|| VI ||

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You're going out with your boyfriend.

For the first time ever, he was taking his time.

Usually, he was ready before you.

But not tonight.

He finally came out of the bathroom.

You studied his outfit. Black pants, but that wasn't the main focus.

It was the tight, black shirt that made his muscles look... bigger.

He was also wearing a gold chain around his neck and cologne that could break necks if he walked past a group of people.

"Y/n," He simply said, "My eyes are up here."

You slowly raised your head and made eye contact with him.

You wondered if other women would look at him.

The thought alone made you extremely jealous.

He sensed what you were thinking and walked up to you.

"I'm yours," He said, reaching for your hands,
"Only, yours..."

He kissed your hands before placing them on his handsome face, "You hear me, baby?"

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