|| LXI ||

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You've been fake dating your rival for a few months, however you've never kissed him.

Suddenly your locker slams shut, you meet eyes with your brunette rival.

"What do you want?" you whisper so only he
can hear.

"Consent?" He asks.

You nod in confusion, "Consent for what?"

His hands go to your waist, pulling you closer to his body.

He leans by your ear, "For this," his mouth connects with yours, the whole world stops.

Butterflies invade your stomach, never wanting this moment to end.

He pulls away, looking flustered, heat rises up in your cheeks.

Looking around, everyone is staring at both of you, shocked.

Your gaze goes to your ex, then back at your rival, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Until next time," he whispers, placing a kiss on your cheek before walking away.

You were left speechless and wondering, did you really want this to be fake?

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