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Oceanus, Odessia

Finally after days of traveling, Captain Caspian and the Royal Navy had made it back to Oceanus, the capital of Odessia. There the King Orion and Queen Felora awaited Caspian, along with many volunteers to aid the new Xernian refugees.

Miraculously, the young boy was still alive despite battling high fevers and still remaining unconscious. He would finally be able to receive the medical attention he needed to survive. On the other hand, Caspian questioned what would be of the young girl. She seemed truly alone now that she was in the big city, thousands of miles away from her home, dead parents, and the only person she knew was on the brink of death.

Ultimately the best decision was for the young girl to be sent to the orphanage. She would go to the hospital temporarily to be checked for illness and other injuries that weren't healed, but would go back to the orphanage shortly after. Despite splitting up from her brother, she would still be able to visit him in the hospital and hopefully he would regain his consciousness with Odessian medicine.

Caspian was to return back to the naval base and continue on with his duties. He would eventually go to the palace to visit King Orion and catch up on their journey, discussing what to do about the ongoing war. More troops needed to be placed and the last standing kingdom next to Odessia. The kingdom of Eloria was in desperate need of resources and military aid. Despite his lingering attachment and concern for the young girl, he knew he had no time to care for children as he was battling for peace.


Weeks went by and Caspian was now preparing for his next mission to Eloria, strategizing on how to bring troops and excess weapons to them without getting caught by the Zyrkonian army. Though Zyrkon had the strongest army compared to Odessia and Eloria, Odessia had the strongest navy due to their close location to the sea. Caspian had been promoted to Vice Admiral and there was a grand celebration for him and his heroic victory of saving people. However, he still felt empty and uncertain about his life. Caspian believed there was something more he needed, but he was still unsure.

Over the course of the week, he pondered about what he was missing and then was reminded of the two children he saved in Xernia. The following day, he canceled all his plans and decided to visit the hospital and orphanage. He arrived, not in his usual military attire, but something a bit more casual and was greeted by a nurse with a familiar face.

"Vice Admiral-"

"Lisa, you know you can just call me Caspian," he chuckled at the nurse. Caspian had known Lisa for years since their early years in academy. It had been a long time since Caspian last saw her as they naturally distanced when he'd gone to serve in the navy and Lisa to medical school.

"Well, Caspian," Lisa emphasized with her tone, "What brings you here? A check up? You almost never come. How many years has it been since we saw each other?"

"Has it really been 4 years?" he asked.

"Well, this is what war does," she said bittersweetly, "But I'm happy to see you're alive still."

"You as well," he paused, "Anyways, by any chance do you know of a young Xernian boy who'd been admitted? He can't be over 12 years-old. He was quite feverish when he arrived a few weeks back."

"Oh, patient number 59," she responded, flipping through the papers on her clipboard, "He actually regained consciousness a few days ago, but we're keeping him until the guardian from the orphanage comes."

"How is he?"

"His vitals are normal, but hasn't spoken much. When he first woke up he practically jolted from the bed screaming and then panicking. He seemed to be looking for someone, but no one can understand him because he doesn't even speak the regional Xernian dialect. Maybe we can ask one of the Xernian patients? But that poor boy. Those damn Zyrkonians... he must be so traumatized."

"Those children have gone through hell," Caspian exclaimed, feeling bitter and sorrowful.

"I can't even imagine the horrors they've gone through," her voice trailed off, "But if you want to see the boy he is in room 12."

"Thank you, Lisa," he gave her a small nod.

"Anytime. Welcome home, Caspian."

Caspian walked down the corridor and reached room 12 on the first floor. There was a small window panel on the wooden window as he peeked through. The boy was sitting up on the bed, bandages wrapped all along his head and arms as his face was towards the larger open window, curtains flowing from the wind. Caspian knocked on the door and opened it, the boy's head immediately turning, confused by the stranger.

Caspian's heart sank as he saw the boy's face. Bandages covering his right eye, wrapped around his head and arms, and a black and blue left eye. He was practically mummified.

"How're you doing, kid?" he asked the young boy approaching the bed. "Caspian," he exclaimed, pointing to himself, in case the boy didn't understand him, "I know you're probably scared and confused why you're in a land you don't even know, but I think I know who you're looking for."

The boy was silent, and looked up at Caspian, his eyes soulless.

"Your sister. I can take you to her."

There was silence until the boy unexpectedly spoke."Hayoung. Her name is Hayoung."

Caspian's eyes widened. "You can speak the Odessian dialect- wait the girl's name is Hayoung?" he exclaimed quickly, surprised by the boy's ability. Caspian stopped himself for a moment, collecting himself together. "What's your name?"

"My name is Heeseung."

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