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Though Prince Ni-ki and Hayoung were seemingly close, they were quite separate in the school setting. Ni-ki had a reputation to maintain as his royal identity was revealed to the world when he was 12 years old. Many crowded him and everyone in their grade above and below wanted to be friends with him. Despite his overwhelming popularity amongst both guys and girls, Ni-ki always made time for Hayoung whether it was after school or during. They would never mingle when they were with their friends only when they were alone. It was apparent that Ni-ki and Hayoung were exclusive, but neither thought anything more of their friendship.

Hayoung and Ni-ki felt as they were each others long lost twin. They had similar humor and enjoyed goofing off and running around in the palace together. She and Ni-ki bickered over trivial things just like real siblings would. Since they were young they were always the troublemakers, but it was simply Hayoung having a normal childhood again. For Ni-ki, Hayoung was the person to relieve his burden before having to take an active role as a royal family member.

During their lunch break, Ni-ki was always seen hanging around in the corridors by the academy garden with his friends, Sunoo and Jake. This time Hayoung was actively searching for Ni-ki as they made plans to go into town together after school. She was giddy, skipping down the halls, thinking about the pastries they would eat and the small, trivial trinkets they would buy.

"Ni-ki, I just don't get it," Sunoo, son of one of the lords from the Odessian Parliament exclaimed, "You're always hanging around Hayoung. What's your deal with her?"

Hayoung caught a glimpse of the three boys talking and stopped, hiding behind a large pillar.

"What do you mean?" Ni-ki questioned tilting his head.

"Well, it's just that she's Xernian," Jake, son of the Viscount of an Odessian town called Brisbanton, responded, "She's like an uncivilized person. You see what she's like during fourth period gym. She's like a wild animal. You've seen her take down the seniors in all of the sports events. And you see what all the Xernians are like begging on the streets for money and jobs. They should've never come here in the first place."

"It's not like that-" Ni-ki began to say.

"Do you have a crush on her or something?" Sunoo interrupted, joking.

Hayoung's eyes open widely.

"N-no. No," Ni-ki retorted, "Why would I even like a Xernian swine like her? It's just because my parents told me to be nice to her. That's all. I wouldn't even think about going near her in the first place. All Xernians are filthy low lifes."

Hayoung's heart dropped, as she began to step backwards, and then sprint away, her small heels clicking against the marble floors. Ni-ki saw her tall silhouette run in the distance, feeling his hands shake.

"Damnit, she heard everything," he thought in a panic.

Hayoung felt tears burn in her eyes, refusing them to escape. Her blood boiled and she wanted to beat the absolute living shit out of Ni-ki, but she knew better than causing a scene and violently touching a member of the royal family. That day she cut the rest of her classes and spent the day roaming around town. Before she knew it, it was sunset, but she didn't want to go home.

Behind the favorite bakery she and Ni-ki would always go to, there was a small water fountain. Hayoung sat there alone for hours, thinking about the harsh words she heard Ni-ki say about. She heard rapid footsteps hit the cobblestone floor and looked up to see Ni-ki huffing and puffing.

"H-Hayoung," he puffed, catching his breath, "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"I don't want to see you," Hayoung said coldly, standing up, beginning to walk away from him.

He was silent as he watched her walk away from him.

"Ni-ki, I'm not stupid," she snapped, "I already know what people say about me. Everyone in Odessia hates Xernians, but I never expected this from you. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You've not only insulted me, but also Heeseung, your sisters, and your mother."

She was standing in front of him, looming over him. At 5'8, Hayoung was the tallest girl in her grade, Ni-ki still being a solid 2 inches shorter than her.

"I obviously don't belong here," Hayoung whispered bitterly, her tears finally escaping, "For some reason, I thought you would understand me. Especially when Caspian and Heeseung didn't. I thought I meant more to you. You were supposed to be my best friend. I didn't care about your status or the shitty people you made friends with. Were you ashamed of me? Was I really just someone you became friends with because 'your parents forced you to?' I guess I was wrong about everything."

Ni-ki couldn't say anything as he watched her, for the very first time, cry in front of him. She was waiting for a response, but it seemed like he didn't get the message.

"Ni-ki, I'm done with this if all you see me as a 'Xernian swine.' This isn't the first time I've been called that, you know," she scoffed, "Don't bother coming to find me in school, and I will most definitely not come to the palace. I won't embarrass you anymore... as if our friendship meant that much to you."

Not even looking Hayoung in the eyes, he kept looking down, not knowing what to say.

"Are you not going to say anything? Defend yourself? Apologize even? Tell me you didn't mean what you said," Hayoung was in disbelief, "You're not going to even fight me on this?"

Ni-ki was clenching his teeth together, the words "I'm sorry" not being able to come out of his mouth. It wasn't hard at all, but his stubbornness refused to let him say anything to her.

"Aren't you an entitled piece of shit."

Hayoung raised her arm, Ni-ki shutting his eyes, preparing to be slapped. But instead she clenched her fist, arm falling in defeat. She turned away from him with her head down, eyes leaking with tears. She cried the whole walk back home, leaving Ni-ki speechless and uncertain of what to do.

As Hayoung opened the door she faced Caspian. Her eyes were swollen and red from all the crying, and felt weak and lifeless, stepping into the door.

"Hayoung, where on earth have you been? Do you know what time it is right now?" Caspian exclaimed sternly, "I got a letter from the academy and they said you weren't in any of your afternoon classes. What is going on?"

Hayoung began to sob at the door and crouched down on the floor. Caspian was alarmed, rushing over to her side.

"Hayoung, what happened?"

She continued to sob and wail in the arms of Caspian. "Papa, they all hate me. Because I'm a filthy low life Xernian. I'm just a Xernian swine to them. I don't belong here. I should've died all those years ago."

Caspian was first surprised and moved hearing Hayoung call him "papa" for the first time, but then realized her pain.

"Who said those words to you?" he asked, feeling anger arise.

For she would not answer him and refused to tell Caspian. All she wanted was to be loved and comforted and she knew she was never going to be truly loved by the Odessians. Even more so if it, was her best friend, who was half Xernian, saying it to her face.

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