|| VIII ||

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You're in a bedroom with your enemy.

"There's only one bed." You said.

"You take it." He said.

You frowned at him, "Where will you sleep?"

He pointed at ground, "Here."

You hated him anyways, so you didn't care.

Hours later, you woke up in the middle of the night.

You were in an uncomfortable position so you wanted to turn, only to realise you were on the edge of the bed.

You gasped, expecting to fall off the bed but strong arm was immediately wrapped around your waist, pulling you back to the centre of the bed.

You already knew it was your enemy.....

There was so much tension.

You wanted to move, but at the same time, you felt protected in his arms.

So you just laid there.

The both of you wide awake, but not saying a word to each other...

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