|| XLVII ||

71 2 0

You and your boy best friend are getting ready for prom together since you two don't have dates.

You just put on your dress and now struggle with your necklace.

"H/n" you call his name.

"Yes?" He yells back from the other room.

"Please help me with my necklace" you answer.

"Coming" he says and you already hear his steps.
Where are yo- wow" he enters the bathroom and looks you up and down.

"You look unbelievable" he compliments you.

"Thank you" you smile.

"Where's the necklace?" He steps closer to you.

"Here" you give it to him.

He then walks behind you and grabs your hair and slides it off to the side so he has better access to your neck.

As he puts the necklace on he doesn't break the eye contact you two were holding through the mirror.

"The suit looks amazing on you by the way" you compliment him back.

"You think so?" He turns you around as he is finished with your necklace.

"Mhm" you look up to him.

"Y/n" he almost whispers after few seconds of you two silently admiring each other.

"Yes?" You say a bit confused.

"I can't keep just looking at you" he admits.

"What do you mean?" You furrow your brows.

"I need to touch you" and with that he presses his lips on yours, kissing you soft.

After some seconds you two break apart.

"I hoped you would do that today" you smile happy.

"I did too" he returns the smile.

"Let's go to prom" you take his hand.

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