|| XLIII ||

80 2 0

You and your mafia husband were getting
ready to go to a party, hosted once a year by a powerful mafia man, friends with H/n.

You were getting ready in your huge walk in closet, in front of the mirror.

You didn't want to wear something too fancy, so you decided to wear a black satin dress, with a slit going down the thigh, and a bunch of diamond jewelry that your husband spoiled
you with.

As you were getting ready you see your husband leaning on the door frame, watching you get changed from through mirror.

"Do I look okay?"

"You look fine"

"Fine as in "finee" or just "fine"?" you ask, not pleased with his response.

He chuckled and walked closer to you, "You look more than gorgeous, my love". You smiled.

"Can you help me with my hair?" you asked with your hand holding yourhair up and a clip in your other, handing it to him.

He took the clip, but then set it back down on your vanity, and grabbed a handful of your hair and started bending you over...

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