|| LXV ||

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You just had a fight with your boyfriend so you decided to get some air on the apartment roof.

It was cold and you forgot your jacket inside but you didn't want to see him so you just put up with it.

As you're staring at the city and the sunset you feel someone wrap a big jacket around you and hug you from behind.

Your boyfriend rests his head on your shoulder and hugs you, "I'm sorry baby" he mumbles into your shoulder.

"Mhmm" you hum looking straight ahead.

"You mean the world to me. I'm sorry I don't show it enough" he signs and spins you around to face him.

"How can I show you that you're my everything." He says looking into your eyes.

You just silently stare at him.

He stares into your eyes intensely until he slowly gets down on his knees in front of you.

"Please baby, I'm on my knees for you. Without you I'm nothing." He begs.

Oh. He's on his knees. Begging.

"Y/n let's go back inside and I will prove how much you mean to me" he says taking your hand and kissing it.

"Let me worship you the way you deserve" he says as he stands up and kisses you.

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