|| LVIII ||

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You were on a school trip.

"Ok we had to rush the bookings so your with random people" your coordinator said.

He proceeded to walk around passing out notes and keys to students.

You slowly unfolded the peice of paper you received only to see the persons name you despised most, hin your enemy.

You sighed and turned around to walk to the elevator but crashed straight into a large chest.

"What's up roommate" your enemy said chuckling.

You rolled your eyes, walking around him to the elevator. You heard him jog behind you to keep up.

The elevator ride was quiet and you reached the seventh floor.

"Aw, our first home honey" hin said smirking.

"Oh, you're so funny H/n" you said sarcastically.

You pushed open the door and were met with a city view.

Wow" you ultered.

"Nice" tin said flatly, hands shoved in his pockets.

He explored the place, entering all the rooms.

"Only one bed" he said looking at you.

"Guess you're sleeping on the couch then" you responded and raced to the bedroom.

H/n followed you quickly and ran in behind you, tackling you onto the bed.

You took a deep breath trying to stop laughing.
You quickly shifted and you were now above him.

"I got here first" you said poking his chest, your eyes looking directly into one another's.

"You wish sweetheart" he said before rolling you back overand underneath him.

His arms caging you in.

"Let's get along for once and share..."

A/N: I know that a normal school wouldn't allow to put a boy and a girl in the same room, but again, this is just imagine scenario.

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