|| XXXII ||

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You're at a party with your guy best friend.

He's off with his friends taking shots. You linger around as you watch a group of girls giggle over how hot he is.

You feel jealousy creep up on you. You walk past the giggling girls and sit on your best friend's lap.

The girls smiles fade away, as they stand there, devastation on their faces.

Your best friend pulls you into his chest. 

"Someone's jealous?" he asks, as he kisses your neck.

You shiver to the soft touch of his lips on your skin.

"Me? Jealous? Don't be so cocky" you say, still enjoying the kisses he's giving you.

He smirks, as he watches you stare down the girls like a hawk.

"Wanna make them jealous?" he whispers in your ear.

"Um. maybe that would be nice" you say innocently.

"Yeah, maybe that would be really nice" he says, voice softer than before, his lips touching your earlobe, while bringing one hand softly up to the side of your neck and the other tightening around your waist.

"Look at them, I think they are getting jealous" he says, but she can barely focus on his words.

While the girls leave the place, looking disappointed, and his hand on your waist starts to move down slowly while his lips on your neck say, " I think they got jealous enough that they left" and then he makes you face towards him in one move and picks you up looking straight into your eyes.

"Let's leave this place, maybe that would be nicer" he commands and smirks

You're looking flushed as he carries you to the car.

Just before opening the door he gets you on your feet and teases, "So, that went well, they were all so fumed. I could practically see them killing you with their gazes, but all right, let's get you home now."

You realized how cold the absence of his touch felt to your skin but as you got in the car you could swear you felt his gaze burning on your skin.

After settling in car you shifted in your seat to hide the goosebumps,  that still were there on your skin..

He knew all the signs to see you wanted him.

The cherry red that has crept on your cheeks, the goosebumps right there on your thighs, and it would be lie if he said he didn't want you, but not now, not here.

He didn't know if you feel the same way like he feels about you, but the way you got angry over those girls and sat on his lap, he couldn't have kept his hands to himself after that, right?

God, he even thanked those girls for the excuse to touch you.

He rested your hand on your thigh and your breathing turned shallow, just the reaction he needed to pull out.

"You are such an ass" you grumbled. He chuckled, and started moving a finger up your thigh and replied, "Am I now?"

You bit tour lip, not knowing how much he needed you to do that.

Needed, not wanted..

Just as you reached your house and were walking to your door, you tripped over air and he gripped you hard before you could fall and bit his cheek to contain his laugh.

"I didnt know i had this much effect on you, sweetheart." he said.

Oh, you were so fumed. You just wanted him to want you, but if he wanted to be an asshole then he may leave.

You started towards the door, ready to slam it shut on his stupid face and was almost successful, but before you could blink you were pinned to the door with him having both his arms around the either side of your head, your noses almost touching.

Goodness, you needed him to touch you.

And in that moment his sunset eyes were looking so deep, your spine shuddered as he ran his hand softly through your hair. 

Just as you leaned into his touch, he came so close to your earlobe, you could feel
his breath on your skin.

"There's something in your hair" he says, before pulling out something from your hair and flicking it off.

"Don't dream of me tonight, Y/n" he says smirking all the way while going back to his car.

"That was nice" you say, still breathing heavily.

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