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7 years later ---- year 844

More Xernian refugees were escaping and were seeking asylum in Odessia. The country was becoming overpopulated with these people. Many of the Odessians were rising with protests to stop letting the Xernian people enter the premises of the kingdom. No one even knew that these many Xernians were alive, as the majority of the population was killed off by the Zyrkonians. Fear of Odessia being a target of Zyrkon infiltrated the minds of many.

While political propaganda spread throughout the country, it was for Ni-ki and Isla's safety to not expose their ethnicity. Queen Felora in even more danger was forced to stay hidden from the scene. As Heeseung remained silent about his true identity, Hayoung was becoming more impatient and frustrated.

"Sir, why should I be afraid of my identity?" The 14 -year-old girl gritted through her teeth as she chowed through her dinner, "I am not doing anything wrong. It is not my fault I am Xernian. I am proud of who I am!"

"Hayoung, it's complicated. I am not asking you to be ashamed of your ethnicity," Caspian sighed, he had been having this argument every dinner with her, "It is the Odessian people that are bad. They are the ignorant ones."

"This is absolute bullshi-"

"Hayoung, language," Heeseung cut her off.

"Blasphemy," she rolled her eyes, her older brother was always keeping her in check. "And you, why are you so silent? Do you not care about the Xernian people?" she waved her chicken drumstick in Heeseung's direction.

Heeseung, now 18 years old, serving in the Odessian Navy like Caspian, face palmed. "Hayoung, just shut your yap and eat your damn dinner. Just for once, I want to eat dinner in peace. I am tired of your constant blabbering of the news. I understand your frustrated, but do Caspian and I have to be listening to your yapping every single fucking dinner? Hayoung, nothing is going to change. It's never going to change until the war ends. No one gives a fuck about Xernians in Odessia, your protesting about the injustice these people are facing is not going to work."

Hayoung clenched her fist and slammed the chicken drumstick on the table. "So much for language, if you can't even control yourself."

"And it's our people. You seem to be forgetting that these days. Your head is stuck in your ass, Heeseung!"

She stormed away from the dinner table, headed to her room, and furiously slammed the door, making sure Heeseung would hear.

"Damnnit," Heeseung grumbled, his hands over his head, "What am I doing? She's just a kid... and she's right."

Caspian took a deep breath and gave a reassuring pat on the back to Heeseung. How he didn't realize that parenting would still be this difficult.

"I'll talk to her."

Caspian walked up the stairs and knocked on the doors, holding her favorite treats.

"Go away, Heeseung," she shouted livid, "I could not care less if you're sorry."

"It's me."

She immediately unlocked the door and opened it, face to face with Caspian. She clenched her teeth as she tried her best to hold back tears.

"He just doesn't understand," she began to say as tears started escaping her eyes, wiping them profusely with her hand. Caspian hugged the girl, patting her head.

"I know, it's tough for you two. You guys are just taking it differently."

Caspian and Hayoung sat on the floor of her bedroom as she hugged her stuffed bunny, munching on the strawberry jam-filled butter cookies she loved. For she was just a girl who was passionate about her culture.

"Hayoung, Heeseung cares about his Xernian heritage, don't forget that. It's just with all the discrimination happening right now, it's not worth the risk. He just started his military service and wants to help all people. And you know how the military can be. I know you two have different views, but just cut him a little slack, okay?"

Hayoung took a deep breath and sighed, "Okay."

"Why don't you give an apology to Heeseung, hm? He will most definitely apologize too. You know that."

She grumbled a bit and rolled her head back onto the edge of her bed. "Fine."

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