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Author's POV

Benibara gasps, seeing her, her angel; her flower.. Her bunny. Beautiful pastel blue eyes that glow in the sunlight. Her long straight raven hair that she would play with for hours. Rosy cheeks that resemble delicate jewels; those soft pink lips that would make a rose tremble in jealousy. Tears fell from her delicate eyes; Benibara starts to run towards her but stops. She feels anger rise in her heart. Bitterness fills her mouth and all sweet memories are stained.

Tsuki looks at the change in her eyes and it all rushes back to her. She watches her eyes glare at her, and watches her get closer.

"What's the matter bunny, cat got your tongue?" Benibara venomously spits out. Her sweet voice would comfort a distraught Tsuki but instead it felt like poison. She feels her hands grip onto her shoulders.

"This is where you've been? Like the f*(king coward that you are, you decide to hide away instead of facing your mistakes!" Tsuki stays quiet and lets Benibara let her rage out. She swallowed whatever pride and dignity she had and took it. She knew that Benibara was angry on someone else's behalf. Benibara is a loyal person, someone who would stand by your side. She didn't blame her for taking Mion's side. After all she was once on the same side; believing Mion too.

"Beni, please go back.. I-I just want to live the rest of my life in peace. I moved away to not cause Mion any pain of my existence." She gulps and watches Benibara scoff and shake her head.

"What peace, if it was you who ruined a life?" Before Tsuki could leave, Benibara forcely grabs Tsuki's hand. Her eyes widened in fear, and it pained Benibara's heart but she refused to listen to it. Tsuki was the person who hurt Mion, an innocent bystander; not the other way around.

"Beni let go of m-"

"Apologize then I'll see if you still deserve to live in peace.."

"I have already apologized to Mion, what more do you want me to do? I am sorry for hurting Mion, I won't ever hurt anyone like that. I do not want to cause any more trouble to you both. Please, Benibara; live the rest of your life in peace with Mion and Sakura.." Benibara watches the desperation in her eyes grow. No words were left, only anger. Benibara slaps Tsuki in her face; shocking them both. She feels another; but doesn't make a sound. No, she bites her lip and sees Benibara glaring at her. She sees Benibara's eyes burn with anger, and all those cruel memories come back. Footsteps could be heard and she heard yells.

She turns to see Hinako and Chizuru. They both see Tsuki's tears as she stands there. Chizuru tries to block them away from Benibara.

"Hinako, Chizuru, what's going on? Wait; were you both aware that Tsuki was here?" Hinako doesn't listen, checking on Tsuki; and it suddenly dawns on Benibara. They knew of her whereabouts and left her in the dark. She watches their eyes look away from her, and her heart hurts from the betrayal.

"H-How could you? Did my pain not mean anything to you two?" Tsuki sees the pain in her friend's eyes and fear overtakes her throat. But she didn't want to drag them into a mess of her doing, so she does what she does best. She hugs Chizuru and Hinako, and gets close to their ears.

"I want you both to leave, I can handle her.. She'll come back to you. I do not wish to drag you into this mess of my own doing." She whispers; the pair sees the seriousness in her eyes. They nod and walk away, not doing as she told and going back to the Music room to tell the other members. Benibara sees Tsuki; almost looking unrecognizable. Instead of warmth in those pale pastel blue eyes; all she can see is a pain that never left.

"They didn't know my whereabouts, Benibara. They wouldn't betray you like th-"

"Yes they did! Stop lying to me, Tsuki. Why must you lie to me? Do I look that idiotic to you?" Tsuki saw the hurt in her eyes. She grabs her hand and looks her in the eye.

"No you do not. Now; I shall be taking my leave; hope you live happily Beni.." Benibara's eyes widened, seeing the sweet smile on Tsuki's face. It hurts Benibara, and she pushes Tsuki to the ground. Her hands find her neck, and start to slowly pressure her neck. Tsuki with that soft smile on her face, places her hands on Benibara's face. Benibara eyes water, she stops, unable to find a reason to continue in her heart.

They hear yells and see the host club running. Haruhi pushes Benibara off of her, and looks at Tsuki.

"Tsuki, wake up!" She hugs her as tears escape from her eyes. Tsuki lays in her arms while Hinako and Chizuru look at Benibara, who sees the anger in Haruhi's eyes.

"I sometimes wonder what you thought my sister could have done to warrant this anger.. I hope you two visit again; it seems like Tsuki was really happy to see you." She glares at Benibara and walks away with her sister in her arms. They too walk away. Benibara walks behind them and waits for their ride. It was silent on the ride back, till Hinako broke it.

"What did she do to warrant such anger from you?" Before she could answer their question; tears spilled from Hinako's eyes.

"Well? What atrocity did sweet Tsuki commit to cause you to act like this?"

"I-I, Mion was hurt.." Benibara attempted to rebut.

"So you turn like that for Mion? Where was her evidence that Tsuki did all those horrible things?"

It was silent and the car arrived at Lobelia. Hinako slams the door, and sees Mion. Mion waves at her. She is met with Hinako trying to attack her while Chizuru holds her down. Hinako was dragged away as her wails echoed across the empty hallways. Mion turns to see Benibara who only glares at her, and she inwardly bites her lip. Benibara walks past her, and she runs to the Zuka club room. The door shuts and she bitterly cries out. She opens the locket to see Tsuki posing for the photo with a bright smile on her face. She is going to fix this, for her; her sweet bunny..

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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