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It took like a hundred if not thousands of years before they accessed the human world(Again)

Pre-creation encantadia was once connected to the human realm, it's the 5 Bathalas who separated encantadia from the human realm

Pre-kingdom Lireo was a colony of Etheria, they're farmers

before the formation of the Kingdom of Sapiro, the Sapirian were traders and miners

Etheria was an Empire with various colonies, one is Lireo that is now a kingdom

Pre-kingdom Hathoria were consisted of tribes and blacksmiths who created weapons, they're also under the Etherian rule just like Lireo

when Avria gave king Bartimus the land that is now known as  Hathoria, she did not intended to grant them independence but due to rules of Etheria (they shall not given a land to rule out to others, or they shall grant those people independence) they have to

Etherians were religious, they will sacrifice fruits, meats, even bodies of their people to Ether

Pre-war encantadia doesn't know the concept of Jail, it was introduced to them when Ether and Arde betrayed Emre

Cassiopeia's reign was Lireo's golden era as it's when it reaches its peak

The concept of S3xual intercourse due to the difference between the reproductive system of Encantados and the humans

There were two worlds next to Encantadia, human world and an unknown world they have no idea about

Before removing all contacts from the human realm, both Encantados and bathalas used to trade with the Homo neanderthalensis

Encantadia was an isolated realm

With everything that happened, the human realm and Encantadia once again have a communication with the four kingdoms  being the only non human government to have granted a membership to the UN

Lira built a school in each kingdom that taught them language, history and arithmetic

Adamya is the trading center for the two worlds

ENCANTADIA SHORT STORIES; Collections and Headcanons Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon