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You're in your boy best friend's car, sitting in the passenger seat. You begin to feel bored until you notice his hands. His veiny and big hands, wrapped around the steering wheel.

You look up to his face, seeing him being concentrated on the road.

You always found him attractive but in the past weeks even more. You can't resist and look at his hand again. God what they could do to you...

"You good?" He says suddenly so you quickly look at him only to see him smirking.

"Mhm" you nod.

He then puts his one hand away from the steering wheel and lays it on your thigh, giving it a little squeeze which causes you to gasp quietly.

"Still good?" He asks, smirking even more.

You don't answer, needing to calm down first. He doesn't let you though, his hand slowly slides up further, making you hold your breath.

"Don't ignore me" he demands.

"Yes I'm good" you finally answer to his question.

"Good" he smirks again and puts his hand away from your thigh...what a teaser.

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