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You're in the bathroom trying on different dresses to show your boyfriend.

He was on the bed, patiently waiting.

When you were done, you excitedly walked out.

"What do you think?"

He slowly rubbed his jaw, observing the tight dress.


You spun around, giving him a full 360.

He loosened his tie a little, "Spin again?"

You laughed and spun around once more.

Your boyfriend lowered his head for a moment.

"God please help me..."

A long moment of silence passed.

When he raised his head again, he was grinning.

He raised two fingers and gestured for you to come closer to him.

You took a step forward.

He spread his legs a bit, "Come here."

You shyly remained still.

"Hey." He curled his finger, wanting you to come closer, "Don't be scared."

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