, and were deciding to say something.

"Oh we just are excited to show those moronic Ouran boys that we are much better performers than they are." Beni nods; not believing their reasoning but doesn't mention it. The drive was silent and they arrived in front of Ouran Highschool. On the other side; Haruhi was walking to the store in search of instant coffee. Tsuki was happily getting ready due to the theme. Before; she wasn't so keen on dressing up but once the twins found something; she put it on to please them. She was currently getting her hair curled, and having her makeup done. Once it was done; the twins were trying to convince her to be a princess while she was trying to be a knight.

"Tsuki, c'mon but the dress would fit you better than the knight amour." She was tapping her foot in annoyance, and they couldn't help but think of her as an angry bunny.

"But I need to look cool!" Honey then brought the dress to her, and looked at her with a soft and sweet gaze.

"But Tsuki, you'll look so pretty with a dress! The amour is kind of itchy anyway.." She huffs but grabs the dress and runs to the closet dressing room. The twins look at him in awe.

"How did you convince her?"

"Oh I was honest to her! She'll look really pretty with the dress on." She feels her face get hot but got dressed up. Once everyone was done, they all went to the front and the rose petals flew in the air. Haruhi walks in and smiles toward Tsuki and spins her around. Their laughter fills the air, and the door opens. In walks Hinako and Chizuru; staring at Tsuki. The girls run to each other hugging each other.

"Wait, how did you guys get here by yourselves?" They tell her how they're performing and give Beni an excuse to be able to see her. The host club watches her light up and fawn over them. Honey feels something inside of him getting annoyed; not uttering a word, only Mori noticing.

"Who are they?" She saw Haruhi stare at them, and smiled sheepishly. Though she mentioned them to her family; they were never formally introduced.

"Haruhi, this is Hinako and Chizuru, old friends from Lobelia." The Host club members gasp, Tsuki was from Lobelia?

"You're from Lobelia?" They ask in unison, and Kyoya makes a quick note in his notebook. She nods and the pair glare at the boys.

"Are you boys from the frivolous host club?" They nod and Tamaki goes into his speech of being a beautiful work of art that should be displayed. They roll their eyes but turn to Tsuki in the middle of speech.

"Is he always like this?" Tsuki turns to them with a raised eyebrow.

"You're weirded out by this? Doesn't Benibara act like this?" They think for a second but nod. Tsuki sits them down, and goes to the kitchen. She noticed the cakes she brought, and decided to share one of them. She cuts three slices, and prepares instant coffee for them. The twins decide to eavesdrop on their conversation; alongside some of the other host club members.

"How is Ouran treating you?" She smiles and tells them all about the cool adventures she's been on with the host club. The others watch how she talks about and softly breaks down into tears.

"I'm j-just so happy that I can still see you guys," They nod, remembering what she had told them. They hug her as she hugs them back. The host club looks at Haruhi who had her fists clenched. She remembers her sister in the hospital; in pain and tries to calm down. Tsuki wipes her tears, and continues to talk of them. Hinako notices the slight glimmer in her eyes when she mentions Honey but doesn't say a word.

Chizuru eats a bit of her cake and hums at the sweet taste. She notices the raspberries and gives them to her. Tsuki happily ate each of the raspberries, and Hinako grabs a bunny apple on her fork. She scoots closer to Tsuki, and waves it close to her mouth. She happily eats the apple piece; playing with Hinako's left hand. Tsuki was holding onto both girls and kept playing with their hands. Tsuki was asking them if they were enjoying their time at Lobelia, and funny stories were spoken.

Their laughter fills the room, till Tsuki checks the time. The trio got up, cleaned their dishes and walked to the door.

"I'll walk you guys to where you need to be; I'm sure Benibara is waiting for you guys." She insisted, while they looked hesitant. But there was no objection so they walked down the hallway. The trio were quiet and gently talking to each other. They asked where the ladies room was and left Tsuki by herself. She hadn't felt that much peace in a long time and was glad to catch up with her two friends. She got a bit bored and decided to walk around a bit. She soon collided with someone, and turned to see the one person she dreaded to see.

"T-Tsuki is that you?" Soft tears filled her eyes, as she stared at her; Benibara. 

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