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You're lying on your boy best friend's bed with him.

"I'm cold, give me your hoodie." You whine.

"I hate you." He groans taking off his hoodie.

"You love me." You grin as you pull the hoodie over your head.

"You wish." He smirks lying back down.

"I don't have to wish when it's a reality." He just smiles shaking his head.

"I can never win, can i?" He asks, smiling.

"Nope." You smile.

He comes closer to you laying his head on your chest.

"What are you doing?" You ask softly as your fingers comb through his hair.

"I gave you my hoodie, now im cold." He whines, snuggling closer.

You giggle, draping the soft blanket over you two as he burries his face deeper into your chest, breathing in your scent.

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